Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, my wonderful students.
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Today, we're going to start with Lesson three in science
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lesson talks about energy transfer.
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We will start learning about the objectives the vocabulary and
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the Cabinet will capture.
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Now the objective of the lesson is we will be
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giving examples off energy being transferred from place to place,
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explaining that the heat flows from hot objects to cold
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objects, demonstrating that some materials are good.
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Conductors of Pete and others are not, I repeat objectives
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off the lessons are the following giving examples of energy
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being transferred from place to place, explaining that he'd flows
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from hot objects to cold ones, demonstrating that some materials
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are good conductors of heat and others or not the
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vocabulary in the cabinet.
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Will cavalry are the following The vocabulary words of the
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lesson is heat radiation light.
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Sound waves are repeat heat radiation might sound and weak.
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A cabinet recovery is generates.
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Let us get started with the lesson.
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Now, when we talk about hey, transfer energy transfer.
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What do you see in the following?
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Good job.
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We talk about energy that can be transferred through heat,
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sound, light electricity, energy that can be transferred through heat
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sound light at electricity heat, which you see in the
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next picture, which gives an example of what he truly
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is. He is a transfer of thermal energy from one
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object to another.
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He'd flows by conduction, convection or radiation.
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The hot coils off the toaster.
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Transfer his heed to the toast by radiation.
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What is radiation?
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Radiation is energy that travels as a week has shown
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as a picture for you.
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Okay, Now we need to know energy and particle motions.
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All matters, including your body, is made up of moving
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particles. These moving particles have kinetic energy.
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When you use it there, monitor which you can see
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over here, which is an example of the thermometer.
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A picture of a thermometer.
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When you use a thermometer to find the tepper temperature
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of a substance, you are finding average kinetic energy office
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particle, the energy that is carried away from the matter
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by radiation.
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Always remember that when he gets transferred to an object,
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the objects particles move faster.
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That is why the temperature of the object increases.
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When radiation carries energy from the sun to your skin,
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you feel usually hotter from the heat itself.
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The sun's radiation is making the particles off your skin
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move faster.
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Let us ask a question before we continue.
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What do you think that what do you think happens
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to the particles of matter off the object that is
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transferring from heat from one object to another and how
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effect at temperature?
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Take a minute to think.
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I will repeat the question again.
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What do you think happens to the particle of matter
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off the object that is transferring the heat to another
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object? And how will it affect edge temperature?
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Take a minute to think.
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Good job.
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It's particles will slow so its temperature will decrease so
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again it's particles will slow.
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So it's the temperature with always decrease.
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Always remember that any object any object moves around.
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Any object that is a source of flight has light
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energy. What is light light is a form of energy
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that we can see usually when you go inside the
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room and it's too dark in order for you to
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see using like you turn on the lights, the some
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off the energy that is radiated to the earth from
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the sun can be given as light.
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The same kind of radiation is given off by other
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starts, which is why we can see them in dark
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skies. You can also see light produced when lightning struck
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strikes across the sky.
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Some animals, such as such as a jellyfish they produce
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or generate their own light.
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Many of these animals lived deeply down in the ocean,
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where the sun's energy does not reach.
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The light these animals produce are one example of natural
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source off life energy.
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So usually the light that you used in your house
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are not kind off are not the type of natural
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light, but the natural light that you use is usually
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the shot.
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And you have, as well other animals, such as a
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jellyfish that produces their own types off lights.
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Uh, scientists have developed ways to generate other sources of
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flight energy such as lightbulbs, flashlights and lasers.
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Let us ask another question.
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What are some forms of flight energy that you can
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identify? How do you use different forms off light energy
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every day?
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I repeat, what are some other forms of flight energy
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that you could identify?
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How do you use different forms of light energy every
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day? Take a minute to think.
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Okay, so We have some types of flights that are
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headlights on a car, which you usually turn on when
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it's a very dark and order for a question to
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Dr Property, you candlelight buyer.
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But through the flash from Firefly, now you use different
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forms of energy when you turn on a light in
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my room when you turn on a flashlight on your
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mobile phone or when you set the glowing numbers on
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a digital clock.
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Those are all different types of form the flights that
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you can just a brief review.
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Heat is always a transfer off thermal energy from one
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object to another.
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There are different heat flows, which is radiation conduction confection.
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We also talked about the type of the type of
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heat, which was radiation, which is the energy that transfers
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travels as a leave.
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And we also talked about how energy and particle motions
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move from from higher temperature if the particles are moving
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faster and we also talked about how heat is transferred
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from one object to another.
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Thank you for listening