Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi. My name is Christian Pan with and I'm a
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tutor. If I London this short video is to ensure
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you understand exactly why it's in your interest to complete
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your course exam after this video.
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I want you to really consider when the devil is
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when you're going to sit it because, you know it
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could make a massive difference to your past result.
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So, firstly, I want you to imagine you've just finished
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situation phase on these beauty.
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Start entering your mind as to whether or not you
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should be completed completing your course exam because the deadline's
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been said it's looming on.
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You're not sure what you should do, and your preference
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obviously is to.
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I need to start going back to my notes and
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really understand the technical knowledge.
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Stop what you're doing on Listen up for a second.
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I want to prove to you that it's a massive
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interest that you go ahead and do your course exam
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on to not miss what is a crucial opportunity.
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So why should you do it?
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This is the main reason it makes a massive difference
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to the chances of you passing your final exam.
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These results are from about 500 students completing our last
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set of exams.
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As you can see from here, it makes a huge
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difference as to whether you pass or it's not gonna
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pass. Attempt all of your courses, all of your exams
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not necessarily cause exam, but all exams.
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So that would be, let's, say, course examining the mock
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exams whether you decided to miss one if you decide
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to miss two or if you decided to knock a
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plea any off your own course exams, look at those
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pass rates and look how much of a difference it
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makes. It is really important.
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Now, Why does this make such a big difference?
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And why is it there could be such differences in
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these past rates?
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Well, let's explain for a few things.
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Firstly, when you sit a course exam, first thing you're
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going to do is you're gonna pick up new knowledge.
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Yes, really pick up new knowledge because although it is
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really difficult when you set a course exam to record
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and remember everything you've just learned, it's the second process.
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After you completed eggs after you tried to record information,
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when you then go and fill it back in with
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the debrief that really strengthen those memories.
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In fact, actually, the recording process itself, even though it's
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really difficult, a little bit, let's say, like training a
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muscle, it makes a massive difference to those existing memories
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that you have.
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So not only when you come to you sound will
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you sometimes improve your knowledge, because you'll go to, let's
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say solutions and it will strengthen stuff you've really got
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there. The second thing is ill, sometimes correct knowledge that
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you'd actually encoded wrong.
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Maybe you misunderstood it, and as a result, going through
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the solutions, you understand now how you should actually have
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applied it.
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I actually remembered a particular theory, model or formula.
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The third thing is, sometimes the answers provide you new
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brand new knowledge.
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Now, how does that happen?
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Well, of course, a number of our questions in the
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account Seaworld there quite often based on businesses in different
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industries, and not all of the course notes will cover
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every type of business in every type of industry.
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However, of course, learning by doing and looking at the
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application in different industries and different firms from the answer's
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quite often there is little gems little nuggets that just
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simply don't exist in anyone's course notes.
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So that is another great reason to do it.
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It will strengthen and widen your knowledge beyond what you
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probably have gathered gathered from your course notes.
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In fact, I could bet on it.
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The second thing, of course, is exam technique.
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Now this is quite often under played by students.
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They often believe that as long as they know everything
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off course, they'll be able to perform in the day.
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They will be absolutely fine.
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The reality is, a lot of the papers are hugely
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time pressured.
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This means that operationally you need to be very, very
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effective to get through these exams.
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Knowledge is a stepping stone.
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It's a really important one.
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You do need to have good not excellent but good
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knowledge. The next part, however, is then becoming really proficient
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in exactly how you're going to lay in.
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Communicate out your answers.
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So whether that's laying out performer in, let's say, double
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quick time, whether it's laying out of model or whether
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it is making sure that you can read and assimilate
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all the information that's been given, these are crucial skills
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that you can only do through practice, and if you
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leave into the exam, it can really make a massive
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difference to you.
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Be able to pass.
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The final thing, of course, is focus as a result
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of doing a course exam.
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Getting the feedback.
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This is a chance for you to then learn about
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what, actually or where.
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You have some deficiencies, so you can then change the
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way you can to approach the rest of your revision
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on preparation for your real exam.
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That again, it's just part of, let's say, the learning
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cycle, right?
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So you go put things into practice, you learn, you
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learn exactly what you're missing, A where you deficient so
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that you can then improve upon it and make yourself
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harder, stronger, faster for the real example.
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Are there any other benefits?
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Plenty. The other thing is, of course, the information that
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it gives us or as a result of getting your
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information in it doesn't matter whether it's good.
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Doesn't matter where it's bad.
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It allows us to benchmark you compare you to piers
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on. Most importantly, allow us to get in contact with
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you to offer you support if you need it.
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So again, if you have performed really, really poorly, we
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can certainly pick up the phone email.
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I get in contact with you and provide you the
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exact kind of say support or information that you need
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to ensure you on the right path to passing.
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The last thing, of course, here we can also think
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about is, of course, the feedback.
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Now that feedback we talked about earlier just as being
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part of the learning cycle, the most important thing about
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this is thinking of it as a diagnosis tool so
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wrong. Think of your like course exams as a hurdle
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that you have to kind of hit and pass.
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And if you don't, it'll be really embarrassing.
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And, you know, you just don't want to show that
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you're weak or anything like that.
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I think of it more like What if I don't
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do this?
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I'll never know what it is that I'm meant to
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be. Getting.
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Stronger, harder, faster, better at think of it as a
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diagnosis tool.
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Use it to then go and revisit on.
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Think about what else you need to improve upon.
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So in short, if that's the case and you really
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keen to then going to your closet.
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Damn! What should you actually be doing next to make
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sure that you're ready for this course exam?
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First thing is, obviously, listen to your tutor.
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They would have left you at the end, of course,
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probably with the list of homework on a list of
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actions for you to kind of go around.
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Do next.
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Definitely listen to them, follow their guidance on try and
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Do That.
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They were usually contain these steps that would usually complete
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all outstanding homework.
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And that's because sometimes you don't have time to cover
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absolutely everything in class.
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Or maybe you've covered the concept, but to really hammer
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it home.
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There's some specific questions as part of your homework to
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make sure that you've got, ah, wider, deeper understanding that
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isn't just, let's say one dimensional.
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The next thing within.
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Typically be get into the questions, of course, to since
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you tutor.
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But once you've exhausted that off course, start hitting question
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banks questions, you know, parts, papers, anything that you can
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get your hands on to.
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Then get some experience and that will help you look
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so pick up you.
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Let's say you like new knowledge, but also practice your
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exam technique as a result of that, Don't forget.
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The next thing is to then take that feedback, learn
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from your mistakes and then really focus on your weaknesses.
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So again, those questions will they do they allow you
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to recalibrate on?
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Really think about actually not just stuff.
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Oh, I'm familiar with that.
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Therefore, I should be okay with it, but actually can
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I Let's say demonstrate that can bring that knowledge back
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out. The feedback from these from these papers and from
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going through and debriefing solutions allows you to their focus
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properly. On your weakness is the last thing I want
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to give to you is just a really big message
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of good luck on go for it.
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Any questions?
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Make sure you reach out to your tutor.
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It's been lovely speaking today.
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Take care.