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Chapter 1
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  • 00:01 - 00:04

    Hello everyone. My name is Jeremy Middleton.

  • 00:04 - 00:06

    I'm currently the executive director of title

  • 00:06 - 00:08

    nine and community standards here at W.

  • 00:08 - 00:08


  • 00:08 - 00:10

    And I wanted to give you a quick rundown on how

  • 00:10 - 00:14

    to submit a title nine and or a bit report.

  • 00:14 - 00:17

    Okay so first you need to open your internet browser and you're gonna go to W.

  • 00:17 - 00:21

    T M U dot a D. U slash title nine.

  • 00:21 - 00:24

    Okay it's gonna bring you to the main town of nine page.

  • 00:24 - 00:27

    And from there you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna click on this link.

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    If you're on your phone you can scan this QR code But for

  • 00:30 - 00:32

    the sake of this training we're just going to click this link.

  • 00:32 - 00:35

    Okay um once this opens I highly suggest

  • 00:35 - 00:37

    that you bookmark this to your internet browser.

  • 00:37 - 00:42

    Every browser has a bookmarking tool so please do so that way you don't have

  • 00:42 - 00:44

    to you know search for it every time that you want to log in.

  • 00:45 - 00:50

    Okay so for starters this section the background information is very important.

  • 00:50 - 00:54

    I need your name because as a mandatory reporter I need to know who

  • 00:54 - 00:58

    is submitting the report to know that you are covered by your reporting structure

  • 00:58 - 01:01

    and then I need to know your email address.

  • 01:01 - 01:03

    These are the two most important if you want

  • 01:03 - 01:04

    to add your position and your phone number.

  • 01:04 - 01:07

    I believe that that's great and very important but the

  • 01:07 - 01:10

    mandatory stuff is your name and your email address.

  • 01:10 - 01:13

    Okay Some of the things that are required are the nature of this report.

  • 01:13 - 01:16

    And that would be the difference between title nine and bit.

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    If you click this drop down you see title nine bit

  • 01:19 - 01:22

    covers mental health student concern as well as threatening behavior.

  • 01:22 - 01:25

    So any of those three will be considered a bit report.

  • 01:25 - 01:28

    Um So just know which one you're choosing whenever you want to write it.

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    The urgency can be normal or critical.

  • 01:30 - 01:34

    It really just depends on the case and what you're looking to submit

  • 01:34 - 01:37

    this information right here is really based on what the

  • 01:37 - 01:39

    student or person who reported to you tells you.

  • 01:39 - 01:45

    Um So be as accurate as you possibly can. But we know that some things are flexible.

  • 01:45 - 01:48

    The involved parties is pretty much the student

  • 01:48 - 01:51

    and or the or faculty or staff member.

  • 01:51 - 01:53

    Um and here's what's most important about this section.

  • 01:53 - 01:58

    I need this person's name and or their I. D. Number

  • 01:58 - 02:00

    at minimum I need a name.

  • 02:00 - 02:02

    I need to know who I can contact in order

  • 02:02 - 02:05

    to offer resources or to initiate a title nine case.

  • 02:05 - 02:06

    So those two are the most important.

  • 02:06 - 02:11

    However please feel free to fulfill all of these boxes.

  • 02:11 - 02:14

    Um so that I have as much information as possible and if

  • 02:14 - 02:17

    there are multiple people you would just click at another party.

  • 02:18 - 02:19

    Uh Next is the narrative.

  • 02:19 - 02:23

    This is where you type all of the information that you received on such and such date.

  • 02:23 - 02:27

    A student told me dot dot dot okay this is super important

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    and this is what lets me know what is title nine.

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    What is bit and how I can help these parties

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    so be as descriptive and detailed in this as possible.

  • 02:35 - 02:39

    But please understand that. I know you only have so much information.

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    Just tell me all the information you do have.

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    Finally the supporting documentation.

  • 02:44 - 02:48

    If there's photos, videos or documents that you need to attach, please do.

  • 02:48 - 02:53

    So here please note that there can be up to five gigabytes, which is a lot of space.

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    However, the more you upload, the slower it's going to be to submit.

  • 02:56 - 03:03

    But what is important is this box email me a copy stays checked and you hit submit.

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    It's going to spin appear at the top. Let it spin until it's finished.

  • 03:07 - 03:12

    Don't don't click submit multiple times because that'll slow things down. Okay,

  • 03:12 - 03:13

    once you've submitted it,

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    I'll get an email that says report has come in and you will also get an email saying

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    that you have submitted a report and submitting report

  • 03:21 - 03:23

    is simply that if you have any questions,

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    please feel free to reach out to my office.

  • 03:25 - 03:33

    My number is 8066512389. Or you can email title nine at w t A M U dot e D UU