Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Steps and creating data teams.
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There are three phases in creating data teams.
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Phase one, prepare Phase to Inquire and Phase three Act.
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Step one in the prepare phases to organize for collaborative
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work and step two is to build assessment literacy.
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In the second phase, inquire step three, you want to
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create a data overview, Step four, you want to dig
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into student data and step five, you want to examine
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in strong in phase three, act, Step six, develop an
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action plan.
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Step seven, plan to assess progress in step eight, Act
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and assess at my school.
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I would develop three data teams consisting of one team,
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would be grades one in kindergarten teachers, plus two unified
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teachers. The next team would consist of grades two and
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3 teachers plus to unify arts teachers.
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And the third group would consist of grades four and
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5 teachers Again plus two unified arts teachers.
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In the first step where you have to organize for
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collaborative work with teams in place, will meet every thursday
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for collaborative work, will agree on a protocol to use
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to make the meetings more productive and we'll create a
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data inventory including both internal assessments, as well as external
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assessments. In the second step where we build assessment literacy,
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this is where our teachers get better at reading data
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and analyzing data during our biweekly meetings.
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We will review and choose several types of assessments to
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focus on based on the skills they're assessing, have productive
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discussions about the pros and cons of each chosen assessment
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will analyze charts and graphs to better understand the results
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of such set assessments.
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To make more educated inferences about student progress here, I
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have a data overview.
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This bar graph shows the star math assessment results of
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my third grade class.
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Of course I left names out for privacy And as
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you can see two students are above benchmark for or
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a benchmark and nine are below benchmark.
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three out of nine students are significantly below benchmark Over
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here. I have the percentages of those students, 13 are
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exceeding expectations, 27 of my students are meeting expectations And
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then a total of 60 are below benchmark.
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And again, this is an assessment.
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An external assessment, I would say it is a computer
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assessment and it is adaptive.
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Students take it by themselves and it's called a star
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Math assessment.
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Now, since I don't have access to the assessment results
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of the other third grade classes, I'm going to use
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my classroom data for this project, um and we can
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extrapolate, um and assume that the percentages would not be
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too far off for the other third grade classes.
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So in step forward, this is where we dig into
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student data.
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And so when I further analyze the students errors on
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their star math assessment, um I really wanted to find
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out what was keeping those six students those closest to
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the benchmark, the yellow bars from reaching benchmark scores.
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And when I analyzed the errors I noticed that they
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were struggling with addition, basic addition and subtraction as well
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as multiplication and division problems.
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So I identify this as our learner center problem.
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In step five teachers examine instruction, this is where we
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stop and we reflect on what we're doing and think
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about what's working and what's not working and what needs
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to be implemented.
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Teachers will be able to choose to record themselves or
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they may partner up with the teacher, they trust and
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record each other for a group observation sessions.
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Before each observation observation session, the teacher being observed will
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explain the objectives of the lesson and what the teacher
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hopes others will see.
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And followed by.
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That will be a debrief session which will allow for
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constructive criticism and collaboration.
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As teachers, we do not provide enough opportunities for students
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to practice math facts and as teachers we do not
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reinforce strategies taught to double check calculations such as estimation
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of addition and subtraction problems or using multiplication to double
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check division.
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As you can see the teacher reflection here.
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Um we came up with two statements as teachers statements
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which have found helped us to narrow down our plan
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of action.
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So in step six, this is where you start to
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develop an action plan and this is why collaborative work
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is so important because of more brains, the better the
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better, more ideas we have and here's some possible strategies
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to implement to tackle the problem of lack of number
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cents and math fact fluency.
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Some of the things I listed here are some of
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the things that we've brainstormed before in actual sessions at
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my school Collaborative sessions.
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So daily math fat games was one station with math
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facts and manipulative is to support those learners who need
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more concrete practice, review, multiplication and division strategies.
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Weekly do daily math talks and model estimation as a
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way to double check computation.
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For example, I know 324 plus 453 would be about
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300 I'm sorry, 800 because 300 would be rounded to
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324 would be rounded to 300 and 453 would be
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rounded to 500.
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So this is a quick little strategy that could help
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students double check their work and avoid unnecessary mistakes.
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So after some reflection in a list of possible strategies
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to implement, um decided to go with daily math talks.
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Um, and I do have a goal here that I
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worded to keep us the group focused.
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By the end of the school year, 70% of the
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students currently struggling to meet the benchmark on the star
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assessment will improve their math facts and number cents with
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daily math talks to meet the third grade benchmark.
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So as far as the daily math talks go, I
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have outlined here exactly what teachers will do and what
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students will do and what this should look like in
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the classroom.
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All teachers in Grade III will implement a five minute
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daily math talk before the core lesson.
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Math talk will include one of the followings addition problem
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could be two or three digit with two or more
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addicts, Subtraction with two or 3 digits, Multiplication up to
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the 12's facts and division up to two digits.
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Only students will share their strategies out loud of how
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they solve a problem and the teacher will model to
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describe strategy on the board so other students can follow.
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Students who don't have a strategy will gain one or
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more by participating in the daily math talk.
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Teacher will annotate math talk on chart paper so it
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can be hung in the classroom for student reference and
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it's always good to put the student's name next to
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the strategy shared as well.
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Now in step seven, this is where we assess progress.
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We need to check, stop and check to see if
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our strategy is working now to assess progress.
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Classroom teacher will administer a pre assessment that includes fact
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fluency questions that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.
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This is going to serve as a baseline test.
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We also want to progress monitor by administering the Star
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math assessment monthly.
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We also want to progress monitor by reviewing homework and
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daily classwork.
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And we'll also progress monitored by observing participation in daily
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math talks and towards the and we will administer the
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post assessment for launch Children.
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All comparison in here.
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Long progress we do and here I have on the
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bottom of the slide.
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My goal restated here.
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The last step step, aid acting and assessing is where
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teachers will pause and reflect on how this instructional strategy
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is being implemented.
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We want to check for consistency.
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We want to check to see if it's working.
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Do we want to continue with the strategy?
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So what I have outlined here are is a plan
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and it includes.
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Teachers will meet quarterly to discuss the efficacy of this
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strategy chosen the daily math talks.
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Teachers will review how the strategy is being implemented and
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check for consistency.
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Teachers will review progress and attempt to link the benefits
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to the chosen strategy or review other changes in instructional
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practice that could be improving learning and teachers will decide
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whether to continue with chosen strategy, which is the daily
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math talks next year and whether it should be implemented
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vertically specifically in second grade or grade school up.
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And in conclusion I have some important final thoughts and
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the success of data teams depends on both internal and
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external factors.
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Some are considered enabling and others are hindering factors.
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Below is a table outlining some factors to consider by
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schools as they develop or strive to improve data teams.
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Striking a balance between pressure and support is critical for
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the success of data teams.
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And in green, I have enabling factors listed and in
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red I also have hindering factors listed.
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Take a look at both lists.