Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi. My name is Madeline, and I will be presenting
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to you today over the topic.
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Can animals bring you happiness?
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The happiness Enjoy pets bring two people can be measured
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by so much more than just their smiles.
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We're just, like, more than the smiles on your faces
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and everything.
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And then here is a chart by American pet owners.
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Um, and it shows, um, how many people own just
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dogs. How many people don't own a pet all because
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you don't need a pet to be happy.
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It just it is like a, um I'll get into
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it later.
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It's just a way of bringing happiness to people that
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they might not realize that it brings him happiness.
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And then here's some others.
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Others is just, like basically anything else that is not
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a cat or dog.
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Um, that is listed here.
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So you got like, a fish parrot again.
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Keep a hamster, you name it.
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It could be he listed here and the others.
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And then there's the cat.
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Only people, and then the 14% that own both a
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cat and a dog.
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Okay, system statistics show that having animals in your life
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can help you lead a more happy and healthier way.
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And following onto this, I will give you some more
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of the statistics and show I tell you why they
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do bring you more happiness.
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And then later on, um, in another video because it
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won't let me have more than 15 sides.
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I will show you why you don't always need it
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Animal to be happy.
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But animals air known to help reduce stress and are
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used Teoh deal with medical conditions.
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Such a seizures and they help, like detect when someone's
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gonna have a seizure or if they're gonna have, like,
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an episode or something.
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Sometimes, um, animals will come and they will, like lay
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their head on your arm or something, and just like,
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indicate that someone is there in, like, physical touch and
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just will try to calm you down and prevent that.
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Um um basically taking them for walks, grooming them or
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even feeding them brings than happiness and brings you happiness
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and helps take away all of their stress from their
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worker Busy day.
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So, like if you're very stressed and you just want
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to get away and relax, you can take your dog
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for a walk you can pet them, you can just
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talk to them.
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In general, it's not like they're gonna tell your secrets.
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They can't really talk to other humans that could probably
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talk to other dogs.
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I don't really know, but it's not like they're gonna
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go blabbing and saying, Oh, a she and she did
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this and chase you do that.
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So there always someone you can talk Teoh in the
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happiness enjoys pet spring.
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Some people can be measured by so much more than
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a smile, like they become part of your family, like
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you love them so much that you literally bring them
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in and you feed them and they become one over
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your family.
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Like basically, they're your best friend, that your sibling, your
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everything, all put in one and they're just amazing.
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It said that pets remind you that you are not
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alone and always have someone like, especially in this pandemic.
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It is very hard to always know that you have
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someone because you're kind of isolated in your house, like
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I live in like the middle of nowhere.
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Like my town has a population 500 I live like
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10 miles out of town.
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So my nearest neighbor is over a mile away, and
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I have terrible, like WiFi in cell reception and instances
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is hard.
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And just having, like, a pet there, it just reminds
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you that you're not alone and that you could get
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through this and stuff.
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Okay, kids with positive attitudes towards pets have a lower
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depression, shores and stuff.
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So people that are more like loving towards animals, it
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is proven that they are, um, a less depressed.
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And they're like, just happier all around like this doesn't
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mean that if you like, love an animal, you're not
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gonna get depressed or anything cause like that can happen
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to it.
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Just XP proven that people who do like, have comfort
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and animals do have, like, more sense of happiness.
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And that is from the source philosophy today.
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And another quo, I found.
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And statistic was those who feel shy or self cautious
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about there like just creased abilities to do some of
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the life's daily like task and activities with the same
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ability they once had learnt about acceptance.
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Because the love of their pet is like unconditional.
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And I have found that from the Nursing Home Law
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Center So, like, yes, Um, nursing homes are especially in,
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like hospitals, like people.
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They're used to doing a bunch of task, but like
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when they're unable to do that, they feel like they
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can't do anything and like having a pet there till
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I comfort them.
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It does help wth, um, and it, like, helps take
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some of, like, the pain away.
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Like, not like physical pain.
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But it helps, like, take away their sadness because they,
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like, are able to I could just find, like, joy
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and love and like something else.
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And now I'm gonna be continuing on to another video
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because the President Lee lets me do, like, 15 slides
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and yeah.