Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello My AP students might elite once.
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This is Lena Abdullah, your I t teacher.
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I am the one who is going to facilitate on
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and help you with AP Computer Science E.
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This is one off the AP topics or a peak
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subjects and the school provide you with AP Computer Science
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A. It's a new course we are going to learn
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and study this year.
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Of course, it's one off the S a t A
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subject on.
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Do you need it for your high school equivalency?
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I'm sure you will do good on.
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We will have great grades this year with AP Computer
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Science. Of course, we have different units we are going
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to cover or we have different two skulls.
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We have different things we need to learn.
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We have projects there and we have defense resources.
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We will depend on with our AP Computer Science A.
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And of course, you are my most important resource.
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You are the great one who will study well this
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year. I would start with the first unit we will
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cover with AP Computer Science.
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This first unit, we will talk about it now.
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It's introductory Java language features with AP computer science won't
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work most of the year on Job Java.
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It's one off the programming language.
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It's of course it's international one.
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Some people they considered as number one language programming.
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We will discuss it in details, but in this unit
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we will support our global thinker, who you are.
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Our A few check broke down right to start there.
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For Jin with Java programming is catch.
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Java, considered as a high level programming language, will help
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our global thinker to explore and practice the algorithm analysis
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that a section and techniques methods off model programming.
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Specifically, of course, we have a history for Java language.
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We will discuss that later on to find out to
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They are the pillion people who they produce this language
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and to find out the advantage off using it and
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where we can use it.
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But with Java you will learn the program problem solving
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techniques you learnt a the how the logical thinking is
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very helpful, even not in school.
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In your daily life, we will get benefit a lot
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off the scores on.
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You will touch this while we are working on the
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AP computer science e what are mainly discuss we are
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going to covered with this unit a our juror Jr
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broke grammar will be able to implement the following.
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This is what you are going to implement with this
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unit who knew Java doc comments.
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We'll talk about the comments, how you should added to
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the program at the beginning just to describe the program.
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We will talk about the data types and and into
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fire in details, and we'll practice each one of them.
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We will list the logical operator types.
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Of course, you are familiar with the logical operator, but
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in computer, where the logical operator has a little bit
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difference than the in mouth, of course.
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But it has the same concept.
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We will discuss all of that.
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We will apply the surgical operator, and we will use
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the Contras.
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Sexual Mechanism will talk about different Contras sections like lube.
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Like if a statement, we will identify errors on expectations
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or so off course as program it while you are
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programming, you will get errors.
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We would learn how to solve these errors and how
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to work with it.
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Also, we will talk about the general objectives for this
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unit. We will learn how to differentiate between primitive on
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user defying time.
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We would recognize the different types off operator.
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Of course we talked about it.
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Now the logical operator, we would work with numbers.
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We will learn how to read the number and how
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to unt Enter the number How to fix numbers with
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the Java.
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We would just learn also how to store in Tages
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and floating points number we will use Jennifer is use
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the integer constant would create programs using the Contras section.
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We also will learn how to input on out But
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data using Java cooked all of these objectives we are
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going to cover with our first year We will talk
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about the primitive data and this unit in details We
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have the primitive data We have different times for it
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and we have none primitive data types Also we will
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talk about it in details.
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We will concentrate more on the primitive data types and
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we will work that we will learn how to program
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it how and how to use Java program A to
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code all off that of course we talk anteaters later
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on this adjust introduction for our unit You will get
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familiar with all of these details step by step later
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on. So don't worry, my brilliant programmer.
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You will be able to use all of that and
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you will be able to practice all of that at
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my students Computer programming.
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It's like math.
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You need to practice practicing, practicing, practicing more.
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You practice more.
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You will master the skills we are going to learn.
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We have course unit project in this unit A.
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We will learn or actually to be your time to
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show me your programming skills.
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You will use Java language to solve and execute solving
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questions. I will ask you to create a program to
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solve certain issues like adding numbers calculated values in Put
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out a print off data.
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You will get familiar with all that when you start
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learning the cording on the programming language Very well.
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So don't worry, guys.
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I am sure you will be create with it.
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Do sources here you will find a lot of resources
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related to the AP Computer Science.
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We have videos website to tone years, even for the
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A P.
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It's a four for lane learning java In your you
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see Bages, you I will always keep post Ah boasting
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and showing different resources.
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You can get benefit off, but I need to concentrate
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a little bit about the AP class room for you
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as a piece.
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Students, you will get on account with a B college
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sport. With this account, I will link you to my
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AP Computer Science A classroom where I'm going toe assigned
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different A resource, A's assignment, questions material.
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And you see that the system will help me to
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evaluate your assignment and to show your results and keep
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you in the right track with your AP computer Science
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A close I I'm sure we will do great this
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year. My dear programmer, by this this is an introduction
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for the first unit, which is introductory Java language features.
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As I mentioned before with this unit, you will start
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using Java program Java go code to start practicing the
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AM the court using Java language to execute on right
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different programs which will help us to solve certain problems
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Mighty the students.
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I wish we will have a great years together create
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here together.
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I'm sure you are my elite.
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I'm sure we will do good.
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Ah, I will be happy to teach you this year.
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Thank you for watching.
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Thank you for being attention, my dear