Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Congratulations. One Wish Grants is excited to invite you to
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present your project before the one wish grant selection.
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Panel presentations are the last step in the application process.
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The selection panel is the diverse body comprised of Chalk
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Leadership Foundation board members and other key internal and external
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experts that vote to determine funding decisions.
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Please follow along with this video to review our general
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guidelines for presentations and our recommendations to help you tell
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your story.
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What to prepare.
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There are two parts to your presentation, the verbal pitch
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and the visual PowerPoint deck.
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We will outline both components in the coming slides.
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The first component is your verbal pitch that is no
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longer than three minutes.
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The second component is your Power point presentation.
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Please use the one wished grants PowerPoint template that was
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provided to you.
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We recommend preparing 3 to 5 slides using imagery and
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keywords. Timing.
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Please note that you have three minutes for your presentation,
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followed by a three minute question and answer period from
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the panel.
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Presentations will run quickly and we will run on time.
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It is a tight time frame, and we highly recommend
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practicing with a script and a timer to become comfortable
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with a brief pitch window.
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Recommendations. We recommend that you developed a script or outline
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for your verbal pitch practice and tying yourself to ensure
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you stay within the three minute time frame.
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We encourage practicing your presentation in front of people to
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obtain feedback, keep side simple and use visuals used as
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few medical terms as possible.
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The selection panel comprises of both medical experts and non
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clinical professionals.
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Simplify medical terms and jargon so that your message is
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easily understood by all members of your audience and, lastly,
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forecast potential questions that may be asked of you by
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the selection panel.
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How to pitch your project in three minutes.
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The pitch presentation tells us what your project is about,
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why it is important and how it benefits the chalk
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community. Compelling presentations are concise.
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Tell a story and our visual.
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We recommend the following speaking points to help you develop
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your verbal pitch.
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Please note each speaking point does not equate to a
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PowerPoint slide and instead references the flow of your pitch
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aimed to answer each section in 10 to 30 seconds.
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This should add up to three minutes.
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Begin your pitch with a simple introduction.
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Introduce yourself what department you're with and your project name,
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followed by a catchy tagline to capture the interest of
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the audience.
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The tagline is a quick one liner summary or bold
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statement about your project.
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Keep it short and memorable continued by describing what problem
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you're trying to solve and who you are solving the
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problem for.
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Tell a relevant story that evokes emotion and helps the
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selection panel understand the issue.
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For instance, share a story about a patient who is
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affected by the problem you're trying to solve.
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Provide relevant figures and statistics that demonstrate it is a
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pressing problem that is important to the chalk community and
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that there is urgency behind the need for your project.
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Next, describe your solution to the problem and explain clearly
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how your project will work.
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Simplify your project into three steps.
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You do not have to cover everything.
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Just give your audience an idea of the main mechanics
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of what you will dio.
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Use visuals to demonstrate what your projects, product research or
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service will look like.
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Highlight why your project is unique and why your solution
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is the best.
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The panel wants to know who your project will help
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and how many people will be positively impacted.
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Be realistic and clear when describing the scope of your
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project. What are the greater outcomes of your project?
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Think about how this project contributes to talk as a
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whole, considering a broad macro view will help Panelists understand
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the full potential of your project.
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To conclude your verbal pitch, let the Panelists know what
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the next steps are.
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Be clear about the amount you're requesting and the milestones
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you expect to achieve with it.
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If you started your pitch with a story about a
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patient, use this opportunity to circle back to it by
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referencing the outcome and how this project could benefit the
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anecdote. Finish by thanking the selection panel Slide guidelines.
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Please create your slides in Microsoft PowerPoint Using the provided
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template as a reminder, we recommend brief to five slides
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for your presentation.
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Graphs and visuals help tell your story.
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Be sure to use high quality images and use keywords
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to highlight your points.
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Avoid long sentences and long text.
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Here is an example presentation using the One West Grants
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slide template, feel free to use imagery that best suits
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your project is helpful to share a relevant story When
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sharing the problem you are trying to solve.
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Stick to key words and phrases.
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Remember to state your outcomes and who you will serve
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using impactful words and remember to speak to the larger
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impact of your project and be quantitative.
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One possible if you have any questions or need to
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reach one wish Grants, please contact us by email at
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one Wish Grants at Choctaw or GE or by phone
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at 7145093518 Thank you for watching our one West Grants
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Presentation Guide Video.
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Please remember our guidelines and recommendations as you craft your
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pitch and presentation slides.
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Finally, we wish you well on this next step and
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look forward to hearing your presentations.