Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:04 - 00:10
Oh, my nine is Andrew Young?
- 00:11 - 00:12
Ah, Nde?
- 00:12 - 00:15
No, a lot of teachers Now this about in my
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classes My students I think I'm very funny.
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Not a sign.
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Why you're thinking No reason I've been asked to talk
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to you.
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Talk at you.
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Isn't it really about home learning and my approach to
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him? And I am good one aspect off this which
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is getting my students engaged.
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Mm. What I try and dio in all of my
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lessons is replicate as closely as possible.
- 00:56 - 01:00
What I do every day in the classroom now, e
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I mean, in many ways, this is not possible.
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A big part of my teaching is that beginning of
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the lesson, providing some sort stimulus.
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We'll have a really good think about it.
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We bounce ideas off each other, Uh, or the rest
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of it way can't do that.
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As far as I can see, the technology doesn't allow
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us to so calm.
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Replicate that.
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So what I try and do is the rest of
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it set task, get the kids to do it independently.
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And then I look at it.
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I look at everything they submit work.
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I look at everything on in that lesson.
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I'll provide criticism, feedback advice on dhe.
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They respond to it instantly to improve their work and
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then to resubmit on the whole cycle starts again.
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I'm gonna talk about that a little bit more detail
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in another three videos after this one.
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So I'm gonna pause this one in a minute.
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Just give you a little bite size things and hopefully
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you find musical.
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If at any point you want to ask me, questions
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will do so I kind