Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:02
Good morning.
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Good afternoon or good evening.
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Year five.
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Welcome to your English lesson.
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Which is gonna be on Determine is OK.
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We've done a lot in English about different word classes
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we know about now.
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NHS we know about adjectives we know about verbs.
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We know about adverbs Now we need to look at
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determinants eso first what we're going to do.
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Like I wonder who can tell me what a determiner
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is. Determiner.
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Tell a partner or tell me.
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Tell the screen.
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Say it now Pause the video.
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Tell me what a determiner is if you do not
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know, that's absolutely fine because I'm not sure if we've
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looked at them yet.
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Um, but they are like a core essential parts off
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English language on DSS speech on dhe how we construct
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sentences. The thing is, you probably use them on Don't
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even realize you're using.
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So first we need to look at determine us.
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The root word is determined, so determine what does determine
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me. Um, I couldn't determine what the weather would be
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like for tomorrow.
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Determine. So I looked up a a definition of determined
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on determined means to ascertain or establish exactly by research
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or calculation.
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You just heard that as drivel.
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Less. But an easy, easy version determined means to find
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out. I couldn't find out what the weather was would
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be like for tomorrow.
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I couldn't determine.
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Determine has another, uh, another definition.
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You can use it in a different way.
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His behavior will determine whether he gets more homework so
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that being used this causes that a determiner, um, is
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a word that can tell us more about something.
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It determines something eso like a adverb adds to a
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verb, like an adjective to a verb.
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It can tell us something about the Now, Um, it's
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determiner is very, very close to an adjective, but they're
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not the same thing.
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Determiner can tell us the quantity off something.
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So this type of determine is called a quantify WR.
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So, using the correct terminology, a quantify air.
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So a.
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For example, there were six crocodiles.
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Um, so a normal person would be like six is
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the adjective.
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Of course, it's actually a determinant because it's telling us
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how many, um, how many?
- 03:11 - 03:12
It's not describing.
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It's just it's determining how many crocodiles there are telling
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us the quantity, how many there were uh, there were
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some apples on my bed.
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Um, so it's telling you a vague number is still
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giving you a number in your head.
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It's not.
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One is telling you that there's not one, but there's
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a more same with There are several ideas in my
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head instead of just one or zero their arm or
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more than one.
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Um, there were a dozen off cars on the road.
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There we go.
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This helps you determine in your brain how maney cars
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you're thinking off in that example.
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So I quantify air even know.
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Look, I have no money.
- 04:00 - 04:04
No? Is being used is a determiner there to represent
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zero. So you're not thinking of a lot of money?
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You're not thinking of £1.
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You're thinking of absolutely no money s.
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Oh, that was a little example.
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I found for that one.
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So that's a quantified.
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If we keep going on, it could also tell Tell
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us what specific noun now I'm like I'm referring to.
- 04:30 - 04:35
So Okay, I just had to go research this, but
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I wantedto present you with some super duper university based
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knowledge. A specific now looks at die X iss so
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d e i e x I s on.
- 04:51 - 04:57
That's a terminology used to refer to when, um, you
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require the context to understand what it it is talking
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about. For example, if you just If I cover my
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camera, If I go, this is mine.
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Do you know what I'm talking about?
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If I say this is mine, do you know what
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object I'm talking about?
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No. So what we require is the context to explain
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what this is.
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So this is mine, this being my wallet on.
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But I'm using the possessive pronoun, possessive off object thrown
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out mind there.
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So demonstrated, demonstrative.
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God, I'm having, uh, a monster of a time with
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that with that word Tells you what specific now you're
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talking about.
- 05:58 - 06:00
So this is mine is talking about this.
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Uh, so another way of saying that with the context
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would be this wallet is mine.
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This being I did dumb, honest, demonstrative.
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Um, determine, uh, that that car is mine.
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So I could be pointing out there.
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That car.
- 06:20 - 06:24
So those keys Mr.
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Denison's eso They're all used to determine what specific now.
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So I would believe that you use these words thes
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words. You see these words.
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I'm talking about the words that I've just just highlighted.
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Um, using a demonstrative without realizing you use these words
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without actually realizing what what they're called or you just
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It's just natural.
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When we were growing up, those toddlers, we just use
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them. But now you know, these are, um, de minute
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demonstrative determinist.
- 07:00 - 07:06
Okay, then it also a determined, I can tell you,
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um uh, the possession.
- 07:12 - 07:15
So I had to do some more research on this
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because these are this one's really, really difficult because it's
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so close to a possessive pronoun.
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Um, So if I said our lunch, um, that would
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be a possessive, uh, possessive determiner.
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If I said that's ours, that's a possessive program, because
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I'm using it with the S on the end.
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So if it's the S on, the end is a
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pro. Now, if it's just using our lunch, So it's
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coming before the now remember sermon always comes before the
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noun like an adjective, and it tells you more about
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your keys.
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You m not your keys.
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Your keys?
- 08:09 - 08:12
Um, that's being used as a determinate to determine whose
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keys it.
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But they belong to, uh And if I said.
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That's yours.
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There we go.
- 08:19 - 08:21
We've got a possessive pronoun, very confusing.
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I know some of you have probably going home going.
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Oh, but remember, the golden rule is if it comes
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before the noun and it's telling us more about the
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noun, and it's not describing it, but it's determining it.
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It's a determiner if it's telling us a specific thing
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instead of just giving us a brief description so the
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smelly keys would be so.
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These are walkies is in a little pouch.
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The smell of keys would be an adjective cause smelly
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and keys.
- 08:59 - 09:02
The several keys would be a quantity.
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Determine a of the keys.
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If I said my keys, it's a determine a possessive
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thio determine e.
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I feel my brains overloading, so I'm guessing your brain
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is kind of overloading.
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We're gonna go onto one mawr determiner, and this one
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is easy peasy and uses a what time this one's
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called an article.
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The articles are there's only three words on article is
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a on We know how to use A and M
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A is when the word starts with a continent.
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If the word starts with a vowel, a IOU, we
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use um ah, nde V The difference between A and
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an over this side on dth E over this side
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is one is indefinite and the other is definitely so
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a and M if I say a tree or an
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apple, do I mean a specific apple there?
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Um, I I talking about a specific apple or could
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be any apple in the world or, uh, any tree
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in the world.
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So a A and an are indefinite articles because they're
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not talking about one specific one.
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They're talking about anything.
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We're just talking about a general tree, a tree, a
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a apple.
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I was terrible on apple.
- 10:41 - 10:42
There we go.
- 10:42 - 10:44
So a and an are indefinite.
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The is talking about a specific.
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It's using that word die.
- 10:52 - 11:01
Alexis The man, um, stood on the branch.
- 11:02 - 11:06
So we know we're talking about the specific man now
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on. We're talking about specific branch of a tree.
- 11:10 - 11:13
So I didn't say a man stood on a tree
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because that could be that that that could be true.
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But that could be any man in the world on
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any tree in the world.
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It's no, it's no locked in.
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It's not zoomed in.
- 11:25 - 11:25
It's not specific.
- 11:27 - 11:29
Okay, one more time.
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We're gonna actually just quickly go through all these.
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Just so we're, um quantifies quantity.
- 11:36 - 11:43
Quantify. A determiner tells us how many often object a
- 11:43 - 11:44
dem Honest daemon.
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Demonstrative. Come on, Mr Dennison.
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Demonstrative tells us what specific, um, object that they're referring
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to using the context.
- 11:59 - 12:03
So this pen, that pen using that when you're really
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on about a certain thing using quite a lot signaling,
- 12:10 - 12:15
then a possessive shows you who it belongs to, and
- 12:15 - 12:19
it always comes before the now remember, before the now.
- 12:21 - 12:25
Ah, Nde article tells you if it's a specific one
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or it's a completely random all.
- 12:28 - 12:33
Okay, we're gonna have a little challenge to test it
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out. I'm going to zoom in.
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I want you to see if you confined in this
- 12:37 - 12:38
three by three grid.
- 12:39 - 12:40
What? Determine?
- 12:40 - 12:41
Er's are there.
- 12:42 - 12:45
I'm going to zoom in, give it pause.
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I'm gonna give you 15 seconds large.
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The large keys is that describing, or is it uh,
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telling us more about it?
- 12:56 - 12:57
Is it determining it?
- 12:58 - 12:59
Large is an adjective.
- 13:00 - 13:00
Their earrings.
- 13:01 - 13:02
Easy one.
- 13:02 - 13:07
And now terrible mawr describing that is that one that
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that is that very specific.
- 13:11 - 13:12
Is it determining that key?
- 13:13 - 13:14
Is it a demonic destructive?
- 13:15 - 13:16
Come on, Mr.
- 13:16 - 13:19
Does, Um Yes, that is a correct one.
- 13:19 - 13:23
And there's another one telling us the number that would
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give you a clean.
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Okay, You should have gotten it by now.
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That and seven.
- 13:29 - 13:32
So imagine seven keys that's telling us is determining how
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maney keys there are.
- 13:34 - 13:34
And that key.
- 13:35 - 13:39
Uh, so if I went that kids determining its this
- 13:39 - 13:40
key, Okay.
- 13:41 - 13:45
Challenge number two zooming straight away to Mawr.
- 13:46 - 13:48
Sushi is just a noun dog's eyes.
- 13:49 - 13:51
Plural now cauliflower.
- 13:51 - 13:53
Now, mouth now tough.
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The tough man that's being used.
- 13:57 - 14:05
An adjective, Um, the most eso most might be used
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as showing a number pelt.
- 14:08 - 14:10
Now vivacious is a adjective.
- 14:11 - 14:12
Very good one on this.
- 14:13 - 14:15
Once again, we've got a monastery native.
- 14:15 - 14:16
We're gonna go to the next one.
- 14:18 - 14:19
Oh, straight away.
- 14:19 - 14:20
We've got a number one easy peasy.
- 14:21 - 14:22
That must be it.
- 14:22 - 14:25
There. Onions are now NHS.
- 14:26 - 14:27
Um, many e.
- 14:29 - 14:31
I have many keys have happened like the one always
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always is a advert.
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Strong adjective.
- 14:39 - 14:41
Cabbage down for now.
- 14:41 - 14:42
Loudly adverbs.
- 14:42 - 14:44
So maybe it's one and many.
- 14:46 - 14:47
Okay, right.
- 14:47 - 14:48
Just to finish there.
- 14:49 - 14:49
We're gonna do a little quiz.
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I'm gonna put it in the bio.
- 14:51 - 14:52
And it should be on purple mashes wealth.
- 14:53 - 14:54
Thank you very much.
- 14:54 - 14:56
We will revisit this tomorrow.
- 14:56 - 14:57
Okay. To help you with this.
- 14:57 - 14:58
Thank you very much.