Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, guys, do you never going to talk about the
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Beagle on Brother A.
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Software? What falls under this software and brother?
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Where there's two main kinds of software application software and
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systems software?
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Let's talk about applications software.
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First application software is the software that helps you work,
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create, connect and enjoy.
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Yeah, is the key word here.
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There are several types, but the main ones are productivity,
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social media and gave me.
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So let's look at those examples individually.
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Productivity software.
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This is word Power point photo shop and not just
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others. So many other software that you can think of
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that help you get the job that you need to
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do. Duh.
- 00:59 - 01:02
Think about social media Instagram Snap, Jack Twitter.
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Though there are only three, y'all know how much social
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media is out there that is also applications software.
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Then there is a baby, the leaking fortnight, my craft,
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it's and all the hundreds of other dames.
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You see the powder, you go.
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These for your own use.
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Let's talk about systems Off system Software is responsible for
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keeping your computer running smoothly and efficiently.
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This offer runs behind the scenes.
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This offer works for you, not the other way around.
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You don't even know that it's doing things to keep
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your computer running smoothly and efficiently.
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Assistant software is divided into two main types.
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The first one is utility software.
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Utility software keeps your computer running cleanly, for example.
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It prevents viruses and our from coming in and keeps
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it runs smoothly.
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An example is anti virus programs.
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What is your home computer have normal of on a
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BG biography?
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They vary, but if you don't have one, you'll know
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it for sure, because your computer will be slow and
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sluggish and eventually just stopped working.
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Remember that software is a set of instructions that tell
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the computer what to do.
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It doesn't think on its own.
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So when Madrases and Mauer does is it comes into
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the instructions and it just throws everything off key.
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So then the computer doesn't know what you do anymore,
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because those instructions I've been compromised.
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Defrag is another example of utility software.
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When you say files and software in your computer, there
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is a specific spot that the computer assigns to that
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file or to that software.
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That spot oh belongs only to that fire.
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Will you?
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DVDs file or a or uninstalling program.
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The computer erases a file, but the spot is still
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there, except that it is empty now.
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So every time the computer comes to an empty spot,
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it has to stop.
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Recognize it's empty.
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Ellen Continue is the same thing that you do when
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you are really something.
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And there is just white spots between one paragraph in
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another. Your brain actually does have to recognize is an
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empty area there.
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The problem of the computer comes when it has so
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many into spot that it has to slow down in
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order to get through all the leader, and this slows
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down the performance.
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Prezi Defrag goes through all the empty spots that moves
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into the end so that all the empty memories together
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and all the data is together.
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So when you read with the computer scan through all
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of the data, there's nothing stopping it, and it's just
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a smoother experience throughout the whole office.
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The next one is operating system, and again, just so.
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The Reminder operating system is the second type of system
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software operating system, or F is a beast.
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It is a huge program.
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This is what allows you to navigate through your computer.
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Without the OS, you could not access your files because
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there is no way for you to tell the computer
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what you want.
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Remember the activity I gave you?
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Also, find out what always you have a home.
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It was a preparation of this.
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When you click, click, like your way through the computer.
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That is the operating system working for you.
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You don't even need to know anything about the computer.
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You don't need to know how it runs, how it
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works, that it even is an operating system.
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You just need to recognize I pons.
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The good example is an 18 month old baby swiping
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his way, colorful because he can already recognize icons.
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This is essentially what we are doing when we are
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clicking our way through what I'm trying to attempt your
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issues, to give you more knowledge behind a longer cookie
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so that later on, someone have a discussion about an
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OS or operating system and you are a little bit
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more informed about.
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So before it was this easy, what was it before
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this graphic?
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This is the shock of the operating system that was
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used g for we have the I phone system.
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This was called M s DOS and s isn't Microsoft.
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Josh has been just operating system Microsoft just operating system
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and it was developed by Microsoft.
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And you look at that picture notice.
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There's no icons in here.
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There's no color.
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All it is is just letters, numbers, and there's nothing
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else. So if you look at the very bottom Seymour
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C colon backslash greater than some boots, uh, that is
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called the system prompts at that spot.
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That is where you would have to type in the
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exact command the computer needed to work.
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You know, the arrow is pointing to the capital D
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Cavalli Kepa roar, and it have to be exactly like
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that. That would give it the list of files or
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folders that were in that this without it.
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It's just it's just waiting there like it is at
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the C from just waiting for you to give it
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a command.
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If you type in the wrong man, it would give
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you something different from what you want it.
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If you miss, type it, it wouldn't give you anything
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at all.
- 07:53 - 07:56
So at this time, parents would.
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We're not interested in having computers at their home because
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there was no purpose for the only people who would
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use these were businesses that use this kind of system
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and computer scientists because this is what they did everyday
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on. Then people have computer science as a hobby.
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There was no home use for it.
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There was no school use for it.
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And then again, ever stopped.
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Really quick Review Short for Microsoft Disk Operating System This
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is actually how computers were used.
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The user had to type in a specific comment.
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No titles in order for the computer to work.
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The only people who had these again were computer scientists.
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Computer science, obvious and definitely no parents is at this
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angle or their child's homer.
- 08:58 - 09:03
So what changed the invention of booby graphic user intervenes.
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Let's break it down.
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Graphic is an image for a Nikon user, is you?
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For us, an interface is a platform like it's learning
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as a platform.
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So along with going the mess so keep in mind,
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there were no mouse needed to work and stuffs because
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there were no icons.
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Now who we?
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Everything changed.
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We had icons and users just click their way through
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any system.
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No longer did you have to be a computer scientist.
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So then school started to get interest and they said,
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Hey, well, let's put computers in school And then parents
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naturally followed because they said away, Well, now they have
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all these computers at school.
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I did.
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You have one so that my child could keep up
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and do their homework.
- 09:57 - 10:01
And these days, the days of pandemics, you absolutely need
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to have a computer and Internet.
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There's just no way around that.
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Just think about how many computers or devices are in
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your home.
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Bruise and back to the beginning.
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Big over A software divided into two main types.
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Application software.
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Insistent software and then assistant software are divided into utility
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software and the operating system.