Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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today's learning target is that I can determine a central
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idea of attacks and analyzes development over the course of
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the text and provide an objective summary.
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So these are our guiding questions for the standard.
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So number one, what key idea and the does the
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author introduce and develop?
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What specific details of the author used to convey or
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show this idea in the last one is what details
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and facts must.
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A summary of the text includes to remember that does
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not include your opinion or judgment.
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So let's break this standard down into three separate parts.
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The first one is to determine the central idea.
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So what is a central idea?
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Remember that it is a dominant impression or the universal
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generic truth found in the story.
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So what does the author want you to take away
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as the reader?
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So sometimes the other does this by stating it directly,
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and you you see it directly in the text.
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Sometimes it's indirect, meaning that it is only implied or
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suggested. So if it is interact, the readers must examine
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the details and draw conclusions about what the author central
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idea is.
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So think about it as linked to the author's purpose
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or reason for writing the text.
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What could the reader take away?
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And how could it be applied to all readers that
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going back to that universal or generic truth?
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So how do we do that?
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Well, we can consider the hens that are provided in
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the title images captions for background information, and we can
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also generate all possible ideas and themes after reading the
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text. But we need to ask yourself is readers which
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one from the text is most fully developed and we
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see throughout the beginning the middle and the end, So
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we can also look for words, phrases or images that
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keep on coming up throughout the text That might signal
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that they're the central idea, so that could be through
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details, dialogue phrases that are related to that central idea
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throughout the text.
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So how did the components evolve over the course of
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the text or build or change so we could look
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as readers at the beginning of the story?
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We could say the author is implying this about this
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overall central idea, but then we could use the Senate
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cider, then suggest this so we see it changing and
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evolving. But it's still around that same idea.
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And then finally, we see at the end.
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The author is saying this at the end of the
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text so it could be were choice imagery, figurative language,
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any of those examples the author is using and developing
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it from beginning to end.
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And our last car is about an objective summary.
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So remember it is written up in the present tense.
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It should be concise.
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It should not equal the original length of the text.
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We should avoid using our own opinions, ideas or interpretations.
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We need a really sick to what the author is
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saying. We want to accurately represent the author's words and
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thoughts, and the last one is to focus on those
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major events or central idea of the text.
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We don't want to include those minor details, so that
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is a strong, objective summary.
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And if we can follow those three steps, we will
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come for the standard.
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Now let's go to the next video.
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We are applying the standard to a text