Transcrição de áudio Gerado automaticamente
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boys will be boys.
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Uh huh.
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Boy pulls.
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wolf whistles,
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Which is a thing
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boys will be boys.
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Well, here's my question.
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my side.
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The phrase so often
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of the towns of society was a rigid
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Children will be killed.
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Childish things was the first edition of his household
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phrase before it was moved into a misogynistic,
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clearly incorrect.
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The Cambridge Dictionary
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rises. Boys will be boys,
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said, to emphasise that people should not be surprised when boys or
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act in a rough or noisy way.
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This attitude diminishes
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many more than just noisy or aggressive.
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It validates my own time.
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An excuse is discriminatory or criminal actions against girls and women
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in today's society.
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You would expect
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the crowd
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Two girls get into a physical fight and were told to
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do something better without talking
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two men
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physical fight, throwing their weight around for
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And this phrase floats from society's mouth effortlessly
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and just being boys, boys will be boys.
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When did it suddenly become okay for people to act in violent
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This phrase is said as if people expect us to shrug off ego field.
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Aggressive behaviour
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he tells us not to expect more from $50
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relation because they're just hard, white
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like tendencies.
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This toxicity only enforces man entitlement and diminishes their
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ability to be held accountable for inappropriate behaviour.
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Boys will be boys can harm the fragile state of identity surrounding the young mind.
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Boys will be boys suggested
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boys cannot be girls,
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not embrace feminine
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participate in girlish activities.
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They cannot be soft.
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It also suggests the opposite.
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Those women cannot be all that,
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the impactful nature of this phrase that's a
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standard for what male behaviour should be.
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Trump has
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et cetera.
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The books created by this phrase makes all men feel as though
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they have to be all these things and can never be anything
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reinforces such a narrow definition for masculine
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should be.
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The masculinity can.
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It can be soft and tough, beautiful and fragile, strong and extravagant.
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It can and should be whatever people want it to be.
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The negative repercussions of this phrase don't stop.
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Not only does it normalise aggressive
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reinforce a narrow definition of masculinity,
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but it validates male entitlement by diminishing accountability.
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Charlotte Perkins, Gilmore States and her poem Boys will be boys written in 1911.
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Boy mischief and boy carelessness and noise,
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extenuating or
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loud excuse and smoothed away
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and boy, is that still true.
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Society is brainwashed to excuse the actions
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of males
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using this phrase while shrugging their shoulders,
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even as females are conditioned to brush their actions.
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However toxic, aggressive or assaulting, they may be under the rug.
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An Australian swim team scandal involving accusations of
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assault against males in the organisation saw a woman
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interviewed about the situation lift her shoulders when
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asked about it and reply with exactly that.
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Boys will be boys.
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We're conditioned a society to feed into entitlement.
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Men feel to do whatever they like to whomever they like.
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They should not have the mindset to use our bodies whenever they like to assault us.
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Whenever they like to discriminate against us whenever they like,
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they are not held accountable.
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They are not covered for
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leave them
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exposed. Let them feel the heat of disappointment.
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Hold them accountable.
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Clementine Ford, in her book
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Boys Will Be Boys,
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highlights that the men of this world are conditioned to be entitled domineering,
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sexist, privileged and in all too many cases, violent.
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She empowers all readers with the phrase We have the power to change that
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and we do.
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We can turn the tables and raise men with
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respect and diligence whose attitudes are mature and aware.
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We can a normalise aggressive behaviour allow a liberated definition
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of masculinity and hold males accountable for their actions.
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No more boys will be boys.
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It's outdated, sexist and demeaning.
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We are capable. We are willing.
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So why aren't we?
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Enough is enough. It's time to change.