Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, My name is Lydia told me, and I'll be
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doing Roman fashion.
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Do you make togas and palace the draping clothes of
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ancient Rome?
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The clothing of ancient Romans Very inspiring when it came
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to make my designs.
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So I decided to first focus on the main ordeal.
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Togas. Ben wore chokers to show that they were Roman
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citizens said could not wear them in an ordinary citizens
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closing Togo was plain white.
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A senators had purple trim.
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The emperor's was all purple.
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Women were palace like togas.
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But in any color here, some signs.
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This is my first design, a poor toca.
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This is a simpler or more modern version of what
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they would wear in ancient Rome Poor people would wear.
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And I think it looks better without the dirt because,
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um, they would be doing mostly manual later.
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Senators toga waas like the poor one.
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However, it had purple trim.
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Um, it was wherein Onley by senators in ancient Rome.
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Um and here is a version theme.
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Emperor was the main leader or the sort of king
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of room.
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His toca was all purple.
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And when someone were purple or a solid colored toga,
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it means that they were very rich or was someone
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to be respected wigs and hair tools or the evolution
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of Roman fashion?
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In this section, I will be, um, showing you first
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some Roman wigs that they used to wear.
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Um, and then I will be comparing, um, ancient Roman
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hair tools to the ones that we use today.
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Wigs. Wigs were very fashionable in ancient room, an ancient
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times. Most women just had brown curly hair, and they
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wanted to be different.
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Stick out in crowds.
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So when new slaves came in the room, they would
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shave their hair off so that Roman noblewoman would be
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more fashionable than ever.
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Volunteer normally came from German slaves, and, um, black glossy
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hair was either bought off of women in India or
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just shaped Golf is, Well, um, the Romans used all
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sorts of beauty tools and combs and hair pins that
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we used that we use today.
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Um, some examples are combs, hairpins made of bone heated
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curling irons, tweezers and tiny little spoons to scoop out
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earwax. Here's some modern versions versus the ancient version versions
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on this topic.
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Um, on the top, we have a curling iron.
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The middle we have tweezers and on the bottom we
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have in Iraq.
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Scoop. As you saw before in my previous slide, Um,
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I will be comparing modern tools to ancient Roman tools.
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Um, these are the top one is a hairpin or
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a bobby pin, and then the bottom ones a brush?
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Um, I think it's just so crazy that people thousands
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of years ago used early versions of everyday items we
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still use today.
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Yeah, facial, Karen Engine room and this section.
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I will be showing you the reasons and first designed
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behind face creams, men's makeup and acting cover up patches.
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Men's makeup.
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That's right.
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Men were makeup.
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Not just that, but they also wore early versions, perfume
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and band aids.
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Except these band aids were leather patches to cover up
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blemishes, pimples, scars and other imperfections on their face.
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Skin creams, more like skin screams.
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Nothing like a good facial cleanser.
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Well, everything starts up from something, but that doesn't necessarily
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always start out to be good.
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Well, an ancient Roman, an ancient Rome, Roman women used
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more like sit skin cleansers.
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Um, instead of like patches or things like the men
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did accept some, they used some really wild and, um,
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like ingredients that they find, um they used flower and
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donkey's milk and chalk, but the one that poisoned them
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the most were was lead.
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And they used that on almost every single one.
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Um, I don't think being dead was worth looking as
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fabulous as they did.
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But you never know.
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People have different opinions.
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This is the treatment of slaves and the important to
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them to Roman fashion.
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Slave treatment was horrible in ancient room, um, most noble
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women and men, noble, noble women and men had slave
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girls do their hair.
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Most of the Romans were very cruel to their slaves.
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And they jabbed him with anything sharp they could find
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out of the hair tools.
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Yeah, this is just aggravating the way that the Romans
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treated them.
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Everyone makes mistakes.
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And sometimes history is just something I wished only happened
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in nightmares.
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They could have had some serious cultural influence on the
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Romans that was either shunned or just not accepted.
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Um, and that was very cruel of the Romans to
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treat them like that.
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Yeah. Since the most ancient times, Rowan gave special importance
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to their physical appearance in their hair.
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and as they become a highly organized society with very
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specific social structure, their dresses, hairstyles, mark, social status, age,
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political and religious religious beliefs.
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This means that our care and of ourselves evolved or
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originated from the ancient Romans.
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Most likely, this also marks a significant importance of fashion
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inherent at the time.
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They might have developed some of this care from the
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Greek civilization, but, um, that was more of a constructive
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era, while the Romans was more of like a fashionable
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like self centered era, that's all for the Fat Roman
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fashion remake by Lydia, Till Proof by Thank you.