Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:06
Okay, So in this lecture, we're going to talk about
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rehearsing and memorizing the study materials that you've always that
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you already collected and you've organized and condensed into something
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manageable. So in and studying, we want to make sure
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that we are looking at things that we can that
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that can help us understand and remember what we've learned.
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So if we don't understand what we what we have
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written down or what we have listened to in our
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lectures or what we have read it or what we
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are reading, um, it's going to be a little harder
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for us to remember it.
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So if you're if you're in class and you're not
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asking questions or you're not, uh, or you're not asking
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for help in understanding the material, this is where you're
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gonna have a little trouble.
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Um, in in rehearsing and memorizing.
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So you wanna make sure that you're already doing these
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things? Uh, throughout your course.
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So eso when you are rehearsing and memorizing for your
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tests, you wanna make sure that you are looking at
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some effective ways to help you, Ah, strengthen those neural
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networks in your brain and using lots of different strategies.
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Thio, uh, you know, to help you remember these er
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thes materials eso when you understand something and when you
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remember something that helps reinforce the other.
- 02:00 - 02:05
So we are looking at some awesome things in this,
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uh, in this chapter in your book, Uh, that can
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help you build those neural networks in your brain.
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Um and like like I've told lots of other people.
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You know, if one strategy isn't working, try another one.
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It's all it's totally okay to experiment.
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So, um, you know, you know, it's it's taken me
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a long time to to work out what works for
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me when I'm writing.
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So you, you know, do what Do what works for
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you. If that isn't working or it stops working, try
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another thing.
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Build those pathways again.
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Um, you know, it may take you a while to
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figure out what does work.
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Um, so let's talk about elaborate ih ve rehearsal versus
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wrote rehearsal.
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So wrote rehearsal is just memorizing.
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Um, so it's more about, um, you know, it's more
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about remembering something than it is about understanding it.
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Um, so it's just it's just surface processing.
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It's just, uh, regurgitating what you have heard rather than
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making connections or, uh, making making sure you understand what
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you're actually talking about.
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Um, But, um, you know, wrote rehearsal is a really
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good tool.
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I mean, it's how we remember lots of different things,
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like how to tie your shoes or how we learned
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the A b CS.
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Um, but when we get into higher processing, we wanna
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make sure that we can understand and use the information
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that we have learned.
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Uh, so we want to make sure that we are
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using elaborate tive rehearsal.
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Um, so these this this type of rehearsal uses deep
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processing. It strengthens that that, uh, that bond between understanding
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and remembering.
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Um and it focuses on meaning, Um, you know, focuses
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on relationships of ideas between ideas and connecting that new
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knowledge with with with what you already know eso you
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wanna make sure that you aren't just memorizing something, but
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that you are making those connections between the ideas that
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you have learned.
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So there are lots of processes in this chapter.
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So, um, you know so strategies that you can use
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before you sit down to rehearse you can form a
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study team.
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That's something that we've talked about before.
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Um, you know, you definitely can form a study team
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form a study group.
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Um, you know, if you don't have one at school,
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form one with your family, Uh, I was with, you
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know, I was my mom's study team.
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Uh, you know, when she was in college, we rehearsed
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her material.
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So I learned a lot of stuff while she was
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studying. Um, you know, for American history and government and,
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you know, science eso form a study team with somebody
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who was willing to help you study.
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Uh, it definitely helps if they're in the same class.
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Um, you know, create a distributed study schedule, and this
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just means set up something like a week to two
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weeks ahead of that test and set up a schedule
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To where, you know, you could dedicate that.
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A certain amount of time to studying this material.
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Um, so let's say two weeks ahead of the test,
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you can dio, let's say I'm going to study Chapter
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eight for 30 minutes.
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I'll study this chunk of Chapter eight for 30 minutes.
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I'll study this chunk of Chapter eight the next day.
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Chapter nine.
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This chunk you know, set it up to where you
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can study and devote that time ahead of schedule.
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So you're not cramming everything into 24 hours.
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The next thing Ah, symbol your study materials like we
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talked about.
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Um, get all of that condensed.
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Get all of that organized.
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Um, you know, so have that handy before you're ready
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to rehearse.
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Um, do it ahead of time.
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That way you're prepared.
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You're ready to go.
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Uh, when you sat down Thio, uh, when you sat
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down to rehearse.
- 07:02 - 07:10
So while you study, so review So reviewing just means
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reading over your materials silently looking for meaning, You know,
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you want to t do this in chunks, review a
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section of your material, look away and say, What are
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the main ideas?
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What are the key concepts that I'm supposed to know
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out of this section?
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Then look back and try to confirm that accuracy, um,
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you know, keep going through those steps to review that,
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um, it it also kind of helps you understand how
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well you understand your content in your in your study
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materials. Recite that material.
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Um, reciting is basically reviewing, but you say it out
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loud. Um, no, It doesn't matter if you sound crazy.
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Uh, you know, just say it out loud.
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Um, I do this a lot when I'm having to
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memorize certain passages of a book.
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A play, a poem, Do the voices.
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I don't care.
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Say it in funny voices.
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If it helps you memorize it.
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Uh, so you know it.
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It helps you, uh you know, if it helps you
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say something out loud to get it in your head,
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do it.
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Um, So add any related information that you can think
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of. Um, pretend you're explaining it to somebody.
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This goes along with the last part of our thing.
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Teach it to someone.
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Um, because it helps when you're saying it out loud.
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When you're teaching somebody visualize your study materials, create a
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picture in your brain, or if it helps you doodle
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it. If you were a visual person, draw it.
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Uh, visualize it in your head.
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Um, so, you know, a lot of times they, you
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know, create those things that help you remember.
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Um, so you can rewrite your notes, um, you know,
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recorded on your paper.
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Um, just like I told you.
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Draw it, Rewrite it however, it helps you remember things
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you can use the Cornell notes.
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If that helps you best test yourself.
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Give yourself a test.
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Um, you know, create a list of possible test questions.
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It definitely helps if you know the type of questions
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your teacher is going to ask you.
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Uh, that way you can prepare the types of questions
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for your practice test.
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Um, you know, but if you don't know, just write
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a bunch different types.
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True, False, uh, matching, um, multiple choice.
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Try to make them, like, realistic.
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Uh, you can have a study team quiz, make a
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bunch of quizzes.
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Um, you know, or set the question aside to ask
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your instructor, um, you know asked Ask your team to
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bring questions and quiz each other.
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Use the three column sheets for math.
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Ask your team to bring questions that maybe they struggled
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with and quiz each other.
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Um, the next one is practice your skills like I'm
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not going to say, Like if you're in chemistry, go
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practice in the lab without without instructors.
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But let's say you're in a foreign language.
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Go find a place that you can practice using that
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language. Um, let's say, uh, you know, there's not a
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whole lot of places that would let me practice German
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when I was taken a German language class.
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But if I could find a place, I would have
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definitely gone to practice.
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So if you're in a language class, go find a
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place and immerse yourself in that language.
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That's the best way to practice.
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Um, and hopefully they are willing to help you.
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Ah, but, you know, go.
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Go listen to recordings in this In this language, uh,
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go practice that academic set that you're learning.
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Make your own audio and listen to it.
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We spend a ton of time in the car.
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We spend a ton of time walking to and from
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classes. Listen to yourself.
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Made audio.
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You know, read your notes allowed into an audio recorder
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and listen to it.
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Uh, no.
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The hardest thing that a lot of people tend to
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forget to prepare for is open book tests.
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Now, open book tests are a lot harder than people
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think they are because they're open book.
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Now, if you're not prepared for the open book test,
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you're going to struggle finding that information, so yep.
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In your notes in your, you know, uh, you know,
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prepare for where these things are in your book.
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Write these things down.
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Um, so mark him down, take annotations.
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You know, transfer as much of your notes into your
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book as you can, uh, as annotations because it's in
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your book.
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It's fair game.
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Um, so, you know, that way you're organized, and everything's
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there for you.
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You're prepared.
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The next thing I know, I'm going really fast because
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we only have 15 minutes, but memorize by chunks.
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Um, so you're trying to You're trying to use those
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different parts of your brain in lots of different ways
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here. So if you're memorizing in chunks, you know, you
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know you want to try to, uh, you want to
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try to do things, uh differently.
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So read the whole thing that you're trying to memorize.
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Then go and look at smaller pieces.
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Do that piece.
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Do the next piece, do the next piece, so recite,
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rehearse all of those things in small chunks.
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Brains can do a lot of things differently.
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So there are lots of other things.
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We'll skip these last ones, but mhm after you get
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this up.
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Review Review Review everything.
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And that just means review.
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Read it.
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Repetition strengthens your memory.
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Um, use your outlines.
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Use your flashcards.
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You know, use your 10 minutes between classes and teach
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it to someone.
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Use your creativity.
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Use puppets to teach it to your kids.
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Uh, you know, uh, say Hey, guess what I learned
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today? Yeah.
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Use whatever you can to teach.
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Ah, so