Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:03
Good afternoon,
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Thank you for offering up your time to let me present my initiative
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back to their future
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teaching math through real world inquiry.
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This initiative's aim is to further
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develop confidence and comprehension in all learners
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For years,
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I have heard three streams of student thoughts surrounding their learning of math.
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one, I love math
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to I hate math, I can't do it.
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What's the point of this? I'm never going to use this in my future.
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What's worse is that these streams of thought
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are commonly repeated by teachers of all grades.
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So how do we change from the negative streams of thought from?
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I hate math and what's the point
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I love Math or
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at least a curiosity about math.
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In other words,
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a growth mindset towards Math is still lacking in many of our students.
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To correct these fixed mindsets.
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This initiative uses the idea of instructing through
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inquiry using real world job and career positions
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that require Math
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in the place of traditional worksheets and tests.
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You may find yourself asking why specifically authentic job based
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this initiative is supported by Ontario Teachers Federation,
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which is another Canadian province noted for their strong education
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through my research, I've also discovered
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that inquiry instruction during Math has demonstrated
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further student engagement comprehension and confidence,
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students need to engage in real work that reflects the work.
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Someone in this field might tackle.
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This leads to authentic learning and skills
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that serve students well into the future.
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End quote
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Galileo educational network
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Of all the research. I have sifted through the information presented here.
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Best sums up my findings.
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# one
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United States studies note an increase in standardized
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test scores when math was taught through inquiry.
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Number two,
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Ontario is investing into like initiatives.
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In fact it has been investing into like initiatives since 2015
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Inquiry mass
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is a website,
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one out of many
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that uses teachers units.
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In other words,
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there are so many teachers discovering the success of inquiry and math
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that this site was created to feature their units and lesson plans.
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How can such an initiative be accomplished?
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Well, collaboration is key to the success
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this initiative is built off the idea of teacher collaboration as a school,
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as intermediate and primary groupings
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and as grade specific groups.
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This complements the way first peoples teach Math,
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thus integrating first Peoples learning creates more inquiry tasks in itself.
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this initiative can bring in the school community through creating a job
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census and highlighting those associated positions that make use of math.
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We could then even bring those people in as presenters.
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Speaking of the community,
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how does this initiative fit given our specific school makeup?
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With considerations such as modified learning programs,
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intensive math needs and english language learners.
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Is this initiative a good fit?
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for example, with modified math learners,
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we would get to introduce alternative careers to discuss and educate
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these students with plus job inquiry has multiple entry points,
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making it accessible accessible, for example,
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basic skills can be taught through being a cashier for example,
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as you add up the sums of money
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math learners also will
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be more comfortable with the multiple entry and exit points
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as mentioned with the modified program.
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intents of math learners will feel much better and more
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comfortable as you can integrate matter from other subjects,
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english language learners.
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This allows an exposure to additional visual representations of
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math as well as new job and career vocabulary.
- 05:00 - 05:02
Well what about the cultural backgrounds?
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this community is predominantly South asian filipino
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with a small mix of caucasian,
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asian african and first peoples.
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Well this initiative,
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as mentioned before encourages us to do a census of the community and thus brings in
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the careers and presenters from these cultural backgrounds
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within the community especially with the first peoples learning
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with varying incomes.
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The community needs an affordable solution that is also available to all.
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Unfortunately private tutors can only become accessible
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to those that can afford it.
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we want to go into a needs focus and lower the percent of
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developing an emergent learners and increasing the
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comprehension or numeracy comprehension of all learners
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that is the focus of this initiative.
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- 06:01 - 06:03
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what will this look like in action
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beginning at the start of october allowing
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teachers to distress from startup routines.
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This initiative would last the year and the change
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in instruction would last for years to come.
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This initiative requires to workshops to get up and running the first,
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focusing on the what and the why of the workshop
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that I previously discussed during the rationale of this presentation.
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during this time teachers would collaborate
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to create slash adapt inquiry units and
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adapt already available assessments of the initiative for
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given the given grade that they teach.
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The second workshop is for data analysis.
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In this workshop, teachers analyze data to firstly identify needed adjustments to
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to the assessments and teaching.
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- 06:58 - 07:02
the data is used to assess the initiative through identifying trends,
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declaring these trends as positive or negative
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and then determining any further adjustments needed.
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I'm going to pause now for a moment to let you read
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through the timelines of both workshops here and wait for any questions.
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At this point,
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I would like to mention that I am
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equipped to offer an additional workshops for the teachers
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needing to be further educated on the importance of data
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and the cyclical process of data that is needed.
- 08:04 - 08:07
So how are we determining and measuring the success?
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There are four assessments listed on the left hand side.
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First let me be clear
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the validity of this initiative is going to rely on this data analysis. So
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the first assessment listed requires students to
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self assess their feelings before and after
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the new unit based on inquiry. Job based learning.
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The second assessment requires a teacher's reflection by comparing a unit
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designed via traditional methods from before and the newer inquiry of version
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in which they would do a comparison.
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The third assessment requires frequent self assessments by students
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evaluating their ongoing comprehension and feelings about the learning.
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on a side note, can also be used as formative assessments for the teachers.
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teacher observations
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would be
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The 4th Form of Assessment.
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Teacher observations would be ongoing,
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noting things such as engagement, motivation,
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et cetera.
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As you can see,
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this is a long term initiative that requires
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plenty of analysis to determine its effectiveness,
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but when correctly applied research states that there will be
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an increase in comprehension and confidence in our math students.
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After all,
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what's length penis When we are talking
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about deeper numeracy comprehension and appreciation.
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That is the focus.
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There are numerous their future numeracy comprehension.
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So please
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get on board.
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get back to their future.