Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:00 - 00:01
Yeah. Hello.
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Uh this is my introduction presentation for a.
- 00:07 - 00:08
d. c i 337.
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Ah And it's using Prezi video uh for the first
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time. So we'll see how this goes.
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Uh And this is uh me introducing myself, that's what
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the President station is about.
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Uh My name is Jason kEMP.
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I am um I was born and raised in Southern
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Alberta. I went to Lethbridge College In my early 20's
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uh for genetics engineering technology and became a drafting technologist
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for over a decade.
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I'm currently 35 and I'm back in school Um to
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be a teacher, I moved to Victoria five years ago
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uh was able to work remotely at my former job
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and we moved here because victoria is amazing and I
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haven't looked back ever since.
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Uh my mom sent me a picture of Lethbridge today
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actually was snow on the ground.
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Uh It's in the second half of May and that's
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typical for Alberta.
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So I don't miss that at all.
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I know it's about more than weather, but everything out
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here is pretty ideal, uh and suits my family, uh
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which brings me to me being a father uh of
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a almost seven year old daughter who is outgoing and
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fun and kind and loves to laugh and climb and
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uh do monkey bars and craft and meet new friends.
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She's awesome.
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And it's her birthday soon, so that's pretty great.
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Okay, I'm a student at you pick like all of
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us here uh taking this class anyways, I've just finished
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the second year of the elementary Bachelor of Education program.
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So I started over and have a couple of years
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left, but I am really enjoying it.
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I love uh learning at this stage in my life.
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I feel a lot more prepared for it Then in
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my early 20's and it's going well, I can't wait
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to get into classrooms and and start teaching kids and
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growing that experience.
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And um, and yeah, just starting the career and, and
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moving on.
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So, uh, thank you for watching this presentation and maybe
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I'll see you around sometime.
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Thanks. Oh.