Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:12 - 00:15
You know my name is Jackie O's time your management
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professor from the Catholic University of America.
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And I wanna welcome you to the short class on
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completed staff work here.
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We're gonna learn leadership and followership and how this dynamic
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relationship works to advance organization goals.
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The content of this course is based on the book,
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the memo and this is the story of completed staff
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work that well, that was first refined during the Second
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World War.
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And it's my favorite textbook because I wrote it here.
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We're gonna learn about leadership and followership and leadership.
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And followership is an exercise of how the bosses can
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work with subordinates and we work together as individual contributors
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and managers.
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This is a dynamic relationship where leaders expect from staff
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to get recommendations and get their best thinking and to
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get their best advice and followers air.
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Our ships managed up to persuade the boss to make
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to give the boss the best recommendations.
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Remember, managers only do one thing.
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Your boss only does one thing.
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Your boss makes decisions.
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We is individual contributors.
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As good followers, we exercise followership and developing options for
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the boss and make making recommendations for the boss.
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Now this is based on anticipation, but the word would
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be think.
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And our statue would be the thinker Tom Watson, from
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IBM the decades ago, one of his staff to think
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so what he did on every flat surface.
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He put signs up that said, Think to encourage the
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staff to give Cem thought process to think about, to
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adjust, to anticipate our story begins in the Second World
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War and from the memo and complete a staff work.
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And this is a tale of two aircraft carriers to
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war machines to pieces of machinery by opposing Navy's USA
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Side is the USS Yorktown, and here we have a
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picture of it here.
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It's a flat top.
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It's an aircraft carrier, and the Japanese side had had
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the Japanese navy bustle there.
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Their aircraft carrier called the Chicago and Chicago and New
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York our similar pieces of machinery that Chicago is.
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Actually it's probably a superior machine, but little bit newer
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but an engineering marvel to launch aircraft tears now, the
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challenges they met together on and they're actually opposing fleets
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met together in May of 1942 and and and and
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known as what's known as the Battle of Coral Sea.
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And in this battle, both both war machines, both every
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cop carries were severely damaged.
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The damage was so bad that on each side, oddly
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enough, each side engineers did a battle damage assessment and
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said both independently of each other.
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Each other said that each beach needs 30 days, actually,
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three months, 90 days with repairs.
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So here we have, ah shot of their Chicago damaged
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in the bite of coral sea on fire and it's
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ah, it's it's it's headed west towards the Japanese islands.
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In the drive got dried up for three months, repair
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and the Yorktown went east when back to Pearl Harbor
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in Hawaii and to be repaired to go in, the
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driver dried up, be prepared.
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Now here's where our story changes because each isn't in
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route to their home base to be repaired.
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And here we have a picture of the off of
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the bowels of the U.
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S. S Yorktown were of, ah, Japanese bomb came through,
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the flight deck exploded.
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Tremendous loss of life, tremendous damage.
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And we're looking down.
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We're seeing the damage that was caused.
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Now both ships are heading home and Here's Here's Here's
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Here's the example Our example of completed staff work while
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the ship's Aaron rally in the 18 days after the
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war, after the battle of the Belt of Coral Sea
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going back to two, uh, Pearl Harbor, the crew of
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the Your Count begins to make repairs.
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They anticipate their thinking that this piece of hardware, this
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piece of equipment, this asset of the company needs to
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be fixed so that it could be put back in
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service could be brought off line.
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Get off deadline and begin to be, ah, productive value.
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Add to to the to the to the organization.
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It's a battleship, it Zen aircraft er, but they've anticipated
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needs to be repaired.
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So as there is, they're making that 18 day steaming
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trip back to Hawaii.
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They begin to do repairs, and it's not pretty.
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It's not good.
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That is pretty ugly, as a matter of fact, but
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they begin to work on the repairs and and and
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and begin to bring the ship back online.
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Now the Japanese ship, as far as we can tell,
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the the Japanese are such perfectionist and could not deviate
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Ah, from from a policy and procedure that they probably
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did very little as it went as it limped home
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to the Japanese mainland for repairs.
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Where is the U.
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S. A ship was already was already under repair.
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Admiral Nimitz, who ran all this?
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Ah, And then that theater dispatched master shipbuilder master ship
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fitters and flew them out to the aircraft to continue
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the work.
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And what happened is is that when the ship got
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into two Thio to Pearl Harbor ah, lot of the
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work was already underway.
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The one word that describes completed staff work is anticipate.
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The crew anticipated what would be needed anticipated with the
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work would need to be done and began to do
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the work.
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And I'm sure they got approval up.
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But they probably did a lot of the work knowing
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the commander's intent, knowing what the organization needed and started
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to do the work they thought about it did the
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interest anticipate and, um, and began work.
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Now here's Here's a picture of the New York on
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in dry Dock in in Pearl Harbor, and it's about
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to be launched.
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They finished, they finished the work on it.
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And this was a spectacular effort because remember the engineers.
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The perfectionist forecasted 90 days Thio, bring the ship back
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to suspect.
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Back to specifications.
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Back to like we built it.
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This is the same mindset of the engineering.
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The perfectionist of the engineer, as the Japanese did had
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90 days, but they took the time.
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The 90 days to bring it back to perfection.
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Bringing back to specifications.
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U S A.
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Here are repair.
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Guys. Did Justin up to bring it back online and
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not too much more.
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It was quick.
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It was dirty.
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What? It was very good.
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So Admiral Nimitz said you don't have three months.
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You got three days.
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Got 72 hours Fixit prepared.
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I don't care what it looks like just so long
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as they can float, Run, Get to get it out,
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Get it done and get her out.
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And they did 72 hours.
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They gotta down one.
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And it was a heroic effort.
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It took It.
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Took had 1400.
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Uh, master shipbuilder ship fitters.
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Come on, do all kind of welding and they violated
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all kinds of safety protocols, violated all kinds of problems.
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It wasn't brought up to specifications, It was just done.
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They had welders all over the place working, drawing power
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off the hour.
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And then when they were doing the welding, they didn't
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even train off the aviation flu.
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They took a risk.
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They took a chance because they didn't have time.
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The days that would require to get all the fuel
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Adderall fumes.
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They did the work anyways horribly dangerous, all kinds of
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safety protocol.
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But but everyone's took the rest, commanded them just to
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get up and get it ready now.
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The end of the story is, is that Yorktown steamed
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back out to sea while Chicago was back in being
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repaired. And we go on a few weeks later, in
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June of 1942 of the Battle of Midway.
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The Alert.
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Stewed knows that this was the turning point in the
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Second World War in the Pacific Theater.
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USA won that battle.
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Whole whole World War was turned on that one battle,
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and part of it was because your Ken was there
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and the Chicago was not still being repaired, and your
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town was was there for that battle and helped change
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the course of the world.
- 08:00 - 08:01
Who are the war now?
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This is an exercise in leadership, and followers should remember,
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this is a dynamic relationship and the best leaders, The
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best managers understand this.
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It is done through making recommendations and and where the
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boss just makes a decision.
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Now remember, it has This has three simple steps to
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it isn't if not very hard is actually quite quite
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simple and complete a staff work.
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All that is needed is for the is for the
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staff, the individual contributors to do the research, we do
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the work we do way.
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Look at the landscape.
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We were very well all the things that could go
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wrong, Not wrong, because we don't want the boss to
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be surprised.
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So we do the research and from the research, we
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develop options.
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We come up with different courses of action that the
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boss could take.
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And then from those options, we give the boss one
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recommendation. We give one course of action, he could sign
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off, sign off on it or not, or make a
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river make his own recommendation or his own questioning back
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or not.
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But usually things were moving so fast as it wasn't
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at 72 hours to get your account out of dry
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dock that the boss will probably sign off on any
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of our recommendations because time won't allow us to do
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this. And this is the greatest challenge that most managers
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have is they just don't have enough time.
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Biggest complaint There, it run out of time.
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No, this is Ah ah, Cabinet Secretary.
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This happen to be the secretary of energy and the
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secretary of the time.
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This was taken a few in the previous administration is
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from Secretary of Energy, and he has a PhD in
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physics. He's a rocket scientist, but But the staff thinks
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that they're making him look good And that these piled
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up this paper's is his desk is piled up with
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papers and it makes it look like he's busy working
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hard. And in fact, it's just the opposite.
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He has stuff.
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Pilot was on his desk, but I want you to
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do is to take away from this completed staff work.
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Is that you go into the boss with a recommendation?
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Boss says yes.
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No, maybe.
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But yesterday and you walk out with it.
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Don't leave anything on your boss's desk.
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You take that piece of paper that decision maker member
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with you don't leave in orders that don't create work
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for your boss.
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Nothing stays on your boss's desk.
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You'll never get to it.
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He doesn't have time to get to it.
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He doesn't have time to study.
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And he doesn't have that luxury of time.
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You do.
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You do.
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You make that.
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You make the recommendation.
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You persuade him to accept your recommendation and you go
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on to the next step so that it is finished.
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Their completed staff work means that there's nothing to add
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when it's done properly.
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All the boss has to do is sign off on
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it or not.
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Okay, it or not, but it's a completed action.
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It is done.
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There's nothing to add.
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And when you do this, you will be a valued
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member of your boss's team.
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You will be the one that will be promoted above
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your peers.
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Uh, and I want to thank you for this for
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joining for the short class.
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And if you have any questions, please follow me on
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Twitter at Jack us, where l E S t d
- 10:46 - 10:49
m e and I look forward to doctor anymore.
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Thank you.