Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, I'm like a me Manuel.
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We're going to talk about the major implication of social
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revolutions in the advancement of Science and technology.
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Very in We will answer these questions.
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We're also going to talk about if we should do
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in science a superior in terms of giving us sufficient
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reality in which you will answer these questions.
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Let's answer for his question, What is the major implication
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of social revolutions in the advancement of science and technology?
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Social evolution, emergence of science and technology advancement.
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Social evolution became the starting point of the Advancement of
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Science and technology.
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It drastically emerged as the people transformed from being ignorant,
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inventing and making changes In the early 1500s, people do
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not believe they are able to invent and develop things.
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The wealthy ones and those with power invest their money
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in hopes that they rule would be legitimate and there
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would be an order, but never for the purpose of
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acquiring new capabilities as they are already comfortable in keeping
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what they have.
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When cognitive revolution started, people have the grasp of what
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universities. However, people had a strong belief in scriptures and
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all traditions were in the only thing that whatever they
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read in it are the only important things in the
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world that needs to be learned.
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If something they see is not in the scriptures, then
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it is not important or relevant.
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They will not bother discovering it on their own as
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they can ask someone wiser.
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I just think that it is not important.
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It was all changed in 15 17 when the protestant
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reform begun a smart couldn't published a document disposition and
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the power of indulgences Contradicting the church's teachings.
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It consists of 95 ideas about Christianity, wherein he invited
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people to debate with him.
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All those contradictions in Christianity teachings is all about straightening
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it out and stopping them from selling indulgences and that
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scientific, this is where people started the revolutionaries and look
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for the things beyond what they are thought as it
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is not considered as a scene animal.
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They were able to discover and invent things which was
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suited to the betterment of their lives from their way
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of thinking to the preparedness in natural disasters and into
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the cure for illnesses and injuries.
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These are just some of the many discoveries and changes
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that emerge because social revolutions happened to conclude social revolution
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open their eyes.
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It is what pushed them to look for explanations of
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the things that is not clear to them and does
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not seem right without social revolution will not be able
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to have the courage to make changes.
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Might still be ignorant, believing in stories and using scriptures
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as a basis to everything.
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Moving on to our 2nd question should within science a
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superior. In terms of giving a superior reality.
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Science support.
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We should not consider science as superior is it is
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not superior but only a part of giving us a
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picture of reality.
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This is not all about science as I believe that
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science can't do it alone because according to Albert Einstein.
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Science without religion is lame.
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Religion without science is blind in this cult.
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He exposed the ignorance and arrogance of the people who
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consider either a foreign spear.
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He also emphasized the ton of the tooth can stand
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alone as it was.
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Both be irrelevant.
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You might ask, how is this relevant to?
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What are we talking about?
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Why are we talking about religion now?
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Well, I consider the religion as the outside spirited place
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part in giving us a picture of reality which refused
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or failed to see Einstein's code.
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Give an emphasis on how science can stand alone.
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The outside spear which is us the environment, what the
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experience and other things.
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Playing a part on giving us a picture of reality
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too. Science will not be able to explain such things
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without us giving evidence outside spear, sciences senses and without
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it it will be it will be blind and just
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like science outside spear cannot stand alone too.
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Whatever we observe, see and experience will not mirror.
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If it is not explained by sex.
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Yes, it might be real because we know what happened,
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but that's what the court says, it will be lame,
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we will not be able to know what is called
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and what kind of feeling it is.
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If not explained by science, it will not be valid.
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So if science is not the only thing that do
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the work, what made this thing, this lets science is
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superior. Well, I believe that we think that way because
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this is what we said on our minds and made
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and made us just rely on it.
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It stopped, it stopped us from looking at the bigger
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picture that it is not all about science.
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The truth is, there is no superior in terms of
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giving us a picture of reality.
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We and all the things that can be involved plays
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a part in it.
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Science can do it all alone.
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It should be balanced.
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We can always rely everything on science as it does
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limitations with this.
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I will end in this land from in for its
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blog. Not everything can be assessed and verified scientifically.
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Thank you.