Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello everyone today in English, we're going to be reading
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the story.
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The title of the story for this week's is kids
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can be big helpers.
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Now look at the title of the story.
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What do you think the story is about?
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Well, you think that it's talking about Children which are
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kids and what can kids do, they can help And
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they're not just any sort of helpers, but they can
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really help out a lot.
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They are big helpers.
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Now when we're looking at this text, what do you
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think the author is trying to do is trying to
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persuade the reader?
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It's using facts and opinions to convince the reader to
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believe that Children are big helpers.
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So persuasive text gets readers to understand and respect the
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author's view of points.
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Now, the author supports his or her viewpoint by using
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facts and opinions.
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Now, as you know, the fact is what can be
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proved and an opinion is what the author believes as
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the reader.
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You get to decide if you agree or not.
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So you get to decide if you like the story
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or not if you agree with the author.
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Do you think the authors correct or he's not?
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He could be wrong right now, before we get into
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the text, let's look at some important vocabulary words that
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are going to be in the story.
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Now, the first word is volunteer or volunteers.
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Do you know the meaning of this word?
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Well, it's people who do jobs without getting paid.
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So you're helping out without getting a salary or without
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getting any sort of something in return.
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You're just doing this for free.
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You're doing this to help out others and you don't
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want anything back from them.
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The next vocabulary word is skill.
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Can you think of the word skill?
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What does it mean?
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Well, something a person does well, something that you're really
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good at.
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So let's say for example, you're a really good type
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er, then that's your skill, let's say you're a good
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artist, then you have skills in becoming a good painter
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or drawer.
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So I believe everyone has a skill, something that you
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do very well organizing.
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The word organizing is planning, so things run smoothly to
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sort out things to make sure that everything is proper,
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it's organized, it's what its needs, it's clean.
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Okay, um, let's say you're planning an event, you're going
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to do it in steps, so nothing can go wrong
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or if something does go wrong, there won't be so
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many mistakes.
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How about participate?
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The word participate is to join, To take part, to
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be with someone and to volunteer, right to take part
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of to join.
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So participation counts.
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When you're in class and you're participating, you are giving
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in information, you are giving your answers, so this is
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all part of participation.
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Shelter shelter is a home.
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Now a shelter can be for a long time or
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it could be for a short time, it depends on
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this shelter that you're in.
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Now looking at the text, you need to understand the
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structure now for you to understand the information, you need
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to know what the author is trying to persuade you,
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The author is trying to make you believe in something.
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So when you read this text there are more than
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320 million people living in the United States.
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How can some, I'm sorry, how can so many people
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get along one way is by helping each other every
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day, millions of americans help other americans.
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Many of these helpers are students, kids can be big
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helpers. So what is the author trying to tell you
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Besides americans help each other out.
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But the most important thing is can you guess kids
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can be big helpers.
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So you know that the author is not just focusing
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about americans but it's focusing about the Children in the
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US. That Children can be big helpers now.
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Do you believe that Children only in the U.
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S. Can be big helpers or Children all around the
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world can help?
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Well that's your opinion.
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So the author is trying to persuade you to believe
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that kids can be a big help.
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It is up to you if you believe it or
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not. I hope you enjoyed this lesson and I hope
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to see you guys soon.
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