- 6,000-12,000 Btu/lb
- Gasoline: 17,630 Btu/gal
- Diesel: 19,562 Btu/lb
- Liquid natural gas:11,738 Btu/lb
One Man's Trash..
Next Steps
Policy Recommendations
- Identify digester locations and potential.
- Comparative analysis
- Sacramento, CA
- San Antonio, TX
- Cleveland, OH
- Kansas City, MO-KS
- Financial Assistance for Grease Traps
- FOG tracking software
- Real-time data
- Franchising
An Evaluation of Best Practices of Food, Oil, Grease Reduction and its Potential as Energy
Energy Value
Ian T. Davidson
Road Map
- FOG–What is it?
- Cost of FOG
- Prevention
- Energy value
- How much is there?
- Preferred Pumper Program
- Policy Recommendations
- Cleaning
- 3-5 years v. 3-6 months
- Lawsuits
- Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Fund v. Atlanta
- $3.5 Million
- Repairs and Upgrades
- Atlanta: Total more than $2 billion
- Borne by citizens
- Federal Level: CWA, NPDES
- Local level: City or County code
- Streamline
- Save Time & Money
Another Man's Treasure
- Stop FOG from entering sewers
- Grease Traps
- Cost to sewer infrastructure
- Renewable energy diversification
How much FOG is there?
- 624 million lbs
- Annual in US
- FOG:
- 7.8-52 million pounds
- Recoverable (30%):
- 2.3 -15.6 million pounds
-Source: NREL
- 8.5 billion lbs
- Annual in US
“Assessment Data collected on grease trap wastes are subject to inherent inaccuracies because this material can include a significant amount of water and other materials mixed with the grease.” -NREL Study
Food, Oil, and Grease
- Different than Cooking Oil
- Far More Viscous
- Different make-up each time
- Vegetable oil
- Animal fat
- Other grease
Preferred Pumper Program
"There is more of this stuff than anybody realizes–more than they'll be able to deal with."
-A POTW Representative
- Standardize regulation
- Pumping, Reporting, Inspection
- Flexibility
- Frequency
- Fees
“grease from restaurants, homes, and industrial sources are the most common cause (47%) of reported blockages.”
-EPA Report
Federal Regulation
City of Portland
- Cost to infrastructure
- Billions nationwide
- Source of Energy
- Affordable
- Large Amount
- Clean Water Act, 1972
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Population of 600,000
- 3,500 Food Service Establisments (FSEs)
- 12 different classifications of FSEs
- Ex:
- Bagel Shop
- Pub
- Full-service kitchen in a Hotel
- Fast-food restaurant
- Each fined differently
- Fines lessened with compliance
- Installation of grease trap
- Regular pumping
- Success
- 2011: 827,000 gallons pumped
- 2012: 988,197 gallons pumped
"Energy is THE issue of our time."
-Governor Kitzhaber
Cost of Prevention
- Disperse the cost?
- Charge only the offenders?
- Hybrid?