Yellow: Spain
Green: Hapsburgs/Austria
Redish: Tudors
Purple: Stuarts
Blue: Valois
Light Blue: Bourbon
Brown: Russia
Bold Brown: Romanov
Poland (Alex's Archenemy)
- Szachta- Nobles
- Senate- Upper House
- Sejm- Lower House of Parliament
- Catholic
- Tolerant, so many fled here
- Flawed cause it's run by hereditary nobles
- Liberum Veto- Prevented Absolute Monarchs, Sejm can end Legislation and nullify laws
- Partition of Poland
- 3 of them
- Prussia, Russia, and Austria get slices of the pie
- Kicked out the Mongols
- Conquered Ukraine, Poland, Moscow
- Muscovite
- Third Rome
- Isolates Russia
- Increases Boyar (Noble) power
- Centralizes power
- Tudor Dynasty
- Stadardizes Weights, Measures, $$$
- "Starchamber" to control nobles
- Avoids foreign wars, Saves money
Ferdinand of Aragon
- Won Hundred-Years War
- Used Joan of Arc to attack England/ Get her killed
- Standardized Weights, Measures, $$$
- Unified France internally
- Took away Pope's ability to choose RCC members in France (Pragmatic Sanction (Not Austria's))
- Savior of Christendom
- Fought Turks
- Battle of Vienna
- Popular
- "Lion of Lechistan"
- Separate money/governments in case things fall apart
- Reconquista- Jews and Muslims can Covert, Leave, or Die
- Standardize Weights, Measures, $
- Can now fund exploration stuff
- Never stood against partitions, lost Poland
- Last Monarch
- Patron of the arts
- Involved with Russians
Louis XI, Charles VIII, Louis XII
- Expands Territory
- Repress the West
- Backwards to the rest of Europe
- Absolute Power
- Crazy
- Forgettable
- Invade Milan
- Strengthen France
- Trade Increases
- Dies before being king
- Marriage gives England $$$
- Don't allow Annulment Clement VII
Marries after Arthur's death
- No heckin' czars
- Wars between boyars
- Poland invades
- Chaos
- Dutch Hapsburg
- Hated by Spain
- Uses colonies + trade for $$$
- Sack of Rome
- Clement VII is too cozy with France
- Fights Suleiman (Ottoman), Schmalkaldics
- Exhausted
- Splits Empire and abdicates
- Fights the Reformation
- Like Cromwell
- Kosciuszko Uprising
- Hero for fighting Russia/Prussia
- Friends with Thomas Jefferson
- Helped US in Revolutionary War
- Conspicuous Consumption
- Brought Renaissance to France
- Art
- Leonardo
- Standardized French Language
- Schools
- Book of Courtier by Castiglione
- Exploration
- Jacques Cartier, Giovanni Verrazano
- Fought Charles V
- Tried forming Pope alliance->Sack of Rome
- Worked with Suleiman (Ottomans)
- Tolerant of Protestants until 1534 protests
- Exiled Calvin + shut down publications
- Low Church
- Weak from illness
- Thomas Crammer = Regent
- 39 Articles- Anglican less RCC
- Wants male heir
- Syphilis
- A lot of divorce/killings/death
- "Defender of Faith"
- Writes against Luther
- Not HRE
- Grudge against Charles V
- Brief Alliance with Francis I
- Cardinal Wolsey doesn't succeed
- Act of Supremacy- 1534
- "High Church"
- Took RCC land
- Archbishop of Canterbury leads Anglican Church
- Thomas Cranmer
- Vernacular Bible
- Book of Common Prayer
- Act of Uniformity
- Westernizes Russia
- Goes to W. Europe to see modern stuff, like boats
- Grand Embassy tour
- Government-
- French
- Wear tights
- No beard/ Beard License
- Wants a Warm Water Port
- St. Petersburg
- City Built on Bones/Window to the West
- Capital
- Great Northern War with Sweden
- Puts down Revolts himself
(Not his name but whatever)
Henry II (Catherine de Medici)
- Henry II's + kids are the puppets
- Anti-Protestant
- RCC agenda vs. Huguenots
- St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Marries, no love, money and power for Philip II
- Very Spanish
- Centralizes Power
- Escorial
- Palace
- Conspicuous Consumption
- Armada vs. England -Fails
- 80 years of war with Dutch Revolters
- King of Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Some of Italy, Colonies
- War with France 1580's to 1590's
- Fight Huguenots
- Weakens Spain
- Welcome to Hell Protestants
- Catholic-Undo Edward's work
- Kills Important Protestants
- Died from tumor (Thought it was a baby)
- Winner by default
- Huguenot
- Killed by Henry Duke of Guise
- "Allies" with Henry III
- Works for Philip II
- Wants to weaken France
- Killed by those loyal to Henry III
- Elector of Brandenburg-elect HRE
- Northern Germany
- Berlin and Koingsburg
- Nobles = Junkers
- Disciplined Army
- Frederick III-
- Prussian Academy of the Sciences
- For smart people
- Safe for Huguenots
No marriage= Launch the Armada
Elizabeth I (Good Queen Bess)
- Picks Catherine to be leader
- Crazy family
- Divine Right
- High Church
- Scottish
- King James Bible
- Wants daughter to rule
- Pragmatic Sanction to let woman inherit HRE land
- Politique- Be loyal to England
- Brings back old Anglican stuff
- Sea Dogs- Drake, Frobisher, Hawkyns
- Raid Spain
- Repels Armada
- Huge debt
- Privy Council
- Cabinet
- William Cecil-most powerful
- Virgin Queen
- Explores Virginia
- British East India Company
- Lloyds of London
- Shakespeare
- Golden Age
Starts 80 Years War to make them RC
Frederick William (Great Elector)
- Politique
- Converts to RCC
- "Paris is worth a mass"
- Fights Spain
- Edict of Nantes
- Religious Freedom in 200 towns
- Good King Henry
- Duke of Sully
- Top Adviser
- Army increases, taxes increase
- Not Catholic enough though = Dead
- Restores Hohenzollern domains
- Centralizes power
- Rebuilds towns, army
- Foundation of monarchy
- Thirty Years War
- Gold runs out
- Inbreeding
- Bad Monarchs
- Diplomatic Revolution
- French Allies
- Orlov Brothers kill Peter III
- Enlightened despot
- Voltaire and Diderot
- Expands borders
- Crimea port
- Gregory Potemkin
- "secret husband"
- Potemkinvilles to trick Catherine
- Charter of Rights to boyars
- Less Torture
- Limited religious tolerance
- Schools-Boys and Girls
- Hermitage museum
- Pugachev Rebellion
- stops freedom of serfs
- Hapsburg RC
- Becomes Calvinist
- Duke of Alva-Council of Blood
- Scare them back to RCC
- Massacre of Protestant Dutch
- RC and Protestant see Spain as foreign invader
- Pacification of Ghent
- They team up
- Starts Dutch Nationalism
- Led by William of Orange I
- 1581-Independence
- 1648- Treaty of Westphalia
- Gets rid of Hapsburgs
Louis XIII (Cardinal Richelieu)
Frederick William I (Soldier's King)
- Efficient Government
- Boosts military
- Merit System for hiring officials
- Cut costs for military
- No war
- No art
- Pro-absolute monarchy
- Less Noble power, less Huguenot power
- Castle destroyer
- Intended System
- Provinces looked after by Middle Class
- Control Nobles
- Politique
- Pro-RCC
- Reduces Edict of Nantes
- La Rochelle Rebellion is put down
- Joins Sweden and Schmalkaldics vs HRE during Thirty Years War
- Helps Dutch
- $$$ on art, advisers, colonies, war
- Taille (Land Tax), Gabelle (Salt Tax)
- Champlain
- Native Americans are "naturalized Frenchmen"
- Dumas "Three Musketeers
- Codex Theresianus
- Code of Law
- War of Austrian Succession
- Fought everywhere
- Frederick II (Prussia) conquers Silesia
- France, Spain, Bavaria, Saxony vs. Austria, Britain, Netherlands
- Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
- Britain and France exchange land
- Maria can lead
- Diplomatic Revolution
- The tables have turned
- New alliances to Balance Power
- France-Austria-Russia
- Britain-Prussia-Hannover
- Defensive Treaty of Versailles
- Prussia and Austria fight to control Germany
- Used Diplomatic Revolution alliances
- France loses colonies to Britain
- Sweden joins in to hurt Prussia
- 1628 Petition of Right
- Habeas Corpus (Right to fair trial) for no more debt
- Fails
- Long Parliament
- Go Home!! Nope
- Invades Silesia
- War of Austrian Succession
- Seven Years War
- Very rich area
- Partition of Poland
- Strong government/army
- Boosts industry
- Enlightened despot
- Religious tolerance
- Weakens HRE
- Sanssouci- Palace
- Peopling Prussia
- Increase land use and food
- Attracts immigrants
- The Sun King
- "I am the State"
- "When Louis sneezed, all Europe caught cold"
- Fronde-Noble Rebellion
- Nobles = Bad, Huguenots = Bad
- Cardinal Mazarin (Temporary regent)
- Centralizes all power
- Versailles
- Watch Nobles
- Escape
- Very Expensive
- They copy him = favors
- DRM thanks to Bishop Bossuet
- No Edict of Nantes
- Convert or die
- Includes Jansenists
- Nobles in Intended System
- 0-3-1 War record
- People gain up on him to reduce power
- Balance of Power from Treaty of Westphalia
- Huge Army
- Treaty of Dover- Give money to Charles II
- Enlightened Despot
- Abolished Serfdom
- Equality and education
- Emancipation of Peasants
- Patent of Tolerance
- Private religious tolerance
- Josephinism
- Ideal enlightened state
- Politique
- Musical King
- More Germanic
- Commissioned Mozart and Beethoven
- Roundheads (Parliament) vs. Cavaliers (Charles I)
- Roundheads win
- Over money, habeas corpus, and Parliament power
- Dictator Yay!!!!!!
- Commonwealth of England
- Changed names
- Lord Protector
- Instrument of Government
- Constitution
- A heckin' Calvinist who hates fun
- Restoration
- PARTY!!!!!
- Great Fire of London
- Doesn't challenge Parliament
- Treaty of Dover= more money!!!!
- William III of Orange
- Mary II
- Bill of Rights
- Act of Toleration
- Heckin' Catholic
- Tries to make people Catholic- fails