Cold War Timeline
Space Race
Suez Crisis
Berlin Airlift
Iran Hostage Crisis
- HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee)
- Established 1938
- Started on October 1956
- Known as the Second Arab-Israeli war
- Happened during the span of the 20th century between the Soviet Union and the United States
- Happened between the time periods of November 4th, 1979 to January 20th, 1981
- Started: June 24, 1948
- Ended May 12, 1949
- Was the United Nations response to the Soviet Union's Berlin Blockade
- The space race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States to see who would be the first to reach space.
- This was an important event during the Cold War as it was a competition to see which of the two countries had the better technology at the time.
- A group of Iranians stormed a US Embassy and took American hostages in response of Mohammed Riza Pahlavi being sent to the US for medical treatment and avoiding his court trail. The students used the hostages as blackmail against the US. This lead to failed negotiations as well as a failed rescue mission
- The importance would come to the impact of this event. This led to rising tensions between the two countries due to sanctions being placed on Iran as well as opposing relations with western nations
- The Suez Crisis was a war at the Suez Canal that was started when Israeli forces as well as British and French pushed in to Egypt to try and take over the canal
- This was an important event as it lead to British and French power to lessen due to withdrawing to the war
- The Soviet Union wanted to have a Soviet-occupied Berlin, so they created the Berlin Blockade which would close all forms of transportation with Western-Berlin. The USSR hoped that the blockade would discourage the United Nations from occupying West Berlin. The Berlin Airlift was the United Nations response to this blockade. The United Nations would supply West Berlin using planes that would drop supplies for the citizens.
- This is an important event as it represents how far the United Nations are willing to go to go against the spread of communism.
- The HUAC was a committee within America with the goal to investigate any suspicious citizens that may have ties to Soviet Union or support communism.
- This was an important committee during the Red Scare era as americans were afraid that America's government had communist influence or that their nation would be overthrown by the communist.
Warsaw Pact
Berlin Wall
Arms Race
Space Race
Suez Crisis
Berlin Airlift
Iran Hostage Crisis
Arms Race
Warsaw Pact
Berlin Wall
- NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Founded in 1949
- Founded by US, Canada, and Western European Nations
- Formed on May 14, 1955
- Ended in July 1, 1991
- Adopted as a political slogan in 1986
- Policy was started in the Soviet Union by Gorbachev, a politician that took control of the soviet union in 1985
- Constructed on August 13, 1961
- Destroyed on November 1991
- Arms race started in 1945 after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
- This was a race between America and the Soviet Union
Economic Action
- The Berlin Wall was a concrete barrier guarded on both West and East Berlin to cut off West Berlin from East Germany to stop any refugees from escaping to West Germany
- This is an important event as it was a symbol of communist suppression
- NATO was created to provide support and help secure countries against communist control and the Soviet Union
- NATO is a important organization that still exists today. NATO is responsible for defending many countries from falling to communist control
- Composed of Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania
- The Warsaw Pact was a treaty of communist nations as a reaction towards West Germany being occupied by NATO nations
- This was an important moment in history as it solidified the USSR's desire to maintain their countries.
- The Arms Race was a competition between the USSR and the USA during the cold war were both nations would try to make more nuclear weapons than the other to try and prove their superiority over the other.
- This was an important event because it lead to the the Soviet Union to develop much more nuclear weapons and the development of the Hydrogen bomb
- Glasnost was a policy allowing open criticism of the Soviet government and gave limited freedom for the press
- This is an important event as this led to the Soviet Union government being less restrictive and leading towards a more democratic government
Military Action
Diplomatic Action
Person Action
Political Action