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Pappus was born in 290 B.C.
He died in 350 B.C.
Pappus is known for his
study of geology
This is mainly what Pappus
is known for. These books
describe his main teachings. Such
as his theorems. There are 8 books
in the series each containing a
different principle on math.
Book 1 is thought to contain arithmetic
before the book was destroyed
Book 2 contains continuation on arithmetic and a new topic of multiplication
Book 3 contains geometrical problems, plane and solid
Book 4 contains the theorem of a circle
Book 5 contains information on polygons
Book 6 was to resolve problems of the
“lesser astronomical works” (other books of the time)
Book 7 contains the history of geometry methods
Book 8 contains the properties of the center
of gravity, and some mechanical powers
He has many theorems
-centroid theorem
-harmonic theorem
-hexagon theorem