Bibliography Time!!!:D
- Getting Away With Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case
By Chris Crowe
Emmett's Story
- Simeon's Story: An Eyewitness Account of the Kidnapping of Emmett Till
By Simeon Wright with Herb Boyd
On August 24, 1955 Till went to visit family in Money Mississippi. He allegedly flirted with a white cashier. Four days after that, Emmett was taken by Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam. Later, Emmett was found in the Tallahatchie River. He had apparently been beaten in the face and was shot in the head. The only way Till was identified was because Emmett was wearing an initialed ring given to him by his father, Louis Till.
Around 2:15-2:30 A.M. on August 28, 1955, Roy Brant and his half brother J. W. Milam, drove to Mose and Elizabeth Wright's house. Mose "Preacher" Wright was Emmett's great-uncle. Elizabeth Wright was Till's great-aunt. Roy and J. W. took Emmett to their car while Mose and Elizabeth Wright begged for them to leave Till. Wright even said he would rather that they whip Till and leave him rather than take him. The brothers didn't listen and they took Emmett. The next time Till was seen was when he was in a casket.
Gross picture on the next slide!!!
- Emmett Till was born at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.
Emmett's Childhood
- Emmett Till's childhood nickname was "Bobo".
- Till had polio at the age of five but managed to pull through it. After this, he would speak with a mild stutter.
- According to Emmett's mother, Emmett was always a very fat kid. Not fat to a point of obesity, but he was very fat for an African American at that time period.
Emmett Louis Till
Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois.
An only child, Emmett, was born to Mamie and Louis Till.
Till never knew his father, a private in the United States Army during World War II. In 1945, the family received word from the army that the father had been executed for "willful misconduct" while serving in Italy.
Emmett Louis Till
Emmett's parents, Mamie and Louis separated in 1942, three years before Louis died.
The Boy Who Triggered the Civil Rights Movement
The Murderer's Trial
- When Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were arrested and brought before a court they were both found not guilty quickly by an all-white, all-male jury.
- Later they both confessed.
- In an act of extraordinary bravery, Moses Wright took the stand and identified Bryant and Milam as Till's kidnappers and killers. At the time, it was almost unheard of for blacks to openly accuse whites in court,
and by doing so Wright put his own life in grave danger.
- Roy Bryant was an ex-solider; Milam served in World War II and received combat medals.
- When they were acquitted, the men later sold their story for $4,000 to reporter William Bradford Huie.
- Both Roy And J.W. died of cancer.
- Since Emmett was an only child, Mamie only had her one son and he was taken from her in 1955.
The Murderers.
- Mamie Till- Mobley was Emmett Till's mother.
Mamie Till-Mobley
By Kara Meade