- Seward- Sec. of State
- GB out of Civil War
- Midway Island
- Canal in Nicaragua
- Alaska
- Spanish American War
- William McKinley
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Howard Taft
- Woodrow Wilson
The Progressive Era
- Reform
- Political, economic, social change
- Municipal reform
- Democratization of America
- Capitalism
- The Poor
- Moral Reform
- Progressive Presidents
- Successes and Failures
- Lasting Impact
- Espionage & Sedition Acts
- Suffrage
- 14 Points
- Isolationism
- Jazz
- Charleston
- Flappers
- Speakeasies
- "Bathtub Gin"
- "Jazz Age"
- "Roaring Twenties"
- "Era of Excess"
- automobiles
- radio
- movies
- mass consumerism
- airplanes
- Republican
- Isolationism
- Protestant values
- 18th Amendment
- Nativism
- Scopes Trial
- Poland- September 1, 1939
- Blitzkreig
- Denmark, Norway, France
- Cash & Carry 1939
- Selective Service Act- 1.2 m troops, 1940
- Destroyers for Bases- England
- 1940 Election- 54%
- Arsenal of Democracy
- Four Freedoms- speech, religion, want, fear (Norman Rockwell)
- Lend Lease Act- England, USSR, 1941
- Atlantic Charter- War Principles, self-determination, free trade
- Shoot on Sight- July 1941, Greer, Germany
- Japan- froze assets in US, no metal or oil, July 1941, French Indochina, Negotiations, Cordell Hull
African Americans
Mexican Americans
- bracero program, 300,000, Zoot Suit Riots
American Indians
- Navajo Code Talkers, 25,000, 1/2 left reservations
Japanese Americans
- Nisei, 20,000, EO 9066, 100,000 Internment Camps, Korematsu v. US
- 200,000 in uniform, 5m work, married 24%, Rosie the Riveter, less pay, day care
- solidarity, "band of brothers"
- FDR, Churchill,grand strategy, unconditional surrender
- Big Three, D-Day,soviets invade Germany
- Big Three last, divide Germany, free elections in E. Europe, Declare war on Japan, United Nations in San Francisco
FDR Dies April 12
- Stalin, Atlee, Truman, Japan unconditional surrender, war crime trials
Unit 6 Period 7 Imperialism-WWII
- Good Neighbor Policy
- Reversed Roosevelt Corollary
- Cuba- nullify Platt Amendment
- Recognized USSR
- Philippines- gradual independence
- Reciprocal trade agreements
- Italy, Japan, Germany- Totalitarian and Fascist regimes come to power
- Neutrality Acts- arms, loans and credit, shipment of arms to Spain
- Spanish Civil War- Lincoln Brigade
- America First Committee
- Appeasement- Ethiopia, Austria, Rhineland, China, Sudetenland (Munich Pact), Czechoslovakia
- Quarantine Speech 1937
- Preparedness- neutrality and arms buildup 1938
First New Deal
- The Three R's
- Brain Trust
- Kitchen Cabinet
- First New Deal (First 100 Days)
- Bank Holiday (EBRA)
- 21st Amendment
- Fireside Chats
- Off gold standard
Life During Depression
- Women-lower pay
- Dust Bowl
- Oakies
- John Steinbeck;Grapes of Wrath
- Soil Conservation Service
- African Americans- excluded
- Improvements-WPA, CCC, 100's of mid level gvt. positions,Marian Anderson,Mary McLeod Bethune (NYA, Council of Negro Affairs)
- American Indians
- BIA, John Collier, CCC, WPA
- Indian Reorganization Act-returned land, No Dawes
- 1928 Election
- 1929 Crash
- 1932 Election
- 1932 Worse Year of Depression
- GNP 104B to 56B
- 20% banks failed
- 13m unemployed (25%)
- End of Republican domination
- All social classes hit
- Women, farmers, blacks hurt worse
- 20th Amendment
Industrial Recovery Program
- Blue Eagle
- codes for wages, hours
- Schecter v US 1935
Farm Production Control Program
- government subsidies to plow under
- NY
- Rich
- Democrat
- Polio
- Eleanor
- 1932,1936,1940, 1944
- Great Migration
- New Orleans, NYC, St. Louis, Chicago
- Harlem Renaissance- Jazz, literature, art, Langston Hughes, Zora Hurston
- Nationalism-Marcus Garvey, UNIA
- WPA-jobs for everyone
- Resettlement Administration
- Wagner Act- NLRB
- Federal Taxes, capital gains, inheritance
- Social Security-65, unemployed, disabled, dependent children
- Red Scare
- Palmer Raids
- Emergency Quota Act 1921
- Immigration Act 1924
- Sacco & Vanzetti
- Scopes Trial- William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow
- voluntary cooperation (businesses, unions, charities)
- rugged individualism
- too little too late
- Hoover Dam
- Federal Farm Board
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (trickle down)
- Hawley Smoot Tariff 1930
- Debt Moratorium-Dawes Plan
- Bonus March
- Business generally disliked FDR
- FDR- 60%
- Solid South
- Immigrants from cities
- Midwest farmers
- labor unions
- liberals
- African Americans
- Fair Employment Practice Committee
- A. Philip Randolph
- Liberals
- Business: deficit funding, conservative Democrats
- American Liberty League
- Father Charles Coughlin
- Dr. Francis Townsend
- Huey Long
Last Phase
- 1937-1938
- Recession
- not enough spending
- Keynesian Economics
- Partisanship
- CIO- John Lewis, UMW, unskilled auto, steel, textile
- Strikes- GM, Flint, sit down, UAW
- Steel- some resistance, 1941 all CIO
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- minimum wage
- max week
- 16 child labor
- Court Reorganization Plan: Court Packing, 9
Progressive Presidents
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Howard Taft
- Woodrow Wilson
- December 7, 1941
- 2,400, 1,100 on Arizona
- Declaration of War, Dec.8, Jeanette Rankin
- Allied Powers- FDR, Churchill, Stalin
Harding and Coolidge
- Black outs, radar, sonar, convoys, Tuskegee Airmen
- North Africa, Italy, France, D-Day June 6, 1944, April 30, 1945 Hitler, May 7, 1945 V-E Day
- Doolittle Raid, Island hopping, Iwo Jima, Mt. Suribachi, Okinawa
Atomic Bombs
- Manhattan Project, Dr. Oppenheimer, Alamogordo, NM, Aug. 6, 1945 Hiroshima, Aug. 9 Nagasaki, 250,000
Japan Surrenders
- September 2, 1945, MacArthur, USS Missouri
- Radio
- Motion Pictures-Hollywood, Charlie Chaplin
- Henry Ford- assembly line
- Automobile
- Aviation- Charles Lindbergh
- Literature- free verse, string of conscience
- Lost Generation- Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, cynicism
- Southern Renaissance- William Faulkner (Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying)
- Return to Normalcy
- Big Business
- High tariffs
- Relaxed government control
- Isolationist
- Arms reduction treaties
- Scandal: Ohio Gang. Teapot Dome
- 50 m dead
- 15 m Americans served
- 300,000 Americans died
- 800,000 wounded
- Huge National Debt
- United Nations
- Security Council
- 5 permanent, veto
- General Assembly
- 50
- Cold War
- technology
- US world political and economic leader
Foreign Policy Up to FDR
- Isolationism
- Washington Naval Conference-stop arms race
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- Advance business- Latin America
- Dollar Diplomacy
- Middle East- oil
- Tariffs- Fordney McCumber, Hawley Smoot
- Dawes Plan
- League of Nations
- Japan-Manchuria
- Italy- Ethiopia
- Stimson Doctrine- refuse to recognize
- Deregulation
- End of Progressivism
Focus Questions
- 6 million Jews
- 3 million others
- Auschwitz
- genocide
- systematic
- stages
- Federal- WPB, OWM,OPA, rationing, deficit spending, GNP increased
- Business & Industry- retro fit factories
- Research & development- computers, radar, sonar, penicillin, jet engines, Manhattan Project
- Workers & Unions-Smith Connally Anti Strike Act
- Financing the War- 500B, taxes, war bonds (135B)
- Propaganda-posters, songs, movies, Office of War Information, Warner Bros., Disney
- Breaking down taboos-drinking, smoking, sex
- Clothes and dance
- Most still traditional roles
- 19th amendment
- League of Women Voters
- Alice Paul-Woman's Party, equal rights
- ERA- 1923
- Margaret Sanger
- Service and clerical jobs
- Flappers
- Credit
- Buying On Margin
- Unequal Distribution of Wealth
- High Tariffs
- Laissez Faire
- Overproduction (High Inventories)
- Farmers, Textile, Coal
- Bull Market Collapsed
- Black Tuesday
- October 29, 1929