Air Pollution
Air pollution is when the air contains gases, dust, fumes, or odors in harmful amounts and are very harmful to the health of living things andcause damage to materials
What is the 1990 Clean Air Act?
The 1990 Clean air act is the first national air pollution control.The Clean Air Act is the law that defines EPA's responsibilities for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer.
What are the main contributors to emission?
Ways you can help reduce air pollution!
4. Using public transportation for short local trips.
5. Raking leaves rather than using gas-powered leaf blowers.
6. Reducing dependence on central air conditioning with fans and open windows when possible.
7. Avoid running your car's engine during traffic jams and train crossings.
1. Microwave meals instead of cooking with a gas stove.
2. Hanging laundry up to dry instead of using a gas or electric dryer.
3. Avoid burning wood, leaves, trash, and charcoal during ozone action days.
8. Carpool
9. Buy Smart!
10. Don't waste a lot of energy. Save it!
In order to better control air pollution, even the simple little things listed here can go a long way if enough people do them regularly!
Chemical and nuclear plants
Industrial factories
Oil refineries
Human sewage
Oil and antifreeze leaking from cars
Overcrowded landfills
Construction debris
Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr