Phantom Limb Syndrome
Influencing Future Nursing Practice
- We will advise our future workplaces to offer CAM therapies as an option for pain management
Disseminating Research Findings
Research Purpose
>Facebook page
>Word of mouth
>Walk for PLP
Need for Research
To gain a greater understanding of the experiences of amputees encountering phantom limb pain and which treatments they found effective.
- There are nearly 2 million people living with limb loss in the United States
- Phantom limb pain affects majortiy of amputees.
- Improved treatment methods are needed
Causes of
Phantom Limb Pain
- Exact cause unknown
- Theories: peripheral & central
- Cortical Remapping
Phantom Limb Pain (PLP)
Study Design
- Qualitative
- Open-ended questionnaire
Group Members
- Sensation of pain occurring in lost limb following amputation
- Described as burning, twisting, throbbing, cramping, or stabbing.
- Sporadic or continuous
- Mildly or excruciatingly painful
- Affects approximately 60-80% of amputees
- Traditional
- Complementary & Alternative Methods (CAM)
- Anjana.H
- Dikshitha
- Vrushubh Bhatt
Traditional Treatment
Complementary & Alternative Methods
- Mirror Therapy
- Acupuncture
- IRB Approval
- Confidentiality
Pharmaceutical Treatments
- Antidepressants
- Anticonvulsants
- Narcotics
- Amputees experiencing phantom limb pain
- 54% of amputations due to vascular disease (diabetes and peripheral artery disease)
- 45% of amputations due to trauma
- Amputees from both groups will be recruited for the study.
Surgical & Invasive Procedures
- Brain stimulation
- Stump revision or neurectomy