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Nest IntroNest IntroWWNest Intro
Film NoirFilm NoirWWFilm Noir
Introduction to Chaucer's Canterbury TalesIntroduction to Chaucer's Canterbury TalesWWIntroduction to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Japanese CinemaJapanese CinemaWWJapanese Cinema
Act 4 Sc 4Act 4 Sc 4WWAct 4 Sc 4
Miller's TaleMiller's TaleWWMiller's Tale
Cat's Cradle 4Cat's Cradle 4WWCat's Cradle 4
Cat's Cradle 3Cat's Cradle 3WWCat's Cradle 3
Elements of Horror FilmElements of Horror FilmWWElements of Horror Film
1 - Exposition1 - ExpositionWW1 - Exposition
Flowers 25Flowers 25WWFlowers 25
Flowers 24Flowers 24WWFlowers 24
Flowers 23Flowers 23WWFlowers 23
Flowers 22Flowers 22WWFlowers 22
Flowers 21Flowers 21WWFlowers 21
Flowers 20Flowers 20WWFlowers 20
Flowers 19Flowers 19WWFlowers 19
Flowers 18Flowers 18WWFlowers 18
Flowers 17Flowers 17WWFlowers 17
Flowers 16Flowers 16WWFlowers 16
Flowers 15Flowers 15WWFlowers 15
Flowers 14Flowers 14WWFlowers 14
Flowers 13Flowers 13WWFlowers 13
Flowers 12Flowers 12WWFlowers 12
Flowers 11Flowers 11WWFlowers 11
Application Do NowApplication Do NowWWApplication Do Now
Flowers 10Flowers 10WWFlowers 10
Flowers 9Flowers 9WWFlowers 9
Flowers 8Flowers 8WWFlowers 8
Flowers 7Flowers 7WWFlowers 7
Flowers 6Flowers 6WWFlowers 6
Trial 3Trial 3WWTrial 3
Trial 2Trial 2WWTrial 2
Flowers 5Flowers 5WWFlowers 5
1984 - 41984 - 4WW1984 - 4
Trial 1Trial 1WWTrial 1
Flowers 4Flowers 4WWFlowers 4
Flowers 3Flowers 3WWFlowers 3
Flowers 2Flowers 2WWFlowers 2
Flowers 1Flowers 1WWFlowers 1
Flowers for Algernon IntroductionFlowers for Algernon IntroductionWWFlowers for Algernon Introduction
Chapters 23-25Chapters 23-25WWChapters 23-25
Copy of Subgenres of Western MoviesCopy of Subgenres of Western MoviesWWCopy of Subgenres of Western Movies
Writing Body ParagraphsWriting Body ParagraphsWWWriting Body Paragraphs
Elements of Documentary FilmElements of Documentary FilmWWElements of Documentary Film
Comedy and FilmComedy and FilmWWComedy and Film
Tom Sawyer IntroductionTom Sawyer IntroductionWWTom Sawyer Introduction
Night 5 (2)Night 5 (2)WWNight 5 (2)
Night 5Night 5WWNight 5
Night 4 (2)Night 4 (2)WWNight 4 (2)
Night 4Night 4WWNight 4
Night Part Three (2)Night Part Three (2)WWNight Part Three (2)
Night Part ThreeNight Part ThreeWWNight Part Three
Night Part Two (2)Night Part Two (2)WWNight Part Two (2)
Night Part Two (1)Night Part Two (1)WWNight Part Two (1)
Copy of Thesis Statement WritingCopy of Thesis Statement WritingWWCopy of Thesis Statement Writing
Copy of Thesis Statement and Main Idea WorkshopCopy of Thesis Statement and Main Idea WorkshopWWCopy of Thesis Statement and Main Idea Workshop
Night Part One (2)Night Part One (2)WWNight Part One (2)
Night: Part One (1)Night: Part One (1)WWNight: Part One (1)
Film: Chapters 1-3Film: Chapters 1-3WWFilm: Chapters 1-3
Beyond the InfiniteBeyond the InfiniteWWBeyond the Infinite
2001 - The Space Age2001 - The Space AgeWW2001 - The Space Age
2001 - Ape Men2001 - Ape MenWW2001 - Ape Men
2001: A Space Odyssey2001: A Space OdysseyWW2001: A Space Odyssey
Chapter 10 Subject-Verb AgreementChapter 10 Subject-Verb AgreementWWChapter 10 Subject-Verb Agreement
Common AppCommon AppWWCommon App
Existentialism in The TrialExistentialism in The TrialWWExistentialism in The Trial
The Trial IntroThe Trial IntroWWThe Trial Intro
Complete SentencesComplete SentencesWWComplete Sentences
Winston's DreamsWinston's DreamsWWWinston's Dreams
E12: Sentence StructureE12: Sentence StructureWWE12: Sentence Structure
E11: Effective SentencesE11: Effective SentencesWWE11: Effective Sentences
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
Hamlet and the Oedipus ComplexHamlet and the Oedipus ComplexWWHamlet and the Oedipus Complex
Chapter 15Chapter 15WWChapter 15
Chapter 14Chapter 14WWChapter 14
Chapter 13Chapter 13WWChapter 13
Chapter 11-12Chapter 11-12WWChapter 11-12
Henry's MurderHenry's MurderWWHenry's Murder
Chapter 10Chapter 10WWChapter 10
Chapter 9Chapter 9WWChapter 9
Children in 1984Children in 1984WWChildren in 1984
1984 - 51984 - 5WW1984 - 5
Chapters 27-29Chapters 27-29WWChapters 27-29
Chapter 28Chapter 28WWChapter 28
Introduction: The Scholar's TaleIntroduction: The Scholar's TaleWWIntroduction: The Scholar's Tale
Chapter 26Chapter 26WWChapter 26
Chapter 25Chapter 25WWChapter 25
Chapter 24Chapter 24WWChapter 24
Chapter 23Chapter 23WWChapter 23
Chapter 22Chapter 22WWChapter 22
Chapter 18Chapter 18WWChapter 18
Act 5: The EndAct 5: The EndWWAct 5: The End
Act 3: The Witches Fight BackAct 3: The Witches Fight BackWWAct 3: The Witches Fight Back
Act 3: Keeping ControlAct 3: Keeping ControlWWAct 3: Keeping Control
Act 2: The AftermathAct 2: The AftermathWWAct 2: The Aftermath
MacDuff Leaves for EnglandMacDuff Leaves for EnglandWWMacDuff Leaves for England
Chapter 16Chapter 16WWChapter 16
Chapter 11Chapter 11WWChapter 11
Chapter 8Chapter 8WWChapter 8
Chapter 2Chapter 2WWChapter 2
Chapter 6Chapter 6WWChapter 6
Chapter 5Chapter 5WWChapter 5
The Reeve's TaleThe Reeve's TaleWWThe Reeve's Tale
Chapter 4Chapter 4WWChapter 4
Chapter 3Chapter 3WWChapter 3
Chapter 1Chapter 1WWChapter 1
Chapter 12Chapter 12WWChapter 12
Grendel: Chapter 11Grendel: Chapter 11WWGrendel: Chapter 11
Chapter 7Chapter 7WWChapter 7
Chapter 5: The DragonChapter 5: The DragonWWChapter 5: The Dragon
Chapter 3: The Rise of ManChapter 3: The Rise of ManWWChapter 3: The Rise of Man
Beowulf Fights the DragonBeowulf Fights the DragonWWBeowulf Fights the Dragon
Beowulf and the DragonBeowulf and the DragonWWBeowulf and the Dragon
Hamlet: An IntroductionHamlet: An IntroductionWWHamlet: An Introduction
5 - Conformity and the Lodgers5 - Conformity and the LodgersWW5 - Conformity and the Lodgers
4 - Alienated By the Family4 - Alienated By the FamilyWW4 - Alienated By the Family
3 - Gregor Begins Acceptance3 - Gregor Begins AcceptanceWW3 - Gregor Begins Acceptance
2 - Gregor and His Boss2 - Gregor and His BossWW2 - Gregor and His Boss
Teach Like a ChampionTeach Like a ChampionWWTeach Like a Champion
Brave New World: Ch. 11Brave New World: Ch. 11WWBrave New World: Ch. 11
Brave New World: Ch. 10Brave New World: Ch. 10WWBrave New World: Ch. 10
Brave New World: Ch. 9Brave New World: Ch. 9WWBrave New World: Ch. 9
Brave New World: Ch. 8Brave New World: Ch. 8WWBrave New World: Ch. 8
Brave New World: Ch. 7Brave New World: Ch. 7WWBrave New World: Ch. 7
Brave New World: Ch. 6Brave New World: Ch. 6WWBrave New World: Ch. 6
Brave New World: Ch. 5Brave New World: Ch. 5WWBrave New World: Ch. 5
Brave New World: Ch. 4Brave New World: Ch. 4WWBrave New World: Ch. 4
Brave New World: Ch. 3Brave New World: Ch. 3WWBrave New World: Ch. 3
Brave New World: Ch. 2Brave New World: Ch. 2WWBrave New World: Ch. 2
Brave New World: Ch. 1Brave New World: Ch. 1WWBrave New World: Ch. 1
Harrison BergeronHarrison BergeronWWHarrison Bergeron
Harrison Bergeron: Introduction and AnalysisHarrison Bergeron: Introduction and AnalysisWWHarrison Bergeron: Introduction and Analysis
Victor Chases the MonsterVictor Chases the MonsterWWVictor Chases the Monster
The Wedding NightThe Wedding NightWWThe Wedding Night
The Monster's RevengeThe Monster's RevengeWWThe Monster's Revenge
Victor Makes a Final DecisionVictor Makes a Final DecisionWWVictor Makes a Final Decision
Victor Begins the Second Monster: ConcernsVictor Begins the Second Monster: ConcernsWWVictor Begins the Second Monster: Concerns
The Monster's UltimatumThe Monster's UltimatumWWThe Monster's Ultimatum
Introduction to TaxIntroduction to TaxWWIntroduction to Tax
Test Taking: Psychological TechniquesTest Taking: Psychological TechniquesWWTest Taking: Psychological Techniques
How Do You Learn: Multiple IntelligencesHow Do You Learn: Multiple IntelligencesWWHow Do You Learn: Multiple Intelligences
Studying for the Final ExamStudying for the Final ExamWWStudying for the Final Exam
Critical ThinkingCritical ThinkingWWCritical Thinking
Using the LaptopUsing the LaptopWWUsing the Laptop
Macbeth: The WitchesMacbeth: The WitchesWWMacbeth: The Witches
Introduction to MacbethIntroduction to MacbethWWIntroduction to Macbeth
The Wife of Bath's taleThe Wife of Bath's taleWWThe Wife of Bath's tale
The Wife of BathThe Wife of BathWWThe Wife of Bath
Scholar's TaleScholar's TaleWWScholar's Tale
Oral Exam Oral Exam WWOral Exam
The Knight's Tale: Part TwoThe Knight's Tale: Part TwoWWThe Knight's Tale: Part Two
The Knights Tale: Part 1The Knights Tale: Part 1WWThe Knights Tale: Part 1
Grendel: Chapter 12Grendel: Chapter 12WWGrendel: Chapter 12
Grendel Chapter 11Grendel Chapter 11WWGrendel Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Part 2Chapter 10 Part 2WWChapter 10 Part 2
Test TakingTest TakingWWTest Taking
Oedipus Part 1Oedipus Part 1WWOedipus Part 1
Chapter 10 Part 1Chapter 10 Part 1WWChapter 10 Part 1
Internet CommunicationInternet CommunicationWWInternet Communication
Conflict ResolutionConflict ResolutionWWConflict Resolution
Ancient Greek TheaterAncient Greek TheaterWWAncient Greek Theater
Active ListeningActive ListeningWWActive Listening
Chapter 8: Hrothgar's Concerns/Grendel's RealizationChapter 8: Hrothgar's Concerns/Grendel's RealizationWWChapter 8: Hrothgar's Concerns/Grendel's Realization
Claudius: Dealing with LaertesClaudius: Dealing with LaertesWWClaudius: Dealing with Laertes
Grendel: Chapter 6Grendel: Chapter 6WWGrendel: Chapter 6
Copy of MLA FormatCopy of MLA FormatWWCopy of MLA Format
Copy of Ways to Avoid PlagarismCopy of Ways to Avoid PlagarismWWCopy of Ways to Avoid Plagarism
Copy of The Symbolism of Ophelia's FlowersCopy of The Symbolism of Ophelia's FlowersWWCopy of The Symbolism of Ophelia's Flowers
Grendel IntroGrendel IntroWWGrendel Intro
Taking The Test: Short AnswersTaking The Test: Short AnswersWWTaking The Test: Short Answers
Effective Study HabitsEffective Study HabitsWWEffective Study Habits
Hamlet Act 2Hamlet Act 2WWHamlet Act 2
Beowulf Chapters 15-27Beowulf Chapters 15-27WWBeowulf Chapters 15-27
Getting the Most: Classroom TimeGetting the Most: Classroom TimeWWGetting the Most: Classroom Time
Beowulf: chapters I-XIVBeowulf: chapters I-XIVWWBeowulf: chapters I-XIV
Hamlet IntroHamlet IntroWWHamlet Intro
Anglo-Saxons IntroAnglo-Saxons IntroWWAnglo-Saxons Intro
The Dharma Bums AnalysisThe Dharma Bums AnalysisWWThe Dharma Bums Analysis
Exposition: Hamlet Act IExposition: Hamlet Act IWWExposition: Hamlet Act I
Lord of the Flies: Chapters 9-12Lord of the Flies: Chapters 9-12WWLord of the Flies: Chapters 9-12
The Lord of Flies: Chapters 6-8The Lord of Flies: Chapters 6-8WWThe Lord of Flies: Chapters 6-8
Fear and Lord of the FliesFear and Lord of the FliesWWFear and Lord of the Flies
TLOF: Chapters 4-5TLOF: Chapters 4-5WWTLOF: Chapters 4-5
Jack: Portrait of a SavageJack: Portrait of a SavageWWJack: Portrait of a Savage
The Lord of the flies: Part OneThe Lord of the flies: Part OneWWThe Lord of the flies: Part One
Copy of Lord Of The Flies IntroductionCopy of Lord Of The Flies IntroductionWWCopy of Lord Of The Flies Introduction
1984 - 181984 - 18WW1984 - 18
1984 - 171984 - 17WW1984 - 17
1984 - 161984 - 16WW1984 - 16
1984 - 151984 - 15WW1984 - 15
Macbeth: Act VMacbeth: Act VWWMacbeth: Act V
Macbeth: Act IVMacbeth: Act IVWWMacbeth: Act IV
Macbeth: Act III Part IIMacbeth: Act III Part IIWWMacbeth: Act III Part II
1984 - 141984 - 14WW1984 - 14
Act TwoAct TwoWWAct Two
1984 - 131984 - 13WW1984 - 13
1984 - 121984 - 12WW1984 - 12
Lady MacbethLady MacbethWWLady Macbeth
1984 - 111984 - 11WW1984 - 11
1984 - 101984 - 10WW1984 - 10
Macbeth Act 1 Sc 1-3Macbeth Act 1 Sc 1-3WWMacbeth Act 1 Sc 1-3
1984 - 91984 - 9WW1984 - 9
1984 - 81984 - 8WW1984 - 8
1984 - 71984 - 7WW1984 - 7
1984 - 61984 - 6WW1984 - 6
Chapter 15: After the CottageChapter 15: After the CottageWWChapter 15: After the Cottage
1984 - 31984 - 3WW1984 - 3
1984 - 21984 - 2WW1984 - 2
Meeting the CottagersMeeting the CottagersWWMeeting the Cottagers
The Monster's Formal EducationThe Monster's Formal EducationWWThe Monster's Formal Education
1984 - 11984 - 1WW1984 - 1
Chapter 14: The CottagersChapter 14: The CottagersWWChapter 14: The Cottagers
The Monster's SchoolingThe Monster's SchoolingWWThe Monster's Schooling
1984: Introduction1984: IntroductionWW1984: Introduction
The Monster and the CottagersThe Monster and the CottagersWWThe Monster and the Cottagers
The End of the PlayThe End of the PlayWWThe End of the Play
The Monster's InfancyThe Monster's InfancyWWThe Monster's Infancy
Stanley Confronts BlancheStanley Confronts BlancheWWStanley Confronts Blanche
Mitch Confronts BlancheMitch Confronts BlancheWWMitch Confronts Blanche
Victor Meets The MonsterVictor Meets The MonsterWWVictor Meets The Monster
Victor Attempts SolaceVictor Attempts SolaceWWVictor Attempts Solace
After Effects of RealityAfter Effects of RealityWWAfter Effects of Reality
Justine and William's Death: The AftermathJustine and William's Death: The AftermathWWJustine and William's Death: The Aftermath
The Truth About BlancheThe Truth About BlancheWWThe Truth About Blanche
Justine's ConfessionJustine's ConfessionWWJustine's Confession
The Core of Blanche's IssuesThe Core of Blanche's IssuesWWThe Core of Blanche's Issues
Justine's TrialJustine's TrialWWJustine's Trial
The Birth of the MonsterThe Birth of the MonsterWWThe Birth of the Monster
The Two Faces of BlancheThe Two Faces of BlancheWWThe Two Faces of Blanche
William's MurderWilliam's MurderWWWilliam's Murder
Stella's AcceptanceStella's AcceptanceWWStella's Acceptance
Jane's Addiction: Three DaysJane's Addiction: Three DaysWWJane's Addiction: Three Days
Jane's Addiction: Summertime RollsJane's Addiction: Summertime RollsWWJane's Addiction: Summertime Rolls
Blanche and MysteryBlanche and MysteryWWBlanche and Mystery
Victor RunsVictor RunsWWVictor Runs
Stanley and BlancheStanley and BlancheWWStanley and Blanche
Streetcar IntroStreetcar IntroWWStreetcar Intro
Victor Frankenstein Exposiont: His EducationVictor Frankenstein Exposiont: His EducationWWVictor Frankenstein Exposiont: His Education
Victor Frankenstein Exposition: Childhood & FamilyVictor Frankenstein Exposition: Childhood & FamilyWWVictor Frankenstein Exposition: Childhood & Family
Robert Walton: ExpositionRobert Walton: ExpositionWWRobert Walton: Exposition
Frankenstein IntroductionFrankenstein IntroductionWWFrankenstein Introduction
Pardoner's Tale - IntroductionPardoner's Tale - IntroductionWWPardoner's Tale - Introduction
AP English EssayAP English EssayWWAP English Essay
AP English Exam: OverviewAP English Exam: OverviewWWAP English Exam: Overview
The Reeve's Tale IntroductionThe Reeve's Tale IntroductionWWThe Reeve's Tale Introduction
Timed Essay: AP EnglishTimed Essay: AP EnglishWWTimed Essay: AP English
Hamlet Act 5 AnalysisHamlet Act 5 AnalysisWWHamlet Act 5 Analysis
Hamlet: Act 4 AnalysisHamlet: Act 4 AnalysisWWHamlet: Act 4 Analysis