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Example heartExample heartWWExample heart
Computer SystemComputer SystemWWComputer System
Copy of Prezi RubricCopy of Prezi RubricWWCopy of Prezi Rubric
Copy of Argentina 3RCopy of Argentina 3RWWCopy of Argentina 3R
Copy of Alaska 3SCopy of Alaska 3SWWCopy of Alaska 3S
Copy of Morocco 3SCopy of Morocco 3SWWCopy of Morocco 3S
Copy of Brazil 3SCopy of Brazil 3SWWCopy of Brazil 3S
Copy of Greenland 3SCopy of Greenland 3SWWCopy of Greenland 3S
Copy of france3SCopy of france3SWWCopy of france3S
Copy of Hawaii 3SCopy of Hawaii 3SWWCopy of Hawaii 3S
Copy of Spain 3SCopy of Spain 3SWWCopy of Spain 3S
Copy of Norway 3SCopy of Norway 3SWWCopy of Norway 3S
Copy of Northern Canada 3sCopy of Northern Canada 3sWWCopy of Northern Canada 3s
Copy of Syria 3SCopy of Syria 3SWWCopy of Syria 3S
Copy of Finland 3RCopy of Finland 3RWWCopy of Finland 3R
Copy of Canada 3RCopy of Canada 3RWWCopy of Canada 3R
Copy of Mozambique 3RCopy of Mozambique 3RWWCopy of Mozambique 3R
Copy of mexico3RCopy of mexico3RWWCopy of mexico3R
Copy of New Zealand 3RCopy of New Zealand 3RWWCopy of New Zealand 3R
Brazil 3SBrazil 3SWWBrazil 3S
Syria 3SSyria 3SWWSyria 3S
Morocco 3SMorocco 3SWWMorocco 3S
Canada 3RCanada 3RWWCanada 3R
Finland 3RFinland 3RWWFinland 3R
Mozambique 3RMozambique 3RWWMozambique 3R
New Zealand 3RNew Zealand 3RWWNew Zealand 3R
Norway 3SNorway 3SWWNorway 3S
Greenland 3SGreenland 3SWWGreenland 3S
Alaska 3SAlaska 3SWWAlaska 3S
Northern Canada 3sNorthern Canada 3sWWNorthern Canada 3s
Spain 3SSpain 3SWWSpain 3S
Hawaii 3SHawaii 3SWWHawaii 3S
Copy of Understanding By DesignCopy of Understanding By DesignWWCopy of Understanding By Design
Copy of Understanding by Design for Unit PlanningCopy of Understanding by Design for Unit PlanningWWCopy of Understanding by Design for Unit Planning
Copy of Planning Lessons using Backwards DesignCopy of Planning Lessons using Backwards DesignWWCopy of Planning Lessons using Backwards Design
Copy of Unit Plan PresentationCopy of Unit Plan PresentationWWCopy of Unit Plan Presentation
Understanding By Design (UBD)Understanding By Design (UBD)WWUnderstanding By Design (UBD)
Promethean Interactive WhiteboardPromethean Interactive WhiteboardWWPromethean Interactive Whiteboard