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Copy of wingu academy moodle_editedCopy of wingu academy moodle_editedWWCopy of wingu academy moodle_edited
Copy of Number formats and ConventionsCopy of Number formats and ConventionsWWCopy of Number formats and Conventions
Copy of Gr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2Copy of Gr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2WWCopy of Gr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2
sesotho topic 1.2sesotho topic 1.2WWsesotho topic 1.2
Gr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2Gr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2WWGr. 10 Accounting unit 1.2
Gr. 10 Accounting Unit 1.1 Informal Bookkeeping systemsGr. 10 Accounting Unit 1.1 Informal Bookkeeping systemsWWGr. 10 Accounting Unit 1.1 Informal Bookkeeping systems
Lewenstyl & GesondheidLewenstyl & GesondheidWWLewenstyl & Gesondheid
Phys_Stage 8_Motion SummaryPhys_Stage 8_Motion SummaryWWPhys_Stage 8_Motion Summary
Copy of The Biography of Henry FordCopy of The Biography of Henry FordWWCopy of The Biography of Henry Ford
JLT 330 InfographicJLT 330 InfographicWWJLT 330 Infographic
Topic 2 Market environ GR 10Topic 2 Market environ GR 10WWTopic 2 Market environ GR 10
Efficiency ratios.Efficiency ratios.WWEfficiency ratios.
The human circulatory systemThe human circulatory systemWWThe human circulatory system
Study skills workshopStudy skills workshopWWStudy skills workshop
Chemistry Jan21 WorkshopChemistry Jan21 WorkshopWWChemistry Jan21 Workshop
Part 2: Electrolysis & equilibriumPart 2: Electrolysis & equilibriumWWPart 2: Electrolysis & equilibrium
Part 1: StoichiometryPart 1: StoichiometryWWPart 1: Stoichiometry
Copy of Copy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartCopy of Copy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartWWCopy of Copy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaart
Copy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartCopy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartWWCopy of Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaart
Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.4 Storietyd werkkaartAfrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.4 Storietyd werkkaartWWAfrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.4 Storietyd werkkaart
Copy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartCopy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaartWWCopy of Afrikaans Stage 6 unit 18.2 Pret met taal werkkaart
Speciman SizesSpeciman SizesWWSpeciman Sizes
Levels of OrganisationLevels of OrganisationWWLevels of Organisation
cell structurescell structuresWWcell structures
Biological MoleculesBiological MoleculesWWBiological Molecules
Struktuur van storiesStruktuur van storiesWWStruktuur van stories
Lees storieLees storieWWLees storie
Lees hardop voor menseLees hardop voor menseWWLees hardop voor mense
eenheid 15 ongelukeenheid 15 ongelukWWeenheid 15 ongeluk
Oliver die HeldOliver die HeldWWOliver die Held
eenheid 14 spesiale daeeenheid 14 spesiale daeWWeenheid 14 spesiale dae
specsiale daespecsiale daeWWspecsiale dae
eenheid 13 kernwoordeeenheid 13 kernwoordeWWeenheid 13 kernwoorde
eenheid 12 leespreteenheid 12 leespretWWeenheid 12 leespret
S4 skryfprosesS4 skryfprosesWWS4 skryfproses
Untitled designUntitled designWWUntitled design
eenheid 11 leespreteenheid 11 leespretWWeenheid 11 leespret
eenheid 10 leespreteenheid 10 leespretWWeenheid 10 leespret
Wilde diereWilde diereWWWilde diere
fietse, karre, bussefietse, karre, busseWWfietse, karre, busse
Dialoog Skryf]Dialoog Skryf]WWDialoog Skryf]
Eenh 15 LeesSkryf Werkk - Net HoringsEenh 15 LeesSkryf Werkk - Net HoringsWWEenh 15 LeesSkryf Werkk - Net Horings
Eenh 13 LeesSkryf Werkk - Waarheen gaan jy?Eenh 13 LeesSkryf Werkk - Waarheen gaan jy?WWEenh 13 LeesSkryf Werkk - Waarheen gaan jy?
Copy of Copy of BrochureCopy of Copy of BrochureWWCopy of Copy of Brochure
Diere geslagteDiere geslagteWWDiere geslagte
Die prinses en die paddaDie prinses en die paddaWWDie prinses en die padda
Databases for a Purpose: Activity Challenge - TemplateDatabases for a Purpose: Activity Challenge - TemplateWWDatabases for a Purpose: Activity Challenge - Template
ST 6 - Exploring Images Week 8ST 6 - Exploring Images Week 8WWST 6 - Exploring Images Week 8
ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 8ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 8WWST 5 - Exploring Images Week 8
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 8ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 8WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 8
Scratch Week 8Scratch Week 8WWScratch Week 8
ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 7ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 7WWST 5 - Exploring Images Week 7
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 7ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 7WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 7
Scratch Week 7Scratch Week 7WWScratch Week 7
Scratch ChallengeScratch ChallengeWWScratch Challenge
Scratch Week 6Scratch Week 6WWScratch Week 6
ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 6ST 5 - Exploring Images Week 6WWST 5 - Exploring Images Week 6
ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 6ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 6WWST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 6
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 6ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 6WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 6
Scratch Week 5Scratch Week 5WWScratch Week 5
ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 5ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 5WWST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 5
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 5ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 5WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 5
ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 5ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 5WWST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 5
Scratch Week 4Scratch Week 4WWScratch Week 4
ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 4ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 4WWST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 4
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 4ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 4WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 4
ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 4ST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 4WWST 6 - Exploring Documents Week 4
Adding Narration to a VideoAdding Narration to a VideoWWAdding Narration to a Video
Adding sound to animationAdding sound to animationWWAdding sound to animation
Creating a new videoCreating a new videoWWCreating a new video
Navigating Pencil2D Part 2Navigating Pencil2D Part 2WWNavigating Pencil2D Part 2
Navigating Pencil2DNavigating Pencil2DWWNavigating Pencil2D
ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 3ST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 3WWST 5 - Exploring Documents Week 3
Scratch Week 3Scratch Week 3WWScratch Week 3
ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 3ST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 3WWST 4 - Exploring Documents Week 3
ST6 NS eSafety Week 3ST6 NS eSafety Week 3WWST6 NS eSafety Week 3
Creating source material for an animationCreating source material for an animationWWCreating source material for an animation
Designing a NetworkDesigning a NetworkWWDesigning a Network
Components of a NetworkComponents of a NetworkWWComponents of a Network
Purpose of a NetworkPurpose of a NetworkWWPurpose of a Network
Formatting the Background of a WebpageFormatting the Background of a WebpageWWFormatting the Background of a Webpage
Positioning TextPositioning TextWWPositioning Text
Changing the Colour of the TextChanging the Colour of the TextWWChanging the Colour of the Text
Changing the size of thetextChanging the size of thetextWWChanging the size of thetext
Changing the text formattingChanging the text formattingWWChanging the text formatting
ST5 NS eSafety Week 2ST5 NS eSafety Week 2WWST5 NS eSafety Week 2
ST4 NS eSafety Week 2ST4 NS eSafety Week 2WWST4 NS eSafety Week 2
Scratch Week 2Scratch Week 2WWScratch Week 2
Adding images to a WebpageAdding images to a WebpageWWAdding images to a Webpage
Getting aroundGetting aroundWWGetting around
Adding text to a WebpageAdding text to a WebpageWWAdding text to a Webpage
Setting up a WebpageSetting up a WebpageWWSetting up a Webpage
Transferring data to a spreadsheetTransferring data to a spreadsheetWWTransferring data to a spreadsheet
Transferring data to a word processorTransferring data to a word processorWWTransferring data to a word processor
Data SecurityData SecurityWWData Security
Summary-Algorithm Design and problem solvingSummary-Algorithm Design and problem solvingWWSummary-Algorithm Design and problem solving
Yvonne - Induction week preseantationYvonne - Induction week preseantationWWYvonne - Induction week preseantation
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- DerainS 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- DerainWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- Derain
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- DerainS 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- DerainWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- Derain
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- DerainS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- DerainWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Derain
Conservation Part 2Conservation Part 2WWConservation Part 2
Habitat DestructionHabitat DestructionWWHabitat Destruction
Food ProductionFood ProductionWWFood Production
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- MatisseS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- MatisseWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- Matisse
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- MatisseS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- MatisseWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- Matisse
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- MatisseS 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- MatisseWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- Matisse
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 8S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 8WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 8
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 4S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 4WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 4
Summary-Programming ConceptsSummary-Programming ConceptsWWSummary-Programming Concepts
Hardop leesHardop leesWWHardop lees
S 7-9 T6: Lesson 1 S 7-9 T6: Lesson 1 WWS 7-9 T6: Lesson 1
7-9 T5: Lesson 7- Raphael7-9 T5: Lesson 7- RaphaelWW7-9 T5: Lesson 7- Raphael
S 7-9 T5: Lesson 6- RaphaelS 7-9 T5: Lesson 6- RaphaelWWS 7-9 T5: Lesson 6- Raphael
S 7-9 T5: Lesson 5- RaphaelS 7-9 T5: Lesson 5- RaphaelWWS 7-9 T5: Lesson 5- Raphael
S 7-9 T5: Lesson 1- IntroductionS 7-9 T5: Lesson 1- IntroductionWWS 7-9 T5: Lesson 1- Introduction
genetic engineeringgenetic engineeringWWgenetic engineering
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- GauguinS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- GauguinWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- Gauguin
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- GauguinS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- GauguinWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- Gauguin
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- GauguinS 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- GauguinWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 1- Gauguin
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 9- CezanneS 7-9 T4: Lesson 9- CezanneWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 9- Cezanne
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 8- CezanneS 7-9 T4: Lesson 8- CezanneWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 8- Cezanne
My eerste klasMy eerste klasWWMy eerste klas
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 7- CezanneS 7-9 T4: Lesson 7- CezanneWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 7- Cezanne
Monohybrid Inheritance 2Monohybrid Inheritance 2WWMonohybrid Inheritance 2
Monohybrid InheritanceMonohybrid InheritanceWWMonohybrid Inheritance
Fertility TreatmentsFertility TreatmentsWWFertility Treatments
ek hou van...ek hou van...WWek hou van...
Python Preliminaries - Loops (While Loop)Python Preliminaries - Loops (While Loop)WWPython Preliminaries - Loops (While Loop)
For loopsFor loopsWWFor loops
Meervoude GroenteMeervoude GroenteWWMeervoude Groente
die verlede tyddie verlede tydWWdie verlede tyd
Formal Report ExampleFormal Report ExampleWWFormal Report Example
Evaluating SpreadsheetsEvaluating SpreadsheetsWWEvaluating Spreadsheets
Formatting SpreadsheetsFormatting SpreadsheetsWWFormatting Spreadsheets
Collection FormCollection FormWWCollection Form
Copy of Resep vir InstruksiesCopy of Resep vir InstruksiesWWCopy of Resep vir Instruksies
Customising AnimationsCustomising AnimationsWWCustomising Animations
Maak lysiesMaak lysiesWWMaak lysies
Adding AnimationsAdding AnimationsWWAdding Animations
Resep vir InstruksiesResep vir InstruksiesWWResep vir Instruksies
Timing and AudioTiming and AudioWWTiming and Audio
Adding Slide TransitionsAdding Slide TransitionsWWAdding Slide Transitions
Python Preliminaries - SelectionPython Preliminaries - SelectionWWPython Preliminaries - Selection
die huis het baie kamersdie huis het baie kamersWWdie huis het baie kamers
1. Python Preliminaries - Printing 11. Python Preliminaries - Printing 1WW1. Python Preliminaries - Printing 1
Debugging a ProgramDebugging a ProgramWWDebugging a Program
Testing the ProgramTesting the ProgramWWTesting the Program
Predicting the OutcomePredicting the OutcomeWWPredicting the Outcome
English Language workshopEnglish Language workshopWWEnglish Language workshop
Copy of Workshop Structure-shared versionCopy of Workshop Structure-shared versionWWCopy of Workshop Structure-shared version
Planning a ProgramPlanning a ProgramWWPlanning a Program
Working with timeWorking with timeWWWorking with time
Unit 5.2.4 SafetyUnit 5.2.4 SafetyWWUnit 5.2.4 Safety
Unit 5.2.3 Half LivesUnit 5.2.3 Half LivesWWUnit 5.2.3 Half Lives
Unit 5.2.3 Radioactive DecayUnit 5.2.3 Radioactive DecayWWUnit 5.2.3 Radioactive Decay
Unit 5.2.2 Uses of RadioactivityUnit 5.2.2 Uses of RadioactivityWWUnit 5.2.2 Uses of Radioactivity
Unit 5.2.2 Characteristics of EmissionsUnit 5.2.2 Characteristics of EmissionsWWUnit 5.2.2 Characteristics of Emissions
Unit 5.2.1 RadioactivityUnit 5.2.1 RadioactivityWWUnit 5.2.1 Radioactivity
Unit 5.1 The atomic model and the nucleusUnit 5.1 The atomic model and the nucleusWWUnit 5.1 The atomic model and the nucleus
Validating DataValidating DataWWValidating Data
Entering DataEntering DataWWEntering Data
User Clicking ObjectsUser Clicking ObjectsWWUser Clicking Objects
Eenheid 4 Lees en Skryf werkkaartEenheid 4 Lees en Skryf werkkaartWWEenheid 4 Lees en Skryf werkkaart
Eenheid 4 Taal WekkaartEenheid 4 Taal WekkaartWWEenheid 4 Taal Wekkaart
my familiemy familieWWmy familie
4.6.6 DC Motor4.6.6 DC MotorWW4.6.6 DC Motor
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- Van GoghS 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- Van GoghWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 6- Van Gogh
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- Van GoghS 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- Van GoghWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 5- Van Gogh
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Van GoghS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Van GoghWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Van Gogh
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Da VinciS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Da VinciWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 4- Da Vinci
Detecting Click ButtonsDetecting Click ButtonsWWDetecting Click Buttons
Government Economic ObjectivesGovernment Economic ObjectivesWWGovernment Economic Objectives
5.4 Statement of Financial Position5.4 Statement of Financial PositionWW5.4 Statement of Financial Position
5.3 Income Statements5.3 Income StatementsWW5.3 Income Statements
4.6.4 Force on Current Carrying Conductors4.6.4 Force on Current Carrying ConductorsWW4.6.4 Force on Current Carrying Conductors
4.6.3 Magnetic Effect of Current4.6.3 Magnetic Effect of CurrentWW4.6.3 Magnetic Effect of Current
4.6.5 AC Motors4.6.5 AC MotorsWW4.6.5 AC Motors
voornaamwoorde dialoogvoornaamwoorde dialoogWWvoornaamwoorde dialoog
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- Da VinciS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- Da VinciWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 3- Da Vinci
S 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- Da VinciS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- Da VinciWWS 7-9 T4: Lesson 2- Da Vinci
The FutureThe FutureWWThe Future
4.6.2 Transformers4.6.2 TransformersWW4.6.2 Transformers
muis ruik kaasmuis ruik kaasWWmuis ruik kaas
4.6.1 Electromagnetic Induction4.6.1 Electromagnetic InductionWW4.6.1 Electromagnetic Induction
Page FormatPage FormatWWPage Format
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 6S 3+4 T6 Lesson 6WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 6
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 4S 3+4 T6 Lesson 4WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 4
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 5S 3+4 T6 Lesson 5WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 5
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 2S 3+4 T6 Lesson 2WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 2
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 1S 3+4 T6 Lesson 1WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 1
S 3+4 T6 Lesson 3S 3+4 T6 Lesson 3WWS 3+4 T6 Lesson 3
Lees WoordeskatLees WoordeskatWWLees Woordeskat
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 5S 5+6 T6 Lesson 5WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 5
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 6S 5+6 T6 Lesson 6WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 6
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 4S 5+6 T6 Lesson 4WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 4
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 2S 5+6 T6 Lesson 2WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 2
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 1S 5+6 T6 Lesson 1WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 1
S 5+6 T6 Lesson 3S 5+6 T6 Lesson 3WWS 5+6 T6 Lesson 3
Copy of Latin RootsCopy of Latin RootsWWCopy of Latin Roots
4.4 Location Decisions4.4 Location DecisionsWW4.4 Location Decisions
English VocabularyEnglish VocabularyWWEnglish Vocabulary
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 6S 5+6 T5 Lesson 6WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 6
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 4S 5+6 T5 Lesson 4WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 4
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 3S 5+6 T5 Lesson 3WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 3
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 2S 5+6 T5 Lesson 2WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 2
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 5S 5+6 T5 Lesson 5WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 5
S 5+6 T5 Lesson 1S 5+6 T5 Lesson 1WWS 5+6 T5 Lesson 1
Headers and FootersHeaders and FootersWWHeaders and Footers
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 5S 3+4 T5 Lesson 5WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 5
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 6S 3+4 T5 Lesson 6WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 6
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 4S 3+4 T5 Lesson 4WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 4
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 3S 3+4 T5 Lesson 3WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 3
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 1S 3+4 T5 Lesson 1WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 1
S 3+4 T5 Lesson 2S 3+4 T5 Lesson 2WWS 3+4 T5 Lesson 2
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 8S 1+2 T6 Lesson 8WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 8
Bullet PointsBullet PointsWWBullet Points
facial featuresfacial featuresWWfacial features
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 3S 1+2 T6 Lesson 3WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 3
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 7S 1+2 T6 Lesson 7WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 7
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 6S 1+2 T6 Lesson 6WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 6
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 4S 1+2 T6 Lesson 4WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 4
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 5S 1+2 T6 Lesson 5WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 5
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 2S 1+2 T6 Lesson 2WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 2
S 1+2 T6 Lesson 1S 1+2 T6 Lesson 1WWS 1+2 T6 Lesson 1
Text WrappingText WrappingWWText Wrapping
Direct and Indirect Speech.pptxDirect and Indirect Speech.pptxWWDirect and Indirect Speech.pptx
4.5 Dangers of Electricity4.5 Dangers of ElectricityWW4.5 Dangers of Electricity
4.3 Achieving Quality Production4.3 Achieving Quality ProductionWW4.3 Achieving Quality Production
Sentence Types.pptxSentence Types.pptxWWSentence Types.pptx
4.4 Digital Electronics4.4 Digital ElectronicsWW4.4 Digital Electronics
wilde dierewilde diereWWwilde diere
Selective SummariesSelective SummariesWWSelective Summaries
pikswart perdpikswart perdWWpikswart perd
Tel diereTel diereWWTel diere
Copy of MeervoudeCopy of MeervoudeWWCopy of Meervoude
Verlede tyd goue reelVerlede tyd goue reelWWVerlede tyd goue reel
plaas diereplaas diereWWplaas diere
trippel trippel trappeltrippel trippel trappelWWtrippel trippel trappel
Text StylesText StylesWWText Styles
1.3 Enterprise, Business Growth and Size1.3 Enterprise, Business Growth and SizeWW1.3 Enterprise, Business Growth and Size
1.2 Classification of Businesses1.2 Classification of BusinessesWW1.2 Classification of Businesses
4.3.3 Circuit Components4.3.3 Circuit ComponentsWW4.3.3 Circuit Components
4.3.2 Series Parallel Circuits4.3.2 Series Parallel CircuitsWW4.3.2 Series Parallel Circuits
Scratch Day 3Scratch Day 3WWScratch Day 3
Tel tot 10Tel tot 10WWTel tot 10
Paragraph BreakParagraph BreakWWParagraph Break
-d en -t-d en -tWW-d en -t
Groot kleinGroot kleinWWGroot klein
1.1 Business Activity1.1 Business ActivityWW1.1 Business Activity
Formatting TextFormatting TextWWFormatting Text
Scratch Day 2Scratch Day 2WWScratch Day 2
Adding projects to a studioAdding projects to a studioWWAdding projects to a studio
Rhetorical DevicesRhetorical DevicesWWRhetorical Devices
Scratch Day 1Scratch Day 1WWScratch Day 1
Creating a Scratch account Creating a Scratch account WWCreating a Scratch account
4.3.1 Circuit Diagrams4.3.1 Circuit DiagramsWW4.3.1 Circuit Diagrams
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 7S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 7WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 7
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 6S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 6WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 6
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 5S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 5WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 5
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 2S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 2WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 2
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 3S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 3WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 3
S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 1S 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 1WWS 3+4 Term 4 Lesson 1
Leespret Die weer by die seeLeespret Die weer by die seeWWLeespret Die weer by die see
Eenheid 1 LeespretEenheid 1 LeespretWWEenheid 1 Leespret
Unit 2: Lesson 2Unit 2: Lesson 2WWUnit 2: Lesson 2
Unit 2: Lesson 1Unit 2: Lesson 1WWUnit 2: Lesson 1
ScratchJr RevisionScratchJr RevisionWWScratchJr Revision
Afr leespretAfr leespretWWAfr leespret
Die weerDie weerWWDie weer
Afr WeatherAfr WeatherWWAfr Weather
Scratch Class ExerciseScratch Class ExerciseWWScratch Class Exercise
Cholesterol Steroids and IsoprenesCholesterol Steroids and IsoprenesWWCholesterol Steroids and Isoprenes
TAG BiosynthesisTAG BiosynthesisWWTAG Biosynthesis
Alfabet in AfrikaansAlfabet in AfrikaansWWAlfabet in Afrikaans
Liggaamsdele TomLiggaamsdele TomWWLiggaamsdele Tom
Fatty Acid Synthesis 2Fatty Acid Synthesis 2WWFatty Acid Synthesis 2
Fatty Acid SynthesisFatty Acid SynthesisWWFatty Acid Synthesis
Energy ProductionEnergy ProductionWWEnergy Production
Oxidative PhosphorylationOxidative PhosphorylationWWOxidative Phosphorylation
Oxidation of Fatty AcidsOxidation of Fatty AcidsWWOxidation of Fatty Acids
Digestion, Mobilization and TransportDigestion, Mobilization and TransportWWDigestion, Mobilization and Transport
Signals, Co-factors and PigmentsSignals, Co-factors and PigmentsWWSignals, Co-factors and Pigments
Structural LipidsStructural LipidsWWStructural Lipids
Classification and StorageClassification and StorageWWClassification and Storage
Scratch Lesson 7Scratch Lesson 7WWScratch Lesson 7
Computer Security 1Computer Security 1WWComputer Security 1
Vocabulary Skills Survey ResultsVocabulary Skills Survey ResultsWWVocabulary Skills Survey Results
Scratch Lesson 6Scratch Lesson 6WWScratch Lesson 6
Degradation PathwaysDegradation PathwaysWWDegradation Pathways
Metabolism ErrorsMetabolism ErrorsWWMetabolism Errors
Nucleotide Synthesis Part 2Nucleotide Synthesis Part 2WWNucleotide Synthesis Part 2
Unit 1- DefinitionsUnit 1- DefinitionsWWUnit 1- Definitions
Nucleotide SynthesisNucleotide SynthesisWWNucleotide Synthesis
Amino AcidsAmino AcidsWWAmino Acids
Errors In a ProgramErrors In a ProgramWWErrors In a Program
Scratch Lesson 5Scratch Lesson 5WWScratch Lesson 5
Copy of Formal letterCopy of Formal letterWWCopy of Formal letter
Activity 9Activity 9WWActivity 9
Activity 8Activity 8WWActivity 8
Activity 7Activity 7WWActivity 7
Activity 6Activity 6WWActivity 6
Activity 5Activity 5WWActivity 5
Nitrogen Containing MetabolitesNitrogen Containing MetabolitesWWNitrogen Containing Metabolites
soorte sinnesoorte sinneWWsoorte sinne
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 9S 7-9 T3: Lesson 9WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 9
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 8S 7-9 T3: Lesson 8WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 8
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 7S 7-9 T3: Lesson 7WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 7
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 8S 5-6 T4: Lesson 8WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 8
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 6S 5-6 T4: Lesson 6WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 6
Stage 2 Alfabet AktiwiteitStage 2 Alfabet AktiwiteitWWStage 2 Alfabet Aktiwiteit
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 5S 5-6 T4: Lesson 5WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 5
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 7S 5-6 T4: Lesson 7WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 7
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 4S 5-6 T4: Lesson 4WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 4
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 3S 5-6 T4: Lesson 3WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 3
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 2S 5-6 T4: Lesson 2WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 2
S 5-6 T4: Lesson 1S 5-6 T4: Lesson 1WWS 5-6 T4: Lesson 1
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 6S 7-9 T3: Lesson 6WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 6
Scratch Review Exercise Scratch Review Exercise WWScratch Review Exercise
Amino Acid DegradationAmino Acid DegradationWWAmino Acid Degradation
Amino Acid BiosynthesisAmino Acid BiosynthesisWWAmino Acid Biosynthesis
The Urea CycleThe Urea CycleWWThe Urea Cycle
Glutamate and GlutamineGlutamate and GlutamineWWGlutamate and Glutamine
The Nitrogen CycleThe Nitrogen CycleWWThe Nitrogen Cycle
Fact vs OpinionFact vs OpinionWWFact vs Opinion
Fiction vs Non-Fiction writingFiction vs Non-Fiction writingWWFiction vs Non-Fiction writing
Activity 4Activity 4WWActivity 4
Activity 3Activity 3WWActivity 3
Lesson 3 ScratchJrLesson 3 ScratchJrWWLesson 3 ScratchJr
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 7Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 7WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 7
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 6Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 6WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 6
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 5Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 5WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 5
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 4Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 4WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 4
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 3Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 3WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 3
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 2Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 2WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 2
Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 1Term 3: S 5+6 Lesson 1WWTerm 3: S 5+6 Lesson 1
Copy of Friendly LetterCopy of Friendly LetterWWCopy of Friendly Letter
Copy of Hardop leesCopy of Hardop leesWWCopy of Hardop lees
Copy of e5 formele briefCopy of e5 formele briefWWCopy of e5 formele brief
Copy of e5 Vriendskaplike briefCopy of e5 Vriendskaplike briefWWCopy of e5 Vriendskaplike brief
e5 Vriendskaplike briefe5 Vriendskaplike briefWWe5 Vriendskaplike brief
e5 formele briefe5 formele briefWWe5 formele brief
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 5S 7-9 T3: Lesson 5WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 5
Copy of formele briefCopy of formele briefWWCopy of formele brief
Formal letterFormal letterWWFormal letter
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 3S 7-9 T3: Lesson 3WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 3
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 2S 7-9 T3: Lesson 2WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 2
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 4S 7-9 T3: Lesson 4WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 4
S 7-9 T3: Lesson 1S 7-9 T3: Lesson 1WWS 7-9 T3: Lesson 1
Progressive tensesProgressive tensesWWProgressive tenses
Copy of byvoeglike naamwoordeCopy of byvoeglike naamwoordeWWCopy of byvoeglike naamwoorde
ICT IS 2.1 Paint Save asICT IS 2.1 Paint Save asWWICT IS 2.1 Paint Save as
Brochure 2021Brochure 2021WWBrochure 2021
Semi-Formal letterSemi-Formal letterWWSemi-Formal letter
The Wingu World DemonstrationsThe Wingu World DemonstrationsWWThe Wingu World Demonstrations
The Wingu Way DemonstrationsThe Wingu Way DemonstrationsWWThe Wingu Way Demonstrations
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 14.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 14.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 14.1
Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.3Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.3WWMathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.3
Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.1Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.1WWMathematics Stage 5: Unit 13.1
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 13.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 13.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 13.1
Mathematics Stage 6: Unit 12.3Mathematics Stage 6: Unit 12.3WWMathematics Stage 6: Unit 12.3
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.2Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.2WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.2
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 12.1
S 7-9 Line Week 8S 7-9 Line Week 8WWS 7-9 Line Week 8
S 7-9 Line Week 7S 7-9 Line Week 7WWS 7-9 Line Week 7
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 11.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 11.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 11.1
Chemical DigestionChemical DigestionWWChemical Digestion
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.3Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.3WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.3
Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 10.2Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 10.2WWMathematics Stage 5: Unit 10.2
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 10.1
Mathematics Stage 5. Measurement RevisionMathematics Stage 5. Measurement RevisionWWMathematics Stage 5. Measurement Revision
Geometry revisionGeometry revisionWWGeometry revision
Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 8Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 8WWStage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 8
Stage 5+6 - Wildlife Birds Lesson 9Stage 5+6 - Wildlife Birds Lesson 9WWStage 5+6 - Wildlife Birds Lesson 9
Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 7Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 7WWStage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 7
Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 10Stage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 10WWStage 5+6- Wildlife Birds Lesson 10
reader positioningreader positioningWWreader positioning
Numbers 2 Part 1 Stage 6 SummaryNumbers 2 Part 1 Stage 6 SummaryWWNumbers 2 Part 1 Stage 6 Summary
Stage 6, Math, Topic 2.2, Mental strategies for multiplication and divisionStage 6, Math, Topic 2.2, Mental strategies for multiplication and divisionWWStage 6, Math, Topic 2.2, Mental strategies for multiplication and division
Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 5.2Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 5.2WWMathematics Stage 5: Unit 5.2
Stage 6, Math, Topic, 2.1, Mental strategies for addition and subtractionStage 6, Math, Topic, 2.1, Mental strategies for addition and subtractionWWStage 6, Math, Topic, 2.1, Mental strategies for addition and subtraction
Mathematics Unit 5.1Mathematics Unit 5.1WWMathematics Unit 5.1
Stage 9 ChemistryStage 9 ChemistryWWStage 9 Chemistry
Mathematics Stage 5. PerimeterMathematics Stage 5. PerimeterWWMathematics Stage 5. Perimeter
Copy of Copy of Sentence structuresCopy of Copy of Sentence structuresWWCopy of Copy of Sentence structures
Interpreting and Discussing Data Stage 9 SummaryInterpreting and Discussing Data Stage 9 SummaryWWInterpreting and Discussing Data Stage 9 Summary
Stem-and-leave diagrams Stage 9 MathsStem-and-leave diagrams Stage 9 MathsWWStem-and-leave diagrams Stage 9 Maths
Scatter Graphs Stage 9 MathsScatter Graphs Stage 9 MathsWWScatter Graphs Stage 9 Maths
Line Graphs Representing data Stage 9 MathsLine Graphs Representing data Stage 9 MathsWWLine Graphs Representing data Stage 9 Maths
Representing data Stage 9 MathsRepresenting data Stage 9 MathsWWRepresenting data Stage 9 Maths
Revision Representing data Stage 9 MathsRevision Representing data Stage 9 MathsWWRevision Representing data Stage 9 Maths
Handling Data Stage 6 SummaryHandling Data Stage 6 SummaryWWHandling Data Stage 6 Summary
Probability Stage 9 SummaryProbability Stage 9 SummaryWWProbability Stage 9 Summary
Presenting data Stage 9 SummaryPresenting data Stage 9 SummaryWWPresenting data Stage 9 Summary
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 9.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 9.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 9.1
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 8.2Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 8.2WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 8.2
Mathematics Stage 5: Unit 8.1. TimeMathematics Stage 5: Unit 8.1. TimeWWMathematics Stage 5: Unit 8.1. Time
Plan and Collect Data Stage 9 SummaryPlan and Collect Data Stage 9 SummaryWWPlan and Collect Data Stage 9 Summary
Revision Planning & Collecting data Stage 9 MathsRevision Planning & Collecting data Stage 9 MathsWWRevision Planning & Collecting data Stage 9 Maths
Hypothesis Stage 9 MathsHypothesis Stage 9 MathsWWHypothesis Stage 9 Maths
Measure 2 Stage 6 SummaryMeasure 2 Stage 6 SummaryWWMeasure 2 Stage 6 Summary
Wires and BatteriesWires and BatteriesWWWires and Batteries
Circuit ComponentsCircuit ComponentsWWCircuit Components
Circuit SymbolsCircuit SymbolsWWCircuit Symbols
Electrical AppliancesElectrical AppliancesWWElectrical Appliances
Conductive MaterialsConductive MaterialsWWConductive Materials
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 7.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 7.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 7.1
Conductors and InsulatorsConductors and InsulatorsWWConductors and Insulators
Air ResistanceAir ResistanceWWAir Resistance
Mathematics Stage 5 Unit 6.2Mathematics Stage 5 Unit 6.2WWMathematics Stage 5 Unit 6.2
mass weight and how forces actmass weight and how forces actWWmass weight and how forces act
Caring for the environmentCaring for the environmentWWCaring for the environment
Effects of Forces and EnergyEffects of Forces and EnergyWWEffects of Forces and Energy
Acid RainAcid RainWWAcid Rain
Food chains in different Habitats and summaryFood chains in different Habitats and summaryWWFood chains in different Habitats and summary
Consumers of the Food ChainConsumers of the Food ChainWWConsumers of the Food Chain
Balanced and Unbalanced ForcesBalanced and Unbalanced ForcesWWBalanced and Unbalanced Forces
Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 6.1Mathematics Stage 5. Unit 6.1WWMathematics Stage 5. Unit 6.1
Dissolving SolutionsDissolving SolutionsWWDissolving Solutions
Global Perspectives: Lesson 6Global Perspectives: Lesson 6WWGlobal Perspectives: Lesson 6
Global Perspectives Lesson 5Global Perspectives Lesson 5WWGlobal Perspectives Lesson 5
Separating insoluble substancesSeparating insoluble substancesWWSeparating insoluble substances
Interpreting and Discussing Data Stage 7 SummaryInterpreting and Discussing Data Stage 7 SummaryWWInterpreting and Discussing Data Stage 7 Summary
Representing data Stage 7 MathsRepresenting data Stage 7 MathsWWRepresenting data Stage 7 Maths
Global Perspectives Lesson 4Global Perspectives Lesson 4WWGlobal Perspectives Lesson 4
3. Autumn Time Song.pdf3. Autumn Time Song.pdfWW3. Autumn Time Song.pdf
Soluble and Insoluble SubstancesSoluble and Insoluble SubstancesWWSoluble and Insoluble Substances
Mixing and SeparatingMixing and SeparatingWWMixing and Separating
Probability Stage 7 SummaryProbability Stage 7 SummaryWWProbability Stage 7 Summary
Averages Stage 7 SummaryAverages Stage 7 SummaryWWAverages Stage 7 Summary
Change of SubstancesChange of SubstancesWWChange of Substances
Searching The DatabasesSearching The DatabasesWWSearching The Databases
Numbers 2 Stage 6 SummaryNumbers 2 Stage 6 SummaryWWNumbers 2 Stage 6 Summary
byvoeglike naamwoordebyvoeglike naamwoordeWWbyvoeglike naamwoorde
Plan and Collect Data Stage 7 SummaryPlan and Collect Data Stage 7 SummaryWWPlan and Collect Data Stage 7 Summary
Data Questionnaire Stage 7Data Questionnaire Stage 7WWData Questionnaire Stage 7
Graphs Stage 9 SummaryGraphs Stage 9 SummaryWWGraphs Stage 9 Summary
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 6Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 6WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 6
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 5Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 5WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 5
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 4Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 4WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 4
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 3Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 3WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 3
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 2Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 2WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 2
Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 1Art 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 1WWArt 1+2 Sculp - Lesson 1
Divisibility Rules Stage 6 MathsDivisibility Rules Stage 6 MathsWWDivisibility Rules Stage 6 Maths
Verslag van 'n prosesVerslag van 'n prosesWWVerslag van 'n proses
ICT IS 1.9 Editing (continue)ICT IS 1.9 Editing (continue)WWICT IS 1.9 Editing (continue)
ICT IS 1.9 EditingICT IS 1.9 EditingWWICT IS 1.9 Editing
ICT IS 1.8 Selecting and ChangingICT IS 1.8 Selecting and ChangingWWICT IS 1.8 Selecting and Changing
Recap: ICT-NS Exploring SpreadsheetsRecap: ICT-NS Exploring SpreadsheetsWWRecap: ICT-NS Exploring Spreadsheets
Magazine articleMagazine articleWWMagazine article
Copy of punctuationCopy of punctuationWWCopy of punctuation
Copy of Sentence structuresCopy of Sentence structuresWWCopy of Sentence structures
Area, Perimeter and Volume Stage 9 SummaryArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 9 SummaryWWArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 9 Summary
Decimals Stage 6 SummaryDecimals Stage 6 SummaryWWDecimals Stage 6 Summary
Stage 9 Area reviseStage 9 Area reviseWWStage 9 Area revise
Length, Mass, Capacity and Time Stage 9 SummaryLength, Mass, Capacity and Time Stage 9 SummaryWWLength, Mass, Capacity and Time Stage 9 Summary
Stage 7 ENG The writing processStage 7 ENG The writing processWWStage 7 ENG The writing process
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 8Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 8WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 8
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 6Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 6WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 6
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 5Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 5WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 5
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 7Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 7WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 7
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 4Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 4WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 4
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 3Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 3WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 3
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 2Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 2WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 2
Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 1Art- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 1WWArt- Portraits_Stage 1+2- Lesson 1
Copy of Art: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2Copy of Art: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2WWCopy of Art: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2
Interpret and Discuss Results Stage 8 SummaryInterpret and Discuss Results Stage 8 SummaryWWInterpret and Discuss Results Stage 8 Summary
Air PollutionAir PollutionWWAir Pollution
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 8Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 8WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 8
Where food chains startWhere food chains startWWWhere food chains start
Intro: Food ChainsIntro: Food ChainsWWIntro: Food Chains
ICT IS 1.6 Writing poemsICT IS 1.6 Writing poemsWWICT IS 1.6 Writing poems
Chem_Stage 9_Periodic TableChem_Stage 9_Periodic TableWWChem_Stage 9_Periodic Table
Chem_Stage 9_Atoms and Atomic StructureChem_Stage 9_Atoms and Atomic StructureWWChem_Stage 9_Atoms and Atomic Structure
Chem_Stage 9_BurningChem_Stage 9_BurningWWChem_Stage 9_Burning
Area, Perimeter and Volume Stage 7 SummaryArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 7 SummaryWWArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 7 Summary
Probability Stage 8 SummaryProbability Stage 8 SummaryWWProbability Stage 8 Summary
Stage 8 hoof en hulpwerkwoordeStage 8 hoof en hulpwerkwoordeWWStage 8 hoof en hulpwerkwoorde
Wingu Academy Free trial infographicWingu Academy Free trial infographicWWWingu Academy Free trial infographic
Time Stage 7 SummaryTime Stage 7 SummaryWWTime Stage 7 Summary
Copy of DagboekinskrywingCopy of DagboekinskrywingWWCopy of Dagboekinskrywing
Christie ENG les Revision(25)Christie ENG les Revision(25)WWChristie ENG les Revision(25)
Recap: ICT-IS Starting GraphsRecap: ICT-IS Starting GraphsWWRecap: ICT-IS Starting Graphs
Prcoess and Present Data Stage 8 SummaryPrcoess and Present Data Stage 8 SummaryWWPrcoess and Present Data Stage 8 Summary
Plan and Collect Data Stage 8 SummaryPlan and Collect Data Stage 8 SummaryWWPlan and Collect Data Stage 8 Summary
Equations and inequalities Stage 9 SummaryEquations and inequalities Stage 9 SummaryWWEquations and inequalities Stage 9 Summary
Christie AFR Les Hersienning(24)Christie AFR Les Hersienning(24)WWChristie AFR Les Hersienning(24)
Length, Mass and Capacity Stage 7 SummaryLength, Mass and Capacity Stage 7 SummaryWWLength, Mass and Capacity Stage 7 Summary
Letter to the pressLetter to the pressWWLetter to the press
Copy of ByvoegselsCopy of ByvoegselsWWCopy of Byvoegsels
Copy of Types of sentencesCopy of Types of sentencesWWCopy of Types of sentences
Christie ENG les Revision(24)Christie ENG les Revision(24)WWChristie ENG les Revision(24)
Beskrywende OpstelBeskrywende OpstelWWBeskrywende Opstel
ICT IS 1.5 Select text, font size and spell checkICT IS 1.5 Select text, font size and spell checkWWICT IS 1.5 Select text, font size and spell check
Christie AFR Les Hersienning(23)Christie AFR Les Hersienning(23)WWChristie AFR Les Hersienning(23)
ICT IS 1.5 Opening an existing fileICT IS 1.5 Opening an existing fileWWICT IS 1.5 Opening an existing file
Lesson 3 PrimaryKeysLesson 3 PrimaryKeysWWLesson 3 PrimaryKeys
ICT IS 1.5 SaveICT IS 1.5 SaveWWICT IS 1.5 Save
Christie ENG les Revision(23)Christie ENG les Revision(23)WWChristie ENG les Revision(23)
informele briefinformele briefWWinformele brief
formele briefformele briefWWformele brief
Art: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2Art: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2WWArt: 1-2 CC_ Lesson 2
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 7Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 7WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 7
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 6Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 6WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 6
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 5Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 5WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 5
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 4Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 4WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 4
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 3Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 3WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 3
Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 1Art: 1-2 CC_Lesson 1WWArt: 1-2 CC_Lesson 1
Trappe van vergelykingTrappe van vergelykingWWTrappe van vergelyking
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 7 Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 7WW Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 7
Database DataTypes.pptxDatabase DataTypes.pptxWWDatabase DataTypes.pptx
Voegwoorde groepeVoegwoorde groepeWWVoegwoorde groepe
Chem_Stage 8_Rearranging AtomsChem_Stage 8_Rearranging AtomsWWChem_Stage 8_Rearranging Atoms
Chem_Stage 8_Conservation of MassChem_Stage 8_Conservation of MassWWChem_Stage 8_Conservation of Mass
Chem_Stage 8_Detecting Chem ReactionsChem_Stage 8_Detecting Chem ReactionsWWChem_Stage 8_Detecting Chem Reactions
Chem_Stage 8_RustingChem_Stage 8_RustingWWChem_Stage 8_Rusting
Chem_Stage 8_Reactions with AcidsChem_Stage 8_Reactions with AcidsWWChem_Stage 8_Reactions with Acids
Stories met DialoogStories met DialoogWWStories met Dialoog
Chem_Stage 8_BurningChem_Stage 8_BurningWWChem_Stage 8_Burning
Content: ICT-NS Exploring SpreadsheetsContent: ICT-NS Exploring SpreadsheetsWWContent: ICT-NS Exploring Spreadsheets
Content: ICT-IS Starting GraphsContent: ICT-IS Starting GraphsWWContent: ICT-IS Starting Graphs
Christie AFR Les Hersienning(22)Christie AFR Les Hersienning(22)WWChristie AFR Les Hersienning(22)
Chem_Stage 8_Phys and Chem ChangesChem_Stage 8_Phys and Chem ChangesWWChem_Stage 8_Phys and Chem Changes
Chem_Stage 8_Investigating SolubilityChem_Stage 8_Investigating SolubilityWWChem_Stage 8_Investigating Solubility
Chem_Stage 8_ChromatographyChem_Stage 8_ChromatographyWWChem_Stage 8_Chromatography
Chem_Stage 8_SolutionsChem_Stage 8_SolutionsWWChem_Stage 8_Solutions
Chem_Stage 8_Separating MixturesChem_Stage 8_Separating MixturesWWChem_Stage 8_Separating Mixtures
Chem_Stage 8_Compounds and MixturesChem_Stage 8_Compounds and MixturesWWChem_Stage 8_Compounds and Mixtures
Chem_Stage 8_FormulaeChem_Stage 8_FormulaeWWChem_Stage 8_Formulae
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 8Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 8WWArt Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 8
Chem_Stage 8_CompoundsChem_Stage 8_CompoundsWWChem_Stage 8_Compounds
Chem_Stage 8_Periodic TableChem_Stage 8_Periodic TableWWChem_Stage 8_Periodic Table
Chem_Stage 8_Atoms and ElementsChem_Stage 8_Atoms and ElementsWWChem_Stage 8_Atoms and Elements
Copy of Idioms vs ProverbsCopy of Idioms vs ProverbsWWCopy of Idioms vs Proverbs
Chem_Stage 8_AtomsChem_Stage 8_AtomsWWChem_Stage 8_Atoms
Christie ENG les Week 7-8(22)Christie ENG les Week 7-8(22)WWChristie ENG les Week 7-8(22)
ICT IS 1.4 Write SentencesICT IS 1.4 Write SentencesWWICT IS 1.4 Write Sentences
ICT IS 1.4 SentencesICT IS 1.4 SentencesWWICT IS 1.4 Sentences
Chem_Stage 8_Gas PressureChem_Stage 8_Gas PressureWWChem_Stage 8_Gas Pressure
Chem_Stage 8_Brownian MotionChem_Stage 8_Brownian MotionWWChem_Stage 8_Brownian Motion
Chem_Stage 8_DiffusionChem_Stage 8_DiffusionWWChem_Stage 8_Diffusion
Chem_Stage 8_Changing states of matterChem_Stage 8_Changing states of matterWWChem_Stage 8_Changing states of matter
Christie AFR Les Hersienning(21)Christie AFR Les Hersienning(21)WWChristie AFR Les Hersienning(21)
Chem_Stage 8_1 Particle TheoryChem_Stage 8_1 Particle TheoryWWChem_Stage 8_1 Particle Theory
Christie ENG les Week 7-8(21)Christie ENG les Week 7-8(21)WWChristie ENG les Week 7-8(21)
Area, Perimeter and Volume Stage 8 SummaryArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 8 SummaryWWArea, Perimeter and Volume Stage 8 Summary
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 6Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 6WWArt Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 6
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 5Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 5WWArt Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 5
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 3Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 3WWArt Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 3
Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 4Art Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 4WWArt Stage 1-2 Term 2 Lesson 4
Art Term 2 Stage 1-2 Lesson 2 ArtArt Term 2 Stage 1-2 Lesson 2 ArtWWArt Term 2 Stage 1-2 Lesson 2 Art
Stage 1-2 Lesson 1 ArtStage 1-2 Lesson 1 ArtWWStage 1-2 Lesson 1 Art
Length, Mass and Capacity Stage 8 SummaryLength, Mass and Capacity Stage 8 SummaryWWLength, Mass and Capacity Stage 8 Summary
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(20)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(20)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(20)
Idioms vs ProverbsIdioms vs ProverbsWWIdioms vs Proverbs
Sentence structuresSentence structuresWWSentence structures
Christie ENG les Week 7-8(20)Christie ENG les Week 7-8(20)WWChristie ENG les Week 7-8(20)
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(19)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(19)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(19)
Christie ENG les Week 7-8(19)Christie ENG les Week 7-8(19)WWChristie ENG les Week 7-8(19)
Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 4.pdfStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 4.pdfWWStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 4.pdf
Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 3.pdfStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 3.pdfWWStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 3.pdf
Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 2Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 2WWStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 2
Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 1Stage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 1WWStage 5-6 Term 2 Lesson 1
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 5S 3+4 T3 Lesson 5WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 5
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 3S 3+4 T3 Lesson 3WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 3
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(18)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(18)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(18)
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 4S 3+4 T3 Lesson 4WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 4
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 6S 3+4 T3 Lesson 6WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 6
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 2S 3+4 T3 Lesson 2WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 2
S 3+4 T3 Lesson 1S 3+4 T3 Lesson 1WWS 3+4 T3 Lesson 1
ICT IS 1.3 Capital lettersICT IS 1.3 Capital lettersWWICT IS 1.3 Capital letters
Bio Sex hormone is humans part 2Bio Sex hormone is humans part 2WWBio Sex hormone is humans part 2
Bio Sex hormones in humansBio Sex hormones in humansWWBio Sex hormones in humans
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(17)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(17)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(17)
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(17)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(17)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(17)
Stage 3: Lesson 7Stage 3: Lesson 7WWStage 3: Lesson 7
Autumn- Lesson 1Autumn- Lesson 1WWAutumn- Lesson 1
Autumn- Lesson 2Autumn- Lesson 2WWAutumn- Lesson 2
Graphs Stage 7 SummaryGraphs Stage 7 SummaryWWGraphs Stage 7 Summary
Autumn- Lesson 5Autumn- Lesson 5WWAutumn- Lesson 5
Autumn- Lesson 4Autumn- Lesson 4WWAutumn- Lesson 4
Autumn-Lesson 6Autumn-Lesson 6WWAutumn-Lesson 6
Autumn- Lesson 3Autumn- Lesson 3WWAutumn- Lesson 3
Sequences and Functions Stage 9 SummarySequences and Functions Stage 9 SummaryWWSequences and Functions Stage 9 Summary
Expressions and Formulae Stage 9 SummaryExpressions and Formulae Stage 9 SummaryWWExpressions and Formulae Stage 9 Summary
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(16)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(16)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(16)
Expressions and Equations Stage 7 SummaryExpressions and Equations Stage 7 SummaryWWExpressions and Equations Stage 7 Summary
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(16)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(16)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(16)
Sequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 7 SummarySequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 7 SummaryWWSequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 7 Summary
Multiply divide 10, 100 ,100Multiply divide 10, 100 ,100WWMultiply divide 10, 100 ,100
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(15)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(15)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(15)
Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(15)Christie AFR Les Week 5-6(15)WWChristie AFR Les Week 5-6(15)
Geometry Stage 6 SummaryGeometry Stage 6 SummaryWWGeometry Stage 6 Summary
Measure Stage 6 SummaryMeasure Stage 6 SummaryWWMeasure Stage 6 Summary
ICT IS 1.2 ListsICT IS 1.2 ListsWWICT IS 1.2 Lists
ICT IS 1.2 Type wordsICT IS 1.2 Type wordsWWICT IS 1.2 Type words
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(14)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(14)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(14)
Stage 5_ PlasticStage 5_ PlasticWWStage 5_ Plastic
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(14)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(14)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(14)
Stage 5: Lesson 6Stage 5: Lesson 6WWStage 5: Lesson 6
Stage 5: Lesson 5Stage 5: Lesson 5WWStage 5: Lesson 5
Stage 5: Lesson 4Stage 5: Lesson 4WWStage 5: Lesson 4
Stage 5: Lesson 3Stage 5: Lesson 3WWStage 5: Lesson 3
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(13)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(13)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(13)
Copy of Member OrganisationsCopy of Member OrganisationsWWCopy of Member Organisations
Ratio & Proportion Stage 9 SummaryRatio & Proportion Stage 9 SummaryWWRatio & Proportion Stage 9 Summary
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(13)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(13)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(13)
Sequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 8 SummarySequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 8 SummaryWWSequences, Expressions and Formulae Stage 8 Summary
Expressions and Equations Stage 8 SummaryExpressions and Equations Stage 8 SummaryWWExpressions and Equations Stage 8 Summary
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(12)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(12)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(12)
Graphs Stage 8 SummaryGraphs Stage 8 SummaryWWGraphs Stage 8 Summary
Christie ENG les Week 5-6(12)Christie ENG les Week 5-6(12)WWChristie ENG les Week 5-6(12)
ICT IS 1.1 DeletingICT IS 1.1 DeletingWWICT IS 1.1 Deleting
ICT IS 1.1 Letters on screenICT IS 1.1 Letters on screenWWICT IS 1.1 Letters on screen
ICT IS 1.1 Start MS WordICT IS 1.1 Start MS WordWWICT IS 1.1 Start MS Word
idiome en spreekwoordeidiome en spreekwoordeWWidiome en spreekwoorde
Stage 3 : Week 8Stage 3 : Week 8WWStage 3 : Week 8
Stage 3: Week 9Stage 3: Week 9WWStage 3: Week 9
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(11)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(11)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(11)
Christie ENG les Week 3-4(11)Christie ENG les Week 3-4(11)WWChristie ENG les Week 3-4(11)
Copy of Stage 3 : Week 7Copy of Stage 3 : Week 7WWCopy of Stage 3 : Week 7
20.1 Biotechnology and Genetic engineering20.1 Biotechnology and Genetic engineeringWW20.1 Biotechnology and Genetic engineering
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(10)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(10)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(10)
Stage 3 : Week 7Stage 3 : Week 7WWStage 3 : Week 7
Christie ENG les Week 3-4(10)Christie ENG les Week 3-4(10)WWChristie ENG les Week 3-4(10)
Iran-Iraq WarIran-Iraq WarWWIran-Iraq War
Writing ProcessWriting ProcessWWWriting Process
Christie ENG les Week 3-4(9)Christie ENG les Week 3-4(9)WWChristie ENG les Week 3-4(9)
Percentages Stage 9 SummaryPercentages Stage 9 SummaryWWPercentages Stage 9 Summary
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(9)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(9)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(9)
Multiply and Divide Stage 6 SummaryMultiply and Divide Stage 6 SummaryWWMultiply and Divide Stage 6 Summary
Stage 3: Week 5Stage 3: Week 5WWStage 3: Week 5
Recap: ICT-NS Exploring ImagesRecap: ICT-NS Exploring ImagesWWRecap: ICT-NS Exploring Images
ICT NS Do you knowICT NS Do you knowWWICT NS Do you know
Social Networks for under 13sSocial Networks for under 13sWWSocial Networks for under 13s
Stage 1 Art lesson 7Stage 1 Art lesson 7WWStage 1 Art lesson 7
Recap: ICT-IS Starting ImagesRecap: ICT-IS Starting ImagesWWRecap: ICT-IS Starting Images
Content: ICT-NS Exploring ImagesContent: ICT-NS Exploring ImagesWWContent: ICT-NS Exploring Images
Content: ICT-IS Starting ImagesContent: ICT-IS Starting ImagesWWContent: ICT-IS Starting Images
eSafety and Ethics.pptxeSafety and Ethics.pptxWWeSafety and Ethics.pptx
Voer 'n gedig opVoer 'n gedig opWWVoer 'n gedig op
Vriendskaplike briefVriendskaplike briefWWVriendskaplike brief
Multiples, factors and primes Stage 6 SummaryMultiples, factors and primes Stage 6 SummaryWWMultiples, factors and primes Stage 6 Summary
Place value Stage 6 SummaryPlace value Stage 6 SummaryWWPlace value Stage 6 Summary
Skryf 'n nuusberigSkryf 'n nuusberigWWSkryf 'n nuusberig
Stage 5 Birdfeeder materialsStage 5 Birdfeeder materialsWWStage 5 Birdfeeder materials
Stage 5 Bird feederStage 5 Bird feederWWStage 5 Bird feeder
Stage 3: Patterns/ DoodleStage 3: Patterns/ DoodleWWStage 3: Patterns/ Doodle
Lesson 12 – Data Storage Error detection.pptxLesson 12 – Data Storage Error detection.pptxWWLesson 12 – Data Storage Error detection.pptx
Copy of Formal LetterCopy of Formal LetterWWCopy of Formal Letter
Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(8)Christie AFR Les Week 3-4(8)WWChristie AFR Les Week 3-4(8)
Fractions Stage 9 SummaryFractions Stage 9 SummaryWWFractions Stage 9 Summary
Types of sentencesTypes of sentencesWWTypes of sentences
Place value Stage 9 SummaryPlace value Stage 9 SummaryWWPlace value Stage 9 Summary
Science Stage 9: Natural Selection and Charles Darwin. Lesson 7Science Stage 9: Natural Selection and Charles Darwin. Lesson 7WWScience Stage 9: Natural Selection and Charles Darwin. Lesson 7
Copy of The writing processCopy of The writing processWWCopy of The writing process
Stage 1: Worksheet 5Stage 1: Worksheet 5WWStage 1: Worksheet 5
Stage 1: Worksheet 4Stage 1: Worksheet 4WWStage 1: Worksheet 4
Stage 1: Worksheet 3Stage 1: Worksheet 3WWStage 1: Worksheet 3
Stage 1: Worksheet 2Stage 1: Worksheet 2WWStage 1: Worksheet 2
Stage 1: Worksheet 1Stage 1: Worksheet 1WWStage 1: Worksheet 1
ICT NS Internet-SafetyICT NS Internet-SafetyWWICT NS Internet-Safety
Integers Stage 9 SummaryIntegers Stage 9 SummaryWWIntegers Stage 9 Summary
Stage 1: Worksheet 6Stage 1: Worksheet 6WWStage 1: Worksheet 6
Stage 1: Week 6Stage 1: Week 6WWStage 1: Week 6
Ratio Stage 8 SummaryRatio Stage 8 SummaryWWRatio Stage 8 Summary
Stage 1: Week 5Stage 1: Week 5WWStage 1: Week 5
Stage 1: Week 4Stage 1: Week 4WWStage 1: Week 4
Stage 1: Week 3Stage 1: Week 3WWStage 1: Week 3
Stage 1: Week 2Stage 1: Week 2WWStage 1: Week 2
Stage 1: Week 1Stage 1: Week 1WWStage 1: Week 1
Brochure 2020Brochure 2020WWBrochure 2020
Copy of LeestekensCopy of LeestekensWWCopy of Leestekens
Stage 7: Week 4Stage 7: Week 4WWStage 7: Week 4
Stage 7: Week 3Stage 7: Week 3WWStage 7: Week 3
Ratio & Proportion Stage 7 SummaryRatio & Proportion Stage 7 SummaryWWRatio & Proportion Stage 7 Summary
Percentages Stage 8 SummaryPercentages Stage 8 SummaryWWPercentages Stage 8 Summary
Antenatal CareAntenatal CareWWAntenatal Care
Christie ENG les Week 3-4(7)Christie ENG les Week 3-4(7)WWChristie ENG les Week 3-4(7)
Stage 7: Week 2Stage 7: Week 2WWStage 7: Week 2
Pregnancy and BirthPregnancy and BirthWWPregnancy and Birth
ICT-OT Documents for a PurposeICT-OT Documents for a PurposeWWICT-OT Documents for a Purpose
Content: ICT-NS Exploring DocumentsContent: ICT-NS Exploring DocumentsWWContent: ICT-NS Exploring Documents
Sexual Reproduction in HumansSexual Reproduction in HumansWWSexual Reproduction in Humans
Content: ICT-IS Starting with TextContent: ICT-IS Starting with TextWWContent: ICT-IS Starting with Text
Percentages Stage 7 SummaryPercentages Stage 7 SummaryWWPercentages Stage 7 Summary
Recap : ICT-NS Exploring DocumentsRecap : ICT-NS Exploring DocumentsWWRecap : ICT-NS Exploring Documents
1936 Olympics1936 OlympicsWW1936 Olympics
Week 2: Safari vehicleWeek 2: Safari vehicleWWWeek 2: Safari vehicle
Goebbels' ControlGoebbels' ControlWWGoebbels' Control
Fractions Stage 8 SummaryFractions Stage 8 SummaryWWFractions Stage 8 Summary
Christie ENG les Week 1-2(6)Christie ENG les Week 1-2(6)WWChristie ENG les Week 1-2(6)
Stage 3: Week 2- Safari VehicleStage 3: Week 2- Safari VehicleWWStage 3: Week 2- Safari Vehicle
7 Lesson 1 Tonal Shading Presentation.ppt7 Lesson 1 Tonal Shading Presentation.pptWW7 Lesson 1 Tonal Shading Presentation.ppt
Stage 5: piggybank objectsStage 5: piggybank objectsWWStage 5: piggybank objects
AD Stage 5: Plastic piggybank examplesAD Stage 5: Plastic piggybank examplesWWAD Stage 5: Plastic piggybank examples
Stage 6- Week 1+2 MarionetteStage 6- Week 1+2 MarionetteWWStage 6- Week 1+2 Marionette
Recap: ICT-IS Starting with TextRecap: ICT-IS Starting with TextWWRecap: ICT-IS Starting with Text
argumentative and discursiveargumentative and discursiveWWargumentative and discursive
Sexual reproduction in plantsSexual reproduction in plantsWWSexual reproduction in plants
Sexual reproductionSexual reproductionWWSexual reproduction
Copy of Die skryfprosesCopy of Die skryfprosesWWCopy of Die skryfproses
Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(6)Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(6)WWChristie AFR Les Week 1-2(6)
Stage 3: Week 1Stage 3: Week 1WWStage 3: Week 1
Active and passive listeningActive and passive listeningWWActive and passive listening
Reading strategiesReading strategiesWWReading strategies
Asexual reproductionAsexual reproductionWWAsexual reproduction
Copy of Copy of PhotosynthesisCopy of Copy of PhotosynthesisWWCopy of Copy of Photosynthesis
Copy of PhotosynthesisCopy of PhotosynthesisWWCopy of Photosynthesis
17.4 Meiosis17.4 MeiosisWW17.4 Meiosis
Saddam's Rise to PowerSaddam's Rise to PowerWWSaddam's Rise to Power
Anti-Hitler MovementsAnti-Hitler MovementsWWAnti-Hitler Movements
Christie ENG les Week 1-2(5)Christie ENG les Week 1-2(5)WWChristie ENG les Week 1-2(5)
CMY151 theme 13 Q&ACMY151 theme 13 Q&AWWCMY151 theme 13 Q&A
CMY151 theme 13 theoryCMY151 theme 13 theoryWWCMY151 theme 13 theory
CMY151 theme 12 Q&ACMY151 theme 12 Q&AWWCMY151 theme 12 Q&A
CMY151 theme 12 theoryCMY151 theme 12 theoryWWCMY151 theme 12 theory
CMY151 theme 11 Q&ACMY151 theme 11 Q&AWWCMY151 theme 11 Q&A
CMY151 Theme 11 theoryCMY151 Theme 11 theoryWWCMY151 Theme 11 theory
CMY151 theme 10 theoryCMY151 theme 10 theoryWWCMY151 theme 10 theory
Christie ENG les Week 1-2(4)Christie ENG les Week 1-2(4)WWChristie ENG les Week 1-2(4)
CMY151 Theme 9 Q&ACMY151 Theme 9 Q&AWWCMY151 Theme 9 Q&A
CMY151 Theme 9 TheoryCMY151 Theme 9 TheoryWWCMY151 Theme 9 Theory
CMY151 Theme 7 Q&ACMY151 Theme 7 Q&AWWCMY151 Theme 7 Q&A
CMY151 Theme 7 theoryCMY151 Theme 7 theoryWWCMY151 Theme 7 theory
CMY151 Theme 5 Q&ACMY151 Theme 5 Q&AWWCMY151 Theme 5 Q&A
CMY151 Theme 5 MCCMY151 Theme 5 MCWWCMY151 Theme 5 MC
Die skryfprosesDie skryfprosesWWDie skryfproses
Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(5)Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(5)WWChristie AFR Les Week 1-2(5)
Electronic structure CHM 171Electronic structure CHM 171WWElectronic structure CHM 171
Thermochemistry MC 171Thermochemistry MC 171WWThermochemistry MC 171
MC Stiochiometry 171MC Stiochiometry 171WWMC Stiochiometry 171
17.3 Mitosis17.3 MitosisWW17.3 Mitosis
CMY151 Theme 6 MCCMY151 Theme 6 MCWWCMY151 Theme 6 MC
CMY151 Theme 6Q&AsCMY151 Theme 6Q&AsWWCMY151 Theme 6Q&As
CMY151 THeme 6CMY151 THeme 6WWCMY151 THeme 6
Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(4)Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(4)WWChristie AFR Les Week 1-2(4)
Fractions Stage 7 SummaryFractions Stage 7 SummaryWWFractions Stage 7 Summary
Place value Stage 8 SummaryPlace value Stage 8 SummaryWWPlace value Stage 8 Summary
Multiply and divide by 0.1 and 0.01Multiply and divide by 0.1 and 0.01WWMultiply and divide by 0.1 and 0.01
Christie ENG les Week 1-2(3)Christie ENG les Week 1-2(3)WWChristie ENG les Week 1-2(3)
News reportNews reportWWNews report
Anaerobic RespirationAnaerobic RespirationWWAnaerobic Respiration
Aerobic RespirationAerobic RespirationWWAerobic Respiration
Place value Stage 7 SummaryPlace value Stage 7 SummaryWWPlace value Stage 7 Summary
Integers Stage 8 SummaryIntegers Stage 8 SummaryWWIntegers Stage 8 Summary
Skryf 'n storieSkryf 'n storieWWSkryf 'n storie
Numbers multiply divide 10, 100 ,100Numbers multiply divide 10, 100 ,100WWNumbers multiply divide 10, 100 ,100
Affect of the war on the JewsAffect of the war on the JewsWWAffect of the war on the Jews
Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(3)Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(3)WWChristie AFR Les Week 1-2(3)
Copy of Science Stage 8. Plants. Lesson 3Copy of Science Stage 8. Plants. Lesson 3WWCopy of Science Stage 8. Plants. Lesson 3
Christie ENG les Week 1-2(2)Christie ENG les Week 1-2(2)WWChristie ENG les Week 1-2(2)
Active listeningActive listeningWWActive listening
Integers Stage 7 SummaryIntegers Stage 7 SummaryWWIntegers Stage 7 Summary
Friendly LetterFriendly LetterWWFriendly Letter
Risk Factors for Coronary Heart DiseaseRisk Factors for Coronary Heart DiseaseWWRisk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease
The writing process The writing process WWThe writing process
Maths 7 Divisibility RulesMaths 7 Divisibility RulesWWMaths 7 Divisibility Rules
Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(2)Christie AFR Les Week 1-2(2)WWChristie AFR Les Week 1-2(2)
17.1-2 Part 1: Inheritance17.1-2 Part 1: InheritanceWW17.1-2 Part 1: Inheritance
Christie ENG les templateChristie ENG les templateWWChristie ENG les template
1.1 Binary systems Lesson 11.1 Binary systems Lesson 1WW1.1 Binary systems Lesson 1
Circulatory systemCirculatory systemWWCirculatory system
Prefixes and suffixesPrefixes and suffixesWWPrefixes and suffixes
Christie AFR les templateChristie AFR les templateWWChristie AFR les template
Tropic responsesTropic responsesWWTropic responses
19.4_Population size19.4_Population sizeWW19.4_Population size
Zulu Nouns, Pronouns, VerbsZulu Nouns, Pronouns, VerbsWWZulu Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs
control of blood glucose concentrationcontrol of blood glucose concentrationWWcontrol of blood glucose concentration
President HooverPresident HooverWWPresident Hoover
Great DepressionGreat DepressionWWGreat Depression
Hormones in humansHormones in humansWWHormones in humans
Copy of Copy of meervoudeCopy of Copy of meervoudeWWCopy of Copy of meervoude
Copy of meervoudeCopy of meervoudeWWCopy of meervoude
unit9 summaryunit9 summaryWWunit9 summary
unit 7 summaryunit 7 summaryWWunit 7 summary
Nervous control in humans part 2Nervous control in humans part 2WWNervous control in humans part 2
Women 1920Women 1920WWWomen 1920
Input devices2-MicrophonesInput devices2-MicrophonesWWInput devices2-Microphones
Input devices2-Digital camerasInput devices2-Digital camerasWWInput devices2-Digital cameras
Input devices2-Code readersInput devices2-Code readersWWInput devices2-Code readers
Input devices2-Biometric devicesInput devices2-Biometric devicesWWInput devices2-Biometric devices
Input devices2-3D scannersInput devices2-3D scannersWWInput devices2-3D scanners
sinsoorte en tyesinsoorte en tyeWWsinsoorte en tye
Factors of the BOOM Factors of the BOOM WWFactors of the BOOM
La vocabulaire complet lecon 1La vocabulaire complet lecon 1WWLa vocabulaire complet lecon 1
Pathogens and DefensePathogens and DefenseWWPathogens and Defense
Potential differnecePotential differneceWWPotential differnece
Electromotive forceElectromotive forceWWElectromotive force
La grammaire lecon 1La grammaire lecon 1WWLa grammaire lecon 1
La routine d'EliseLa routine d'EliseWWLa routine d'Elise
Indutrialisation USAIndutrialisation USAWWIndutrialisation USA
Gas exchange in humansGas exchange in humansWWGas exchange in humans
paragraph typesparagraph typesWWparagraph types
Gerund FunctionsGerund FunctionsWWGerund Functions
Types of AbbreviationsTypes of AbbreviationsWWTypes of Abbreviations
OLD-Input devices2-2D scannersOLD-Input devices2-2D scannersWWOLD-Input devices2-2D scanners
Lecon 1 Savoir Ecouter OverviewLecon 1 Savoir Ecouter OverviewWWLecon 1 Savoir Ecouter Overview
Creating a web linkCreating a web linkWWCreating a web link
How to insert video or audioHow to insert video or audioWWHow to insert video or audio
How to insert an imageHow to insert an imageWWHow to insert an image
Moisture humidity and ph sensorsMoisture humidity and ph sensorsWWMoisture humidity and ph sensors
Gas and pressure sensorsGas and pressure sensorsWWGas and pressure sensors
Motion and magnetic field SensorsMotion and magnetic field SensorsWWMotion and magnetic field Sensors
Light and temperature sensorsLight and temperature sensorsWWLight and temperature sensors
19.1_Energy flow19.1_Energy flowWW19.1_Energy flow
Input devices2-Text-image-audioInput devices2-Text-image-audioWWInput devices2-Text-image-audio
Input devices1-WorkplaceInput devices1-WorkplaceWWInput devices1-Workplace
Input devicesInput devicesWWInput devices
Investigate the pathway of water through the above-ground parts of a plantInvestigate the pathway of water through the above-ground parts of a plantWWInvestigate the pathway of water through the above-ground parts of a plant
Water uptakeWater uptakeWWWater uptake
Transport in plantsTransport in plantsWWTransport in plants
Sickle-cell anaemiaSickle-cell anaemiaWWSickle-cell anaemia
Adaptive featuresAdaptive featuresWWAdaptive features
Variation Part 1Variation Part 1WWVariation Part 1
Trig mnemonicTrig mnemonicWWTrig mnemonic
Ethics summaryEthics summaryWWEthics summary
Security summarySecurity summaryWWSecurity summary
Verslag SkryfVerslag SkryfWWVerslag Skryf
OLD - Hardware and software summaryOLD - Hardware and software summaryWWOLD - Hardware and software summary
Communication and Internet technology summaryCommunication and Internet technology summaryWWCommunication and Internet technology summary
Binary systems summaryBinary systems summaryWWBinary systems summary
Alimentary canalAlimentary canalWWAlimentary canal
Mineral requirementsMineral requirementsWWMineral requirements
Diet and dietary diseasesDiet and dietary diseasesWWDiet and dietary diseases
Leaf structureLeaf structureWWLeaf structure
Binary in registersBinary in registersWWBinary in registers
Concept of a byteConcept of a byteWWConcept of a byte
Copy of Untitled designCopy of Untitled designWWCopy of Untitled design
Conversions Denary BinaryConversions Denary BinaryWWConversions Denary Binary
L1.1 Denary and BinaryL1.1 Denary and BinaryWWL1.1 Denary and Binary
L1.1 Binary usesL1.1 Binary usesWWL1.1 Binary uses
CPU componentsCPU componentsWWCPU components
Stored program conceptStored program conceptWWStored program concept
FDE CycleFDE CycleWWFDE Cycle
Simple phenomena of magnetism - Part 2Simple phenomena of magnetism - Part 2WWSimple phenomena of magnetism - Part 2
Clocks and dialsClocks and dialsWWClocks and dials
Active transportActive transportWWActive transport
Dichotomous keysDichotomous keysWWDichotomous keys
IG physics Speed of soundIG physics Speed of soundWWIG physics Speed of sound
Concept and use of a classification systemConcept and use of a classification systemWWConcept and use of a classification system
Simple phenomena of magnetismSimple phenomena of magnetismWWSimple phenomena of magnetism
Notice templateNotice templateWWNotice template
IG Physics Sound and HearingIG Physics Sound and HearingWWIG Physics Sound and Hearing
6 Types of Prepositions6 Types of PrepositionsWW6 Types of Prepositions
Diary EntryDiary EntryWWDiary Entry
Application of PrintersApplication of PrintersWWApplication of Printers
Characteristics of living organismsCharacteristics of living organismsWWCharacteristics of living organisms
Logic Gates L2Logic Gates L2WWLogic Gates L2
Ratio and proportionRatio and proportionWWRatio and proportion
Pseudocode - count and total valuesPseudocode - count and total valuesWWPseudocode - count and total values
Pseudocode - loop structuresPseudocode - loop structuresWWPseudocode - loop structures
Pseudocode - conditional statements infographicPseudocode - conditional statements infographicWWPseudocode - conditional statements infographic
Pseudocode - variables infographicPseudocode - variables infographicWWPseudocode - variables infographic
Chemical CalculationsChemical CalculationsWWChemical Calculations
Informal/Friendly LetterInformal/Friendly LetterWWInformal/Friendly Letter
letter of complaintletter of complaintWWletter of complaint
Formal LetterFormal LetterWWFormal Letter
Root Words, Prefixes & SuffixesRoot Words, Prefixes & SuffixesWWRoot Words, Prefixes & Suffixes
Manufacturing AccountManufacturing AccountWWManufacturing Account
Thin converging lensThin converging lensWWThin converging lens
Movement of WavesMovement of WavesWWMovement of Waves
Rainbow formationRainbow formationWWRainbow formation
'n Brief aan die pers'n Brief aan die persWW'n Brief aan die pers
What is light?What is light?WWWhat is light?
Describing WavesDescribing WavesWWDescribing Waves
Counting FlowchartCounting FlowchartWWCounting Flowchart
Smartphone sub-systemsSmartphone sub-systemsWWSmartphone sub-systems
Flowchart examplesFlowchart examplesWWFlowchart examples
Flowcharts InfographicFlowcharts InfographicWWFlowcharts Infographic
Dispersion of lightDispersion of lightWWDispersion of light
Desert ecoDesert ecoWWDesert eco
rainforest newrainforest newWWrainforest new
IG physics Pressure ChangesIG physics Pressure ChangesWWIG physics Pressure Changes
Parallelogram lawParallelogram lawWWParallelogram law
Triangle lawTriangle lawWWTriangle law
Triangle and parallelogram lawTriangle and parallelogram lawWWTriangle and parallelogram law
1.10 Ratio1.10 RatioWW1.10 Ratio
Validation and VerificationValidation and VerificationWWValidation and Verification
Untitled ProjectUntitled ProjectWWUntitled Project
Kinetic model of matterKinetic model of matterWWKinetic model of matter
Test data infographicTest data infographicWWTest data infographic
States of matterStates of matterWWStates of matter
Center of massCenter of massWWCenter of mass
C&R Expenditure & IncomeC&R Expenditure & IncomeWWC&R Expenditure & Income
Top-down designTop-down designWWTop-down design
Energy 3Energy 3WWEnergy 3
Turning effectsTurning effectsWWTurning effects
IG Physics PressureIG Physics PressureWWIG Physics Pressure
Energy 2Energy 2WWEnergy 2
Spring forceSpring forceWWSpring force
Elements, compounds and mixturesElements, compounds and mixturesWWElements, compounds and mixtures
hoof en hulpwerkwoordehoof en hulpwerkwoordeWWhoof en hulpwerkwoorde
Disarmament & Eco RecoveryDisarmament & Eco RecoveryWWDisarmament & Eco Recovery
How the LoN worked for a better worldHow the LoN worked for a better worldWWHow the LoN worked for a better world
LoN: Boarder disputesLoN: Boarder disputesWWLoN: Boarder disputes
Conservation of momentumConservation of momentumWWConservation of momentum
Skryftekens Week 7-8Skryftekens Week 7-8WWSkryftekens Week 7-8
Scalars and vectorsScalars and vectorsWWScalars and vectors
Long multiplication and divisionLong multiplication and divisionWWLong multiplication and division
Gedigte: rymskemasGedigte: rymskemasWWGedigte: rymskemas
Hitler's foreign policy aimsHitler's foreign policy aimsWWHitler's foreign policy aims
Committees of the League of NationsCommittees of the League of NationsWWCommittees of the League of Nations
Member OrganisationsMember OrganisationsWWMember Organisations
Conservation of MomentumConservation of MomentumWWConservation of Momentum
1.4. Fractions1.4. FractionsWW1.4. Fractions
Circular MotionCircular MotionWWCircular Motion
Mechanics of fallingMechanics of fallingWWMechanics of falling