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Europe in the Age of Scientific RevolutionEurope in the Age of Scientific RevolutionWWEurope in the Age of Scientific Revolution
Cold War and Global UpheavalsCold War and Global UpheavalsWWCold War and Global Upheavals
Untitled presentationUntitled presentationWWUntitled presentation
Buying Your 1st HouseBuying Your 1st HouseWWBuying Your 1st House
Civil Disobedience: The Power of Nonviolent ProtestCivil Disobedience: The Power of Nonviolent ProtestWWCivil Disobedience: The Power of Nonviolent Protest
Promoting Literacy in SchoolsPromoting Literacy in SchoolsWWPromoting Literacy in Schools
School Librarian Leadership and AdvocacySchool Librarian Leadership and AdvocacyWWSchool Librarian Leadership and Advocacy
Enriching Library InstructionEnriching Library InstructionWWEnriching Library Instruction
Library Technology IntegrationLibrary Technology IntegrationWWLibrary Technology Integration
Reading and LiteracyReading and LiteracyWWReading and Literacy
Enhancing Student Engagement through Effective Library ProgramsEnhancing Student Engagement through Effective Library ProgramsWWEnhancing Student Engagement through Effective Library Programs
Technology in LibrariesTechnology in LibrariesWWTechnology in Libraries
Equal Access to LibrariesEqual Access to LibrariesWWEqual Access to Libraries
St. Louis Black HistorySt. Louis Black HistoryWWSt. Louis Black History
Tribes of AfricaTribes of AfricaWWTribes of Africa
Libraries in Ancient CulturesLibraries in Ancient CulturesWWLibraries in Ancient Cultures
Influence on the ConstitutionInfluence on the ConstitutionWWInfluence on the Constitution
The Impact of TeachersThe Impact of TeachersWWThe Impact of Teachers
Connecting Families and CommunitiesConnecting Families and CommunitiesWWConnecting Families and Communities
School Safety: Addressing the ChallengeSchool Safety: Addressing the ChallengeWWSchool Safety: Addressing the Challenge
The Dark Ages and Medieval TimesThe Dark Ages and Medieval TimesWWThe Dark Ages and Medieval Times
The Medieval EraThe Medieval EraWWThe Medieval Era
Feudalism in Medieval EuropeFeudalism in Medieval EuropeWWFeudalism in Medieval Europe
Weapons of WWIIWeapons of WWIIWWWeapons of WWII
Sweet 16 Birthday CelebrationSweet 16 Birthday CelebrationWWSweet 16 Birthday Celebration
Best American Athlete EverBest American Athlete EverWWBest American Athlete Ever
America Becoming an Economic PowerAmerica Becoming an Economic PowerWWAmerica Becoming an Economic Power
World Wars and America's EconomyWorld Wars and America's EconomyWWWorld Wars and America's Economy
The Rise of Greek City-StatesThe Rise of Greek City-StatesWWThe Rise of Greek City-States
Harnessing Innovation in Learning EnvironmentsHarnessing Innovation in Learning EnvironmentsWWHarnessing Innovation in Learning Environments
The 1st AmericansThe 1st AmericansWWThe 1st Americans
The Best Basketball Player of All TimeThe Best Basketball Player of All TimeWWThe Best Basketball Player of All Time
Understanding the Bill of RightsUnderstanding the Bill of RightsWWUnderstanding the Bill of Rights
Metamorphosis: The Science of TransformationMetamorphosis: The Science of TransformationWWMetamorphosis: The Science of Transformation
World War 1World War 1WWWorld War 1
China Dynasty: A Historical JourneyChina Dynasty: A Historical JourneyWWChina Dynasty: A Historical Journey
Causes of WWICauses of WWIWWCauses of WWI
The Industrial Revolution: Transforming AmericaThe Industrial Revolution: Transforming AmericaWWThe Industrial Revolution: Transforming America
Exploring Ancient EgyptExploring Ancient EgyptWWExploring Ancient Egypt
Nurturing Student-Teacher RelationshipsNurturing Student-Teacher RelationshipsWWNurturing Student-Teacher Relationships
Classroom Connections: Understanding DynamicsClassroom Connections: Understanding DynamicsWWClassroom Connections: Understanding Dynamics
U.S. Presidents from Civil War to Industrial RevolutionU.S. Presidents from Civil War to Industrial RevolutionWWU.S. Presidents from Civil War to Industrial Revolution
Early River Valley CivilizationsEarly River Valley CivilizationsWWEarly River Valley Civilizations
Post Civil War EraPost Civil War EraWWPost Civil War Era
History of US Political PartiesHistory of US Political PartiesWWHistory of US Political Parties
The Post-Civil War Era: Challenges and InnovationsThe Post-Civil War Era: Challenges and InnovationsWWThe Post-Civil War Era: Challenges and Innovations
Reconstruction Era: The U.S. After the Civil WarReconstruction Era: The U.S. After the Civil WarWWReconstruction Era: The U.S. After the Civil War
Reconstruction Era in the U.S. (1865-1877)Reconstruction Era in the U.S. (1865-1877)WWReconstruction Era in the U.S. (1865-1877)
Exploring Ancient MesopotamiaExploring Ancient MesopotamiaWWExploring Ancient Mesopotamia
buying a house checklistbuying a house checklistWWbuying a house checklist
maya, aztec, incas, olmecsmaya, aztec, incas, olmecsWWmaya, aztec, incas, olmecs
taxes McNHStaxes McNHSWWtaxes McNHS
taxes taxes WWtaxes
Copy of Examining the 3 major ReligionsCopy of Examining the 3 major ReligionsWWCopy of Examining the 3 major Religions
Copy of Copy of 5 Major World ReligionsCopy of Copy of 5 Major World ReligionsWWCopy of Copy of 5 Major World Religions
China River CivilizationsChina River CivilizationsWWChina River Civilizations
Copy of Shark Tank ProjectCopy of Shark Tank ProjectWWCopy of Shark Tank Project
job interviewjob interviewWWjob interview
Egyptian Gods and GoddessEgyptian Gods and GoddessWWEgyptian Gods and Goddess
Egypt packetEgypt packetWWEgypt packet
river civilizationsriver civilizationsWWriver civilizations
paystub assignmentpaystub assignmentWWpaystub assignment
mesopotamia pre-testmesopotamia pre-testWWmesopotamia pre-test
credit scorecredit scoreWWcredit score
Hammurabi's codeHammurabi's codeWWHammurabi's code
career planningcareer planningWWcareer planning
Jobs and CareersJobs and CareersWWJobs and Careers
Shark Tank ProjectShark Tank ProjectWWShark Tank Project
community safety educationcommunity safety educationWWcommunity safety education
interest groupsinterest groupsWWinterest groups
resources for global traderesources for global tradeWWresources for global trade
Savings ,Investment & The Stock Market Savings ,Investment & The Stock Market WWSavings ,Investment & The Stock Market
economic instabilityeconomic instabilityWWeconomic instability
favorite presidentfavorite presidentWWfavorite president
executive branch , article 2executive branch , article 2WWexecutive branch , article 2
article 2/ 22article 2/ 22WWarticle 2/ 22
executive branchexecutive branchWWexecutive branch
rock the vote2rock the vote2WWrock the vote2
rock the Voterock the VoteWWrock the Vote
Evaluating the EconomyEvaluating the EconomyWWEvaluating the Economy
Financial MarketsFinancial MarketsWWFinancial Markets
social goals of governmentsocial goals of governmentWWsocial goals of government
Media in the Government reviewMedia in the Government reviewWWMedia in the Government review
texas v Johnsontexas v JohnsonWWtexas v Johnson
Pop Up Personal Trainer PalPop Up Personal Trainer PalWWPop Up Personal Trainer Pal
landmark supreme court caseslandmark supreme court casesWWlandmark supreme court cases
congressional committees congressional committees WWcongressional committees
Evaluating economic performanceEvaluating economic performanceWWEvaluating economic performance
intro to federalismintro to federalismWWintro to federalism
legislative branch introlegislative branch introWWlegislative branch intro
transition to capitalismtransition to capitalismWWtransition to capitalism
bill of rightsbill of rightsWWbill of rights
Constitutional conventionConstitutional conventionWWConstitutional convention
mixed economiesmixed economiesWWmixed economies
Economic systemsEconomic systemsWWEconomic systems
forms of governmentforms of governmentWWforms of government
early influencersearly influencersWWearly influencers
econ introecon introWWecon intro
intro to Econintro to EconWWintro to Econ
Voting Rights ActVoting Rights ActWWVoting Rights Act
Electoral CollegeElectoral CollegeWWElectoral College
Voting and elections Voting and elections WWVoting and elections
political parties political parties WWpolitical parties
Intrest groups and Iron Triangles Intrest groups and Iron Triangles WWIntrest groups and Iron Triangles
Nonprofit Organizations Nonprofit Organizations WWNonprofit Organizations
Business Organization Business Organization WWBusiness Organization
Intrest Groups and P.A.C.'s and superP.A.C.'s Intrest Groups and P.A.C.'s and superP.A.C.'s WWIntrest Groups and P.A.C.'s and superP.A.C.'s
Forms of Business Organization Forms of Business Organization WWForms of Business Organization
The Role of the Government The Role of the Government WWThe Role of the Government
Market Failures Market Failures WWMarket Failures
Market Structures Market Structures WWMarket Structures
Social Goals, Prices & Market Efficency Social Goals, Prices & Market Efficency WWSocial Goals, Prices & Market Efficency
Prices Prices WWPrices
Article 3 Article 3 WWArticle 3
costs, revenue and profit maximazation costs, revenue and profit maximazation WWcosts, revenue and profit maximazation
Government Agencies Government Agencies WWGovernment Agencies
The Theory of Production The Theory of Production WWThe Theory of Production
The Cabinet & The Executive office of the President The Cabinet & The Executive office of the President WWThe Cabinet & The Executive office of the President
Supply Supply WWSupply
Elasticty of Demand Elasticty of Demand WWElasticty of Demand
Factors Affecting Demand Factors Affecting Demand WWFactors Affecting Demand
Article 2 Article 2 WWArticle 2
What is Demand What is Demand WWWhat is Demand
Roles and responsibilities of a free Enterprise Economy Roles and responsibilities of a free Enterprise Economy WWRoles and responsibilities of a free Enterprise Economy
social changesocial changeWWsocial change
evolution of moneyevolution of moneyWWevolution of money
dynamics of demographydynamics of demographyWWdynamics of demography
labor movementlabor movementWWlabor movement
family 3family 3WWfamily 3
econ week4aecon week4aWWecon week4a
week 4badweek 4badWWweek 4bad
social stratification1social stratification1WWsocial stratification1
social control and deviancesocial control and devianceWWsocial control and deviance
Crawford Econ32420Crawford Econ32420WWCrawford Econ32420
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
stress lesson 2stress lesson 2WWstress lesson 2
Copy of Special Interest Groups and Political Action Committees (SIGs and PACs)Copy of Special Interest Groups and Political Action Committees (SIGs and PACs)WWCopy of Special Interest Groups and Political Action Committees (SIGs and PACs)
Copy of Political PartiesCopy of Political PartiesWWCopy of Political Parties
Business Cycles & Economic StabilityBusiness Cycles & Economic StabilityWWBusiness Cycles & Economic Stability
Copy of World War IICopy of World War IIWWCopy of World War II
Population Growth & TrendsPopulation Growth & TrendsWWPopulation Growth & Trends
judicial vocabularyjudicial vocabularyWWjudicial vocabulary
social structure and statussocial structure and statusWWsocial structure and status
law termslaw termsWWlaw terms
measuring the Nation's Output and Incomemeasuring the Nation's Output and IncomeWWmeasuring the Nation's Output and Income
savings and financial systemssavings and financial systemsWWsavings and financial systems
financial marketsfinancial marketsWWfinancial markets
Copy of Stocks and BondsCopy of Stocks and BondsWWCopy of Stocks and Bonds
Copy of Economic SystemsCopy of Economic SystemsWWCopy of Economic Systems
Copy of CapitalismCopy of CapitalismWWCopy of Capitalism
Copy of Capitalism in AmericaCopy of Capitalism in AmericaWWCopy of Capitalism in America
Copy of Roles in government, capitalism, socialism, and communismCopy of Roles in government, capitalism, socialism, and communismWWCopy of Roles in government, capitalism, socialism, and communism
technology & societytechnology & societyWWtechnology & society
invitation to invitation to WWinvitation to
Economic goals and the federal BudgetEconomic goals and the federal BudgetWWEconomic goals and the federal Budget
Sports PyschologySports PyschologyWWSports Pyschology
Economic PerspectivesEconomic PerspectivesWWEconomic Perspectives
Making Social & Domestic PolicyMaking Social & Domestic PolicyWWMaking Social & Domestic Policy
The Basics of the NervousThe Basics of the NervousWWThe Basics of the Nervous
competition and markets structurescompetition and markets structuresWWcompetition and markets structures
learning principles and applicationslearning principles and applicationsWWlearning principles and applications
How Media Impact Our Government How Media Impact Our Government WWHow Media Impact Our Government
Copy of Marble Cake Federalism vs. Layer Cake FederalismCopy of Marble Cake Federalism vs. Layer Cake FederalismWWCopy of Marble Cake Federalism vs. Layer Cake Federalism
Sleep and DreamsSleep and DreamsWWSleep and Dreams
Copy of The Executive BranchCopy of The Executive BranchWWCopy of The Executive Branch
parenting stylesparenting stylesWWparenting styles
Copy of Psychology unit 1: Introduction to PsychologyCopy of Psychology unit 1: Introduction to PsychologyWWCopy of Psychology unit 1: Introduction to Psychology
American Free Enterprise CapatalismAmerican Free Enterprise CapatalismWWAmerican Free Enterprise Capatalism
Copy of American Free Enterprise System ProjectCopy of American Free Enterprise System ProjectWWCopy of American Free Enterprise System Project
Copy of Mapping the Constitution by Cassie LeRoyCopy of Mapping the Constitution by Cassie LeRoyWWCopy of Mapping the Constitution by Cassie LeRoy
Taking in and storing informationTaking in and storing informationWWTaking in and storing information
The Field of Psychology:The Field of Psychology:WWThe Field of Psychology:
Copy of The Bill of RightsCopy of The Bill of RightsWWCopy of The Bill of Rights
Judicial ReviewJudicial ReviewWWJudicial Review
comparing economic systemscomparing economic systemsWWcomparing economic systems
Economic SystemsEconomic SystemsWWEconomic Systems
chapter 1 reviewchapter 1 reviewWWchapter 1 review
Economic GrowthEconomic GrowthWWEconomic Growth
Foundations of GovernmentFoundations of GovernmentWWFoundations of Government
Our Economic ChoicesOur Economic ChoicesWWOur Economic Choices
Scarcity & the Science ofScarcity & the Science ofWWScarcity & the Science of
The 1st Chinese EmpiresThe 1st Chinese EmpiresWWThe 1st Chinese Empires
the Northeastthe NortheastWWthe Northeast
India's First EmpireIndia's First EmpireWWIndia's First Empire
Eastern MediterraneanEastern MediterraneanWWEastern Mediterranean
North AfricaNorth AfricaWWNorth Africa
The Ancient GreeksThe Ancient GreeksWWThe Ancient Greeks
Early Empires in the Ancient Near EastEarly Empires in the Ancient Near EastWWEarly Empires in the Ancient Near East
Examining the 3 major ReligionsExamining the 3 major ReligionsWWExamining the 3 major Religions
Eastern EuropeEastern EuropeWWEastern Europe
The Reach of ImperialismThe Reach of ImperialismWWThe Reach of Imperialism
Mass society and DemocracyMass society and DemocracyWWMass society and Democracy
Northern EuropeNorthern EuropeWWNorthern Europe
The cold warThe cold warWWThe cold war
Central America & the CaribbeanCentral America & the CaribbeanWWCentral America & the Caribbean
regions of the USAregions of the USAWWregions of the USA
chapter 30chapter 30WWchapter 30
life during the cold warlife during the cold warWWlife during the cold war
The United States The United States WWThe United States
chapter 34chapter 34WWchapter 34
World History World History WWWorld History
World GeorgrpahyWorld GeorgrpahyWWWorld Georgrpahy
The Spread of Civilization The Spread of Civilization WWThe Spread of Civilization
The Physical World The Physical World WWThe Physical World
Absolute location: the exact position of a place on the EartAbsolute location: the exact position of a place on the EartWWAbsolute location: the exact position of a place on the Eart
Copy of MexicoCopy of MexicoWWCopy of Mexico
Copy of 5 Major World ReligionsCopy of 5 Major World ReligionsWWCopy of 5 Major World Religions
Economic Systems Economic Systems WWEconomic Systems
Charles R. CrawfordCharles R. CrawfordWWCharles R. Crawford