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Melodrama and Race Melodrama and Race WWMelodrama and Race
Race and AnimationRace and AnimationWWRace and Animation
Production cont'd: HopinkaProduction cont'd: HopinkaWWProduction cont'd: Hopinka
Race and Production cont'd Race and Production cont'd WWRace and Production cont'd
Race and ProductionRace and ProductionWWRace and Production
Race and RepresentationRace and RepresentationWWRace and Representation
Handsworth Songs Handsworth Songs WWHandsworth Songs
Cinema, Race, Technology: Maurice Cinema, Race, Technology: Maurice WWCinema, Race, Technology: Maurice
Base and Superstructure Part 2 (Williams)Base and Superstructure Part 2 (Williams)WWBase and Superstructure Part 2 (Williams)
Dyer, Cinema and Whiteness Dyer, Cinema and Whiteness WWDyer, Cinema and Whiteness
Screening Race IntroScreening Race IntroWWScreening Race Intro
Big Data and HomophiliyBig Data and HomophiliyWWBig Data and Homophiliy
Ways of Seeing and WatchingWays of Seeing and WatchingWWWays of Seeing and Watching
Writing ErrorsWriting ErrorsWWWriting Errors
How do we identify with characters?How do we identify with characters?WWHow do we identify with characters?
TV InterruptedTV InterruptedWWTV Interrupted
Atanarjuat (redux)Atanarjuat (redux)WWAtanarjuat (redux)
The Telegraph and the Internet (Thorat)The Telegraph and the Internet (Thorat)WWThe Telegraph and the Internet (Thorat)
What Difference Does a Medium Make?What Difference Does a Medium Make?WWWhat Difference Does a Medium Make?
The Two Revolutions (Dame-Griff)The Two Revolutions (Dame-Griff)WWThe Two Revolutions (Dame-Griff)
Final ExamFinal ExamWWFinal Exam
Platform CooperativismPlatform CooperativismWWPlatform Cooperativism
Jack Qiu, Social Media on the Picket LineJack Qiu, Social Media on the Picket LineWWJack Qiu, Social Media on the Picket Line
Automating InequalityAutomating InequalityWWAutomating Inequality
Algorithms of OppressionAlgorithms of OppressionWWAlgorithms of Oppression
Neoliberalism and Reality TVNeoliberalism and Reality TVWWNeoliberalism and Reality TV
What is Neoliberalism? (MST 310)What is Neoliberalism? (MST 310)WWWhat is Neoliberalism? (MST 310)
Saglier (Negotiating Institutions)Saglier (Negotiating Institutions)WWSaglier (Negotiating Institutions)
Butler (Negotiating Institutions)Butler (Negotiating Institutions)WWButler (Negotiating Institutions)
The Audience CommodityThe Audience CommodityWWThe Audience Commodity
Review Day 1 & 2 (Marx and Williams)Review Day 1 & 2 (Marx and Williams)WWReview Day 1 & 2 (Marx and Williams)
What is Racial Capitalism?What is Racial Capitalism?WWWhat is Racial Capitalism?
Rich Media, Poor DemocracyRich Media, Poor DemocracyWWRich Media, Poor Democracy
The essay film pt 2The essay film pt 2WWThe essay film pt 2
Essay FilmEssay FilmWWEssay Film
Connective Media and Big DataConnective Media and Big DataWWConnective Media and Big Data
Queer Video Cultures Queer Video Cultures WWQueer Video Cultures
Convergence Culture part 2 (participation)Convergence Culture part 2 (participation)WWConvergence Culture part 2 (participation)
Convergence Culture part 1 (Liveness)Convergence Culture part 1 (Liveness)WWConvergence Culture part 1 (Liveness)
Structural FilmStructural FilmWWStructural Film
How New is New Media? (pt. 2)How New is New Media? (pt. 2)WWHow New is New Media? (pt. 2)
How New is New Media?How New is New Media?WWHow New is New Media?
Spectatorship: Alexander and NetflixSpectatorship: Alexander and NetflixWWSpectatorship: Alexander and Netflix
Sky Hopinka + Ethnographic RefusalSky Hopinka + Ethnographic RefusalWWSky Hopinka + Ethnographic Refusal
What is Media Analysis?What is Media Analysis?WWWhat is Media Analysis?
Feminist filmmakers of the L.A. RebellionFeminist filmmakers of the L.A. RebellionWWFeminist filmmakers of the L.A. Rebellion
The South Korean BlockbusterThe South Korean BlockbusterWWThe South Korean Blockbuster
Production and Distribution: The Blockbuster Production and Distribution: The Blockbuster WWProduction and Distribution: The Blockbuster
Feminist Experimental Film cont'dFeminist Experimental Film cont'dWWFeminist Experimental Film cont'd
Reclaiming the ImageReclaiming the ImageWWReclaiming the Image
Riddles of the SphinxRiddles of the SphinxWWRiddles of the Sphinx
The Concept of Live TVThe Concept of Live TVWWThe Concept of Live TV
The Technology and the SocietyThe Technology and the SocietyWWThe Technology and the Society
The Medium is the Message?The Medium is the Message?WWThe Medium is the Message?
Overview of Unit 1Overview of Unit 1WWOverview of Unit 1
MST 100 Assignment 1MST 100 Assignment 1WWMST 100 Assignment 1
Two Avant-Gardes Part 2Two Avant-Gardes Part 2WWTwo Avant-Gardes Part 2
This is the Voice of AlgeriaThis is the Voice of AlgeriaWWThis is the Voice of Algeria
Two Avant-Gardes Two Avant-Gardes WWTwo Avant-Gardes
The Phonograph and RaceThe Phonograph and RaceWWThe Phonograph and Race
New American CinemaNew American CinemaWWNew American Cinema
Dada and SurrealismDada and SurrealismWWDada and Surrealism
Cinema of AttractionsCinema of AttractionsWWCinema of Attractions
Dada Cinema Dada Cinema WWDada Cinema
Panoramic TravelPanoramic TravelWWPanoramic Travel
Media as Historical Subjects Media as Historical Subjects WWMedia as Historical Subjects
Early Cinema and the Avant-GardeEarly Cinema and the Avant-GardeWWEarly Cinema and the Avant-Garde
Eighth GradeEighth GradeWWEighth Grade
Intro to Media Studies Intro to Media Studies WWIntro to Media Studies
Hopeful Monsters_220Hopeful Monsters_220WWHopeful Monsters_220
Juliet Jacques and Trans AutobiographyJuliet Jacques and Trans AutobiographyWWJuliet Jacques and Trans Autobiography
Intersectionality Guest Lecture Intersectionality Guest Lecture WWIntersectionality Guest Lecture
The Limits of Subversion? Butler, Hwang, and JacquesThe Limits of Subversion? Butler, Hwang, and JacquesWWThe Limits of Subversion? Butler, Hwang, and Jacques
Hwang M. ButterflyHwang M. ButterflyWWHwang M. Butterfly
Butler and HwangButler and HwangWWButler and Hwang
What the Foucault?What the Foucault?WWWhat the Foucault?
Hartman & the seduction of the reader Hartman & the seduction of the reader WWHartman & the seduction of the reader
Narratives of SeductionNarratives of SeductionWWNarratives of Seduction
Silence and Confession in Jacobs Silence and Confession in Jacobs WWSilence and Confession in Jacobs
Harriet JacobsHarriet JacobsWWHarriet Jacobs
Driskill and JacobsDriskill and JacobsWWDriskill and Jacobs
Sovereign EroticSovereign EroticWWSovereign Erotic
Freud + RubinFreud + RubinWWFreud + Rubin
Machado and WhiteheadMachado and WhiteheadWWMachado and Whitehead
Introduction 220Introduction 220WWIntroduction 220
Feminism for the 99Feminism for the 99WWFeminism for the 99
Transgender Narratives and CirculationsTransgender Narratives and CirculationsWWTransgender Narratives and Circulations
Two-Spirit Critique cont'dTwo-Spirit Critique cont'dWWTwo-Spirit Critique cont'd
Queer of Colour and Two Spirit CritiqueQueer of Colour and Two Spirit CritiqueWWQueer of Colour and Two Spirit Critique
Trans/national Racial Formation Trans/national Racial Formation WWTrans/national Racial Formation
Saidiya HartmanSaidiya HartmanWWSaidiya Hartman
Bif, Combahee & TuckBif, Combahee & TuckWWBif, Combahee & Tuck
Race Class Gender IntroRace Class Gender IntroWWRace Class Gender Intro
Hawaiian SovereigntyHawaiian SovereigntyWWHawaiian Sovereignty
Sources WorkshopSources WorkshopWWSources Workshop
Sisterhood is Global?Sisterhood is Global?WWSisterhood is Global?
Do the Right Thing_Summer Do the Right Thing_Summer WWDo the Right Thing_Summer
American Identities_Day 7American Identities_Day 7WWAmerican Identities_Day 7
Indigenous SovereigntyIndigenous SovereigntyWWIndigenous Sovereignty
American Identities Day 3American Identities Day 3WWAmerican Identities Day 3
American Identities Day 2American Identities Day 2WWAmerican Identities Day 2
American Identities American Identities WWAmerican Identities
Prospectus WorkshopProspectus WorkshopWWProspectus Workshop
Research QuestionsResearch QuestionsWWResearch Questions
Do the Right Thing_Spike LeeDo the Right Thing_Spike LeeWWDo the Right Thing_Spike Lee
Fultz_Playing with DifferenceFultz_Playing with DifferenceWWFultz_Playing with Difference
Final ClassFinal ClassWWFinal Class
Writing WorkshopWriting WorkshopWWWriting Workshop
Final AssignmentFinal AssignmentWWFinal Assignment
Goto_Hopeful MonstersGoto_Hopeful MonstersWWGoto_Hopeful Monsters
Thomas KingThomas KingWWThomas King
Feminist Science StudiesFeminist Science StudiesWWFeminist Science Studies
Posing in PrisonPosing in PrisonWWPosing in Prison
Borderlands_American IdentitiesBorderlands_American IdentitiesWWBorderlands_American Identities
Paris is Burning_298Paris is Burning_298WWParis is Burning_298
Gender and New World SlaveryGender and New World SlaveryWWGender and New World Slavery
Overview of Unit 2Overview of Unit 2WWOverview of Unit 2
Presentation WorkshopPresentation WorkshopWWPresentation Workshop
Foucault and the Politics of ReproductionFoucault and the Politics of ReproductionWWFoucault and the Politics of Reproduction
Transnational SurrogacyTransnational SurrogacyWWTransnational Surrogacy
Reproductive JusticeReproductive JusticeWWReproductive Justice
Pro-Choice / LifePro-Choice / LifeWWPro-Choice / Life
Woman WarriorWoman WarriorWWWoman Warrior
Trans StudiesTrans StudiesWWTrans Studies
Playing in the DarkPlaying in the DarkWWPlaying in the Dark
Repronormativity and Trans ReproductionRepronormativity and Trans ReproductionWWRepronormativity and Trans Reproduction
What is a Reproductive Body?What is a Reproductive Body?WWWhat is a Reproductive Body?
Reproductive DystopiasReproductive DystopiasWWReproductive Dystopias
Imagined CommunitiesImagined CommunitiesWWImagined Communities
Gender, Race, ReproductionGender, Race, ReproductionWWGender, Race, Reproduction
Copy of Hughes 1Copy of Hughes 1WWCopy of Hughes 1
Reproduction: Day 1Reproduction: Day 1WWReproduction: Day 1
The Argonauts_220The Argonauts_220WWThe Argonauts_220
Copy of The ArgonautsCopy of The ArgonautsWWCopy of The Argonauts
The ArgonautsThe ArgonautsWWThe Argonauts
Paris is Burning_REDUXParis is Burning_REDUXWWParis is Burning_REDUX
Paris is BurningParis is BurningWWParis is Burning