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Love Your MelonLove Your MelonWWLove Your Melon
Nature in AnimeNature in AnimeWWNature in Anime
Howard UniversityHoward UniversityWWHoward University
Fame PresentationFame PresentationWWFame Presentation
Copy of I have a dreamCopy of I have a dreamWWCopy of I have a dream
GMO ProjectGMO ProjectWWGMO Project
Midterm prezMidterm prezWWMidterm prez
John R CooperJohn R CooperWWJohn R Cooper
Element Project 2022 Element Project 2022WW Element Project 2022
Untitled presentationUntitled presentationWWUntitled presentation
A New Odyssey HS A New Odyssey HSWW A New Odyssey HS
Golden llamaGolden llamaWWGolden llama
Cesar ChevezCesar ChevezWWCesar Chevez
The LatinXperienceThe LatinXperienceWWThe LatinXperience
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
Spanish Speaking CountriesSpanish Speaking CountriesWWSpanish Speaking Countries
The Black Panther PartyThe Black Panther PartyWWThe Black Panther Party
Fashion showFashion showWWFashion show
Student Led Conferences (2021-2022)Student Led Conferences (2021-2022)WWStudent Led Conferences (2021-2022)
Cuban foodCuban foodWWCuban food
The Origins of Housing and education Injustice The Origins of Housing and education InjusticeWW The Origins of Housing and education Injustice
The Hidden Leaf VillageThe Hidden Leaf VillageWWThe Hidden Leaf Village
Sakurajima Sakurajima WWSakurajima
My MTV CribMy MTV CribWWMy MTV Crib
The Indian Child Welfare Act The Indian Child Welfare ActWW The Indian Child Welfare Act
Indian Child Welfare ActIndian Child Welfare ActWWIndian Child Welfare Act
Madhouse Studios IRPMadhouse Studios IRPWWMadhouse Studios IRP
Copy of Nervous systemCopy of Nervous systemWWCopy of Nervous system
Nervous systemNervous systemWWNervous system
Student led confrences Khalid JeanStudent led confrences Khalid JeanWWStudent led confrences Khalid Jean
Misogyny and Sexism by khalidMisogyny and Sexism by khalidWWMisogyny and Sexism by khalid
Current Events: Oil pipelines: Good or Bad?Current Events: Oil pipelines: Good or Bad?WWCurrent Events: Oil pipelines: Good or Bad?
Architecture Around The WorldArchitecture Around The WorldWWArchitecture Around The World
Japanese Internment CampsJapanese Internment CampsWWJapanese Internment Camps
The mafiaThe mafiaWWThe mafia
The MiamiThe MiamiWWThe Miami
Ancient africa Ancient africa WWAncient africa
The history of the U.S dollar billThe history of the U.S dollar billWWThe history of the U.S dollar bill
The Dollar BillThe Dollar BillWWThe Dollar Bill
The Perfect TenseThe Perfect TenseWWThe Perfect Tense
The Man JackThe Man JackWWThe Man Jack
I have a dreamI have a dreamWWI have a dream
student lead confrencesstudent lead confrencesWWstudent lead confrences
Graphic Organizer By Bam and ZapGraphic Organizer By Bam and ZapWWGraphic Organizer By Bam and Zap
primary producers=autotrophsprimary producers=autotrophsWWprimary producers=autotrophs