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French: Human TraffickingFrench: Human TraffickingWWFrench: Human Trafficking
choose your own adventurechoose your own adventureWWchoose your own adventure
the giver ch1-4the giver ch1-4WWthe giver ch1-4
r&j trialr&j trialWWr&j trial
Soundtrack: R&JSoundtrack: R&JWWSoundtrack: R&J
Holocaust BackgroundHolocaust BackgroundWWHolocaust Background
empathyearly americaempathyearly americaWWempathyearly america
The OutsidersThe OutsidersWWThe Outsiders
Ch. 3 & 4Ch. 3 & 4WWCh. 3 & 4
TKM Background TKM Background WWTKM Background
Greasers and GangsGreasers and GangsWWGreasers and Gangs
English Class IntroEnglish Class IntroWWEnglish Class Intro
Human RightsHuman RightsWWHuman Rights
Untitled presentationUntitled presentationWWUntitled presentation
Human TraffickingHuman TraffickingWWHuman Trafficking
World IssuesWorld IssuesWWWorld Issues
6th cause/effe6th cause/effeWW6th cause/effe
FTM developmentFTM developmentWWFTM development
THE GIVER: Class DiscussionTHE GIVER: Class DiscussionWWTHE GIVER: Class Discussion
poems about possibilitiespoems about possibilitiesWWpoems about possibilities
Poetry: NaturePoetry: NatureWWPoetry: Nature
FTM Ch1-6FTM Ch1-6WWFTM Ch1-6
Hero's JourneyHero's JourneyWWHero's Journey
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
Traits of WritingTraits of WritingWWTraits of Writing
Cause and EffectCause and EffectWWCause and Effect
phantom tollboothphantom tollboothWWphantom tollbooth
TE introTE introWWTE intro
6th Grade Caugth Ya intro6th Grade Caugth Ya introWW6th Grade Caugth Ya intro
Lord of the FliesLord of the FliesWWLord of the Flies
First Day/ SyllabusFirst Day/ SyllabusWWFirst Day/ Syllabus
Quotes: F451Quotes: F451WWQuotes: F451
Skills Review!Skills Review!WWSkills Review!
F451 BackgroundF451 BackgroundWWF451 Background
Flowers for AlgernonFlowers for AlgernonWWFlowers for Algernon
Romeo and Juliet Acts 2-3Romeo and Juliet Acts 2-3WWRomeo and Juliet Acts 2-3
The GiverThe GiverWWThe Giver
Join the Community!Join the Community!WWJoin the Community!
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 and ThemesRomeo and Juliet: Act 1 and ThemesWWRomeo and Juliet: Act 1 and Themes
Dystopia ContinuedDystopia ContinuedWWDystopia Continued
Refugees and PoetryRefugees and PoetryWWRefugees and Poetry
Of Mice and MenOf Mice and MenWWOf Mice and Men
Please be completely silent and get your journal...Please be completely silent and get your journal...WWPlease be completely silent and get your journal...
TKM CharactersTKM CharactersWWTKM Characters
The Tell-Tale HeartThe Tell-Tale HeartWWThe Tell-Tale Heart
The Road Not TakenThe Road Not TakenWWThe Road Not Taken
Life's Big QuestionsLife's Big QuestionsWWLife's Big Questions
Welcome! Welcome! WWWelcome!
Ms. KimmelMs. KimmelWWMs. Kimmel
Katie and Lauren: Spring CleaningKatie and Lauren: Spring CleaningWWKatie and Lauren: Spring Cleaning
Workshop & EditingWorkshop & EditingWWWorkshop & Editing
Girl RisingGirl RisingWWGirl Rising
Similies and MetaphorsSimilies and MetaphorsWWSimilies and Metaphors
Christmas CharacterizationChristmas CharacterizationWWChristmas Characterization
Poetry: Katie and LaurenPoetry: Katie and LaurenWWPoetry: Katie and Lauren
Narrative and PlotNarrative and PlotWWNarrative and Plot
Copy of Word DetectivesCopy of Word DetectivesWWCopy of Word Detectives
Making InferencesMaking InferencesWWMaking Inferences
Making Inferences Making Inferences WWMaking Inferences
1,000 Paper Cranes1,000 Paper CranesWW1,000 Paper Cranes
Fact or Opinion?Fact or Opinion?WWFact or Opinion?
The Space RaceThe Space RaceWWThe Space Race
The WallThe WallWWThe Wall
What We MissedWhat We MissedWWWhat We Missed
Fact vs. OpinionFact vs. OpinionWWFact vs. Opinion
Content Reading and Writing: Prereading and During ReadingContent Reading and Writing: Prereading and During ReadingWWContent Reading and Writing: Prereading and During Reading
World War IIWorld War IIWWWorld War II
The New World & IndependenceThe New World & IndependenceWWThe New World & Independence
World War 2 BeginsWorld War 2 BeginsWWWorld War 2 Begins
The New WorldThe New WorldWWThe New World
Review of Context CluesReview of Context CluesWWReview of Context Clues
The Columbian ExchangeThe Columbian ExchangeWWThe Columbian Exchange
Square Root SuperheroSquare Root SuperheroWWSquare Root Superhero
Animal ReviewAnimal ReviewWWAnimal Review
Things we're skipping...Things we're skipping...WWThings we're skipping...
Word DetectivesWord DetectivesWWWord Detectives
Amazing AnimalsAmazing AnimalsWWAmazing Animals
Text MappingText MappingWWText Mapping
Introducing AnimalsIntroducing AnimalsWWIntroducing Animals
Skimming & ScanningSkimming & ScanningWWSkimming & Scanning
The United States Becomes a World PowerThe United States Becomes a World PowerWWThe United States Becomes a World Power
"Separate But Equal""Separate But Equal"WW"Separate But Equal"
Unit 1 ReviewUnit 1 ReviewWWUnit 1 Review
Parts of WordsParts of WordsWWParts of Words
The Gilded AgeThe Gilded AgeWWThe Gilded Age
Prediction Part 2Prediction Part 2WWPrediction Part 2
Plants and PhotosynthesisPlants and PhotosynthesisWWPlants and Photosynthesis
Scientific NotationScientific NotationWWScientific Notation
Making PredictionsMaking PredictionsWWMaking Predictions
Big Business and Industrial GiantsBig Business and Industrial GiantsWWBig Business and Industrial Giants
Climate StudyClimate StudyWWClimate Study
Charlotte KimmelCharlotte KimmelWWCharlotte Kimmel
The Standover ManThe Standover ManWWThe Standover Man
Please, everyone remain silentPlease, everyone remain silentWWPlease, everyone remain silent
The The WWThe
Linguistics Scavenger HuntLinguistics Scavenger HuntWWLinguistics Scavenger Hunt