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Copy of Chapter 13: MediaCopy of Chapter 13: MediaWWCopy of Chapter 13: Media
Copy of Chapter 3: The SelfCopy of Chapter 3: The SelfWWCopy of Chapter 3: The Self
What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be human? WWWhat does it mean to be human?
Chapter 12: Utopia and DystopiaChapter 12: Utopia and DystopiaWWChapter 12: Utopia and Dystopia
Chapter 11: TechnologyChapter 11: TechnologyWWChapter 11: Technology
Chapter 10: The CityChapter 10: The CityWWChapter 10: The City
Chapter 9: The NationChapter 9: The NationWWChapter 9: The Nation
Chapter 8: CultureChapter 8: CultureWWChapter 8: Culture
Chapter 7: RaceChapter 7: RaceWWChapter 7: Race
Chapter 6: Gender and SexualityChapter 6: Gender and SexualityWWChapter 6: Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 5: The OtherChapter 5: The OtherWWChapter 5: The Other
Chapter 4: LanguageChapter 4: LanguageWWChapter 4: Language
Chapter 3: The SelfChapter 3: The SelfWWChapter 3: The Self
Chapter 2: Plato and EssentialismChapter 2: Plato and EssentialismWWChapter 2: Plato and Essentialism
Chapter 1: This Is WaterChapter 1: This Is WaterWWChapter 1: This Is Water
Indiana JonesIndiana JonesWWIndiana Jones
Chapter 13: MediaChapter 13: MediaWWChapter 13: Media
The American Century: Coca-Cola The American Century: Coca-Cola WWThe American Century: Coca-Cola
Topic SentencesTopic SentencesWWTopic Sentences
Introduction Introduction WWIntroduction
Organization 2Organization 2WWOrganization 2
Organization 1Organization 1WWOrganization 1
Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund FreudIntroduction to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund FreudWWIntroduction to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud
Marx and the Commodity FetishMarx and the Commodity FetishWWMarx and the Commodity Fetish
Heidegger's Origin of the Work of ArtHeidegger's Origin of the Work of ArtWWHeidegger's Origin of the Work of Art
Introduction to HeideggerIntroduction to HeideggerWWIntroduction to Heidegger
Modernism and the Avant-GardeModernism and the Avant-GardeWWModernism and the Avant-Garde
Introduction to ModernismIntroduction to ModernismWWIntroduction to Modernism
Nietzsche's Birth of TragedyNietzsche's Birth of TragedyWWNietzsche's Birth of Tragedy
ART 515 Week 5ART 515 Week 5WWART 515 Week 5
The SublimeThe SublimeWWThe Sublime
ART 515 Week 3ART 515 Week 3WWART 515 Week 3
ART 515 Week 2ART 515 Week 2WWART 515 Week 2
ART 515 Week 1ART 515 Week 1WWART 515 Week 1
ART 515 IntroductionART 515 IntroductionWWART 515 Introduction