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(For Prezi Video) STAAR Essay Review(For Prezi Video) STAAR Essay ReviewWW(For Prezi Video) STAAR Essay Review
African American Contributions in MusicAfrican American Contributions in MusicWWAfrican American Contributions in Music
Open House 2020Open House 2020WWOpen House 2020
Analyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLSAnalyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLSWWAnalyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLS
(For Prezi Video) Analyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLS(For Prezi Video) Analyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLSWW(For Prezi Video) Analyzing Mood and Tone with DIDLS
(Original) STAAR Essay Review zpc4jipk_tfh(Original) STAAR Essay Review zpc4jipk_tfhWW(Original) STAAR Essay Review zpc4jipk_tfh
Revising Hooks and ThesisRevising Hooks and ThesisWWRevising Hooks and Thesis
Patterns in History and LiteraturePatterns in History and LiteratureWWPatterns in History and Literature
Copy of Open HouseCopy of Open HouseWWCopy of Open House
Strategic Writing: Unit 1Strategic Writing: Unit 1WWStrategic Writing: Unit 1
Introduction Week: 2018-2019Introduction Week: 2018-2019WWIntroduction Week: 2018-2019
Introduction week:Introduction week:WWIntroduction week:
Roots to ResultsRoots to ResultsWWRoots to Results
Google ClassroomGoogle ClassroomWWGoogle Classroom
I'm a SurvivorI'm a SurvivorWWI'm a Survivor
Louder Than a BombLouder Than a BombWWLouder Than a Bomb
Dystopia UnitDystopia UnitWWDystopia Unit
Revision TrainingRevision TrainingWWRevision Training
Holocaust History ProjectHolocaust History ProjectWWHolocaust History Project
Warfield Copy of STAAR Essay ReviewWarfield Copy of STAAR Essay ReviewWWWarfield Copy of STAAR Essay Review
Copy of STAAR Essay ReviewCopy of STAAR Essay ReviewWWCopy of STAAR Essay Review
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Elements of LiteratureElements of LiteratureWWElements of Literature
Hero's JourneyHero's JourneyWWHero's Journey
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Copy of Grammar ReviewCopy of Grammar ReviewWWCopy of Grammar Review
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Copy of ENGLISH 2 Day 1 IntroCopy of ENGLISH 2 Day 1 IntroWWCopy of ENGLISH 2 Day 1 Intro
Grammar ReviewGrammar ReviewWWGrammar Review
Class ProceduresClass ProceduresWWClass Procedures
ENGLISH 2 Day 1 IntroENGLISH 2 Day 1 IntroWWENGLISH 2 Day 1 Intro
Success and FailureSuccess and FailureWWSuccess and Failure
Round RobinRound RobinWWRound Robin
November 7/9November 7/9WWNovember 7/9
Unit 1: Gifted and Great ScholarsUnit 1: Gifted and Great ScholarsWWUnit 1: Gifted and Great Scholars
Unit 1: Advanced TraditionalUnit 1: Advanced TraditionalWWUnit 1: Advanced Traditional
Primary and Secondary SourcesPrimary and Secondary SourcesWWPrimary and Secondary Sources
LEAP Test ReviewLEAP Test ReviewWWLEAP Test Review
March 3 & 4March 3 & 4WWMarch 3 & 4
Multi-Genre Project PreviewMulti-Genre Project PreviewWWMulti-Genre Project Preview
Socratic SeminarSocratic SeminarWWSocratic Seminar
Multi-Genre Research ProjectMulti-Genre Research ProjectWWMulti-Genre Research Project
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From RootsFrom RootsWWFrom Roots
PARCC PlaybookPARCC PlaybookWWPARCC Playbook
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For The RecordFor The RecordWWFor The Record
Prepping for PARCCPrepping for PARCCWWPrepping for PARCC
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Point of ViewPoint of ViewWWPoint of View
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Open HouseOpen HouseWWOpen House
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March 19March 19WWMarch 19
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Poetry BellringersPoetry BellringersWWPoetry Bellringers
The Scarlet Letter Mock Trial ProjectThe Scarlet Letter Mock Trial ProjectWWThe Scarlet Letter Mock Trial Project
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Open House JuniorsOpen House JuniorsWWOpen House Juniors
Visual Rhetoric: Images as ArgumentsVisual Rhetoric: Images as ArgumentsWWVisual Rhetoric: Images as Arguments
The Great GatsbyThe Great GatsbyWWThe Great Gatsby
Argument and PersuasionArgument and PersuasionWWArgument and Persuasion