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5.1: Topic 5 Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners5.1: Topic 5 Instructional Strategies for Diverse LearnersWW5.1: Topic 5 Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners
Copy of 6.2: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesCopy of 6.2: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesWWCopy of 6.2: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies
Copy of Language Development AssignmentCopy of Language Development AssignmentWWCopy of Language Development Assignment
Topic 2: 2.2: Supporting Student DevelopmentTopic 2: 2.2: Supporting Student DevelopmentWWTopic 2: 2.2: Supporting Student Development
Topic 2: 2.1: Supporting Student DevelopmentTopic 2: 2.1: Supporting Student DevelopmentWWTopic 2: 2.1: Supporting Student Development
Copy of Effective Pedagogy for Higher EducationCopy of Effective Pedagogy for Higher EducationWWCopy of Effective Pedagogy for Higher Education
Topic 4: Chapter 7Topic 4: Chapter 7WWTopic 4: Chapter 7
Copy of 2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyCopy of 2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWWCopy of 2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Copy of 6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of Copy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning DevelopmentCopy of Copy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning DevelopmentWWCopy of Copy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning Development
Copy of 3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of 1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningCopy of 1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningWWCopy of 1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning
Copy of 1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningCopy of 1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningWWCopy of 1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning
4.3-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators4.3-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW4.3-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of 3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of Videos 2016Copy of Videos 2016WWCopy of Videos 2016
Copy of 5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young AdolscentsCopy of 5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young AdolscentsWWCopy of 5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young Adolscents
Copy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning DevelopmentCopy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning DevelopmentWWCopy of 4.1: Topic 4-Learning Development
Class Introduction: ELM 201Class Introduction: ELM 201WWClass Introduction: ELM 201
Copy of EDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher EducationCopy of EDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher EducationWWCopy of EDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher Education
Copy of Chapters 8, 9, & 12Copy of Chapters 8, 9, & 12WWCopy of Chapters 8, 9, & 12
6.3: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and Oppression6.3: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and OppressionWW6.3: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and Oppression
SEC 201- Topic 6: BENCHMARKSEC 201- Topic 6: BENCHMARKWWSEC 201- Topic 6: BENCHMARK
5.2 SEC 201 Topic 5: Motivating Students Assignment5.2 SEC 201 Topic 5: Motivating Students AssignmentWW5.2 SEC 201 Topic 5: Motivating Students Assignment
Copy of 2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationCopy of 2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationWWCopy of 2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education
Copy of 2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationCopy of 2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationWWCopy of 2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education
Topic 2.2-Keys to Cultural CompetencyTopic 2.2-Keys to Cultural CompetencyWWTopic 2.2-Keys to Cultural Competency
Copy of Visualizing Your Data StoryCopy of Visualizing Your Data StoryWWCopy of Visualizing Your Data Story
Copy of 2-Keys to Cultural CompetencyCopy of 2-Keys to Cultural CompetencyWWCopy of 2-Keys to Cultural Competency
Topic 1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyTopic 1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWWTopic 1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Topic 1.2: EDU 330 Ethics and Advocacy in EducationTopic 1.2: EDU 330 Ethics and Advocacy in EducationWWTopic 1.2: EDU 330 Ethics and Advocacy in Education
7.1 Blended Learning: Topic 7 Benchmark7.1 Blended Learning: Topic 7 BenchmarkWW7.1 Blended Learning: Topic 7 Benchmark
Copy of 7-CH 8: Educational PsychologyCopy of 7-CH 8: Educational PsychologyWWCopy of 7-CH 8: Educational Psychology
Copy of REA-570 Elementary Practicum in ReadingCopy of REA-570 Elementary Practicum in ReadingWWCopy of REA-570 Elementary Practicum in Reading
7.1: Blended Learning-Chapters 8, 9, & 127.1: Blended Learning-Chapters 8, 9, & 12WW7.1: Blended Learning-Chapters 8, 9, & 12
6.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology6.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW6.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Copy of 6.1 Blended Learning: Topic 5-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 6.1 Blended Learning: Topic 5-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 6.1 Blended Learning: Topic 5-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
4.3 Blended Topic 4: SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology4.3 Blended Topic 4: SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW4.3 Blended Topic 4: SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
5.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology5.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW5.1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Copy of 4.2 Blended Learning: Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 4.2 Blended Learning: Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 4.2 Blended Learning: Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of Chapter 7Copy of Chapter 7WWCopy of Chapter 7
Copy of 4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyCopy of 4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWWCopy of 4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Copy of 3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyCopy of 3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWWCopy of 3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Copy of 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of 1.2 Blended Learning: Topic 1-EDU 330 Social JusticeCopy of 1.2 Blended Learning: Topic 1-EDU 330 Social JusticeWWCopy of 1.2 Blended Learning: Topic 1-EDU 330 Social Justice
7.1 Blened Learning: Topic 7 Benchmark7.1 Blened Learning: Topic 7 BenchmarkWW7.1 Blened Learning: Topic 7 Benchmark
Copy of EDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction CapstoneCopy of EDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction CapstoneWWCopy of EDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction Capstone
3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW3.1 Blended Learning: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Untitled presentationUntitled presentationWWUntitled presentation
2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationWW2.2 Blended Learning: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education
Copy of 2.2: Topic 2-EDU 330-Social Justice & Cultural IdentifiersCopy of 2.2: Topic 2-EDU 330-Social Justice & Cultural IdentifiersWWCopy of 2.2: Topic 2-EDU 330-Social Justice & Cultural Identifiers
Copy of 2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsCopy of 2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWWCopy of 2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
1.1 Blended Learning 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators1.1 Blended Learning 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW1.1 Blended Learning 1st Day-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Copy of Motivational ArticleCopy of Motivational ArticleWWCopy of Motivational Article
Copy of Benchmark: ELM 200Copy of Benchmark: ELM 200WWCopy of Benchmark: ELM 200
Copy of OLD CH 6Copy of OLD CH 6WWCopy of OLD CH 6
Copy of 9-CH 9: Educational PsychologyCopy of 9-CH 9: Educational PsychologyWWCopy of 9-CH 9: Educational Psychology
Copy of 8-CH 11 & 12 ELM 200Copy of 8-CH 11 & 12 ELM 200WWCopy of 8-CH 11 & 12 ELM 200
Copy of 5-CH 3: Educational PsychologyCopy of 5-CH 3: Educational PsychologyWWCopy of 5-CH 3: Educational Psychology
Copy of 6-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 200Copy of 6-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 200WWCopy of 6-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 200
Copy of 6.1: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesCopy of 6.1: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesWWCopy of 6.1: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies
Copy of 3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning ProcessesCopy of 3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning ProcessesWWCopy of 3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning Processes
Copy of 3.1: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning ProcessesCopy of 3.1: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning ProcessesWWCopy of 3.1: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning Processes
Copy of 2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningCopy of 2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningWWCopy of 2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning
Copy of 2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningCopy of 2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningWWCopy of 2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning
Copy of 1-Class Introduction: ELM 200Copy of 1-Class Introduction: ELM 200WWCopy of 1-Class Introduction: ELM 200
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
GCU CPD TemplateGCU CPD TemplateWWGCU CPD Template
EDU 537: Leadership and Instructional CoachingEDU 537: Leadership and Instructional CoachingWWEDU 537: Leadership and Instructional Coaching
EDU 551 Differentiated InstructionEDU 551 Differentiated InstructionWWEDU 551 Differentiated Instruction
REA 540 Advanced Studies in Methods for Elementary Content Reading and WritingREA 540 Advanced Studies in Methods for Elementary Content Reading and WritingWWREA 540 Advanced Studies in Methods for Elementary Content Reading and Writing
6.2: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies6.2: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesWW6.2: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies
6.1: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies6.1: Topic 6 Instructional StrategiesWW6.1: Topic 6 Instructional Strategies
6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW6.1-Topic 6-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young Adolscents5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young AdolscentsWW5.1: Topic 5-Social & Emotional Development in Children & Young Adolscents
4.1: Topic 4-Learning Development4.1: Topic 4-Learning DevelopmentWW4.1: Topic 4-Learning Development
4.2-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators4.2-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW4.2-Topic 4-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
EDU 586 Developing & Implementing PDEDU 586 Developing & Implementing PDWWEDU 586 Developing & Implementing PD
3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning Processes3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning ProcessesWW3.2: Topic 3-ELM 200 Complex Learning Processes
3.3: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators3.3: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW3.3: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningWW2.2: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning
2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducationWW2.3: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Education
2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and LearningWW2.1: Topic 2-Contextual Factors and Learning
2019 Early Educators Leadership Conference2019 Early Educators Leadership ConferenceWW2019 Early Educators Leadership Conference
EDU 534 Effective Pedagogy for Higher EducationEDU 534 Effective Pedagogy for Higher EducationWWEDU 534 Effective Pedagogy for Higher Education
Topic 7: Evaluating Lesson PlansTopic 7: Evaluating Lesson PlansWWTopic 7: Evaluating Lesson Plans
Topic 6: Standards-Based Lesson PlanningTopic 6: Standards-Based Lesson PlanningWWTopic 6: Standards-Based Lesson Planning
Topic 5: Planning Aligned Activities and DifferentiationTopic 5: Planning Aligned Activities and DifferentiationWWTopic 5: Planning Aligned Activities and Differentiation
Topic 4: Instructional ModelsTopic 4: Instructional ModelsWWTopic 4: Instructional Models
EDU 330 Social Justice for TeachersEDU 330 Social Justice for TeachersWWEDU 330 Social Justice for Teachers
3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW3.2: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
Topic 3-Aligned Summative and Formative AssessmentTopic 3-Aligned Summative and Formative AssessmentWWTopic 3-Aligned Summative and Formative Assessment
REA-570 Elementary Practicum in ReadingREA-570 Elementary Practicum in ReadingWWREA-570 Elementary Practicum in Reading
2-Content Standards, Objectives, and Alignment2-Content Standards, Objectives, and AlignmentWW2-Content Standards, Objectives, and Alignment
Personal Identity Collage AssignmentPersonal Identity Collage AssignmentWWPersonal Identity Collage Assignment
2-Instructional Planning2-Instructional PlanningWW2-Instructional Planning
1-What is Instructional Planning & Assessment1-What is Instructional Planning & AssessmentWW1-What is Instructional Planning & Assessment
12-Social Justice for Educators12-Social Justice for EducatorsWW12-Social Justice for Educators
6.1: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and Oppression, Part 26.1: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and Oppression, Part 2WW6.1: Topic 6- Privilege, Power, Difference and Oppression, Part 2
3.1: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators3.1: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW3.1: Topic 3-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
SPD-530 Assessment and Eligibility in Special Education: MilSPD-530 Assessment and Eligibility in Special Education: MilWWSPD-530 Assessment and Eligibility in Special Education: Mil
4-Racism and White Privilege4-Racism and White PrivilegeWW4-Racism and White Privilege
2-Keys to Cultural Competency2-Keys to Cultural CompetencyWW2-Keys to Cultural Competency
Chapters 8, 9, & 12Chapters 8, 9, & 12WWChapters 8, 9, & 12
Handling Difficult SituationsHandling Difficult SituationsWWHandling Difficult Situations
Chapter 10Chapter 10WWChapter 10
Motivating Students AssignmentMotivating Students AssignmentWWMotivating Students Assignment
7-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments7-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW7-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
Chapter 11-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyChapter 11-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWWChapter 11-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
Chapter 7Chapter 7WWChapter 7
ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWWELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
Chapter 4 & 5Chapter 4 & 5WWChapter 4 & 5
EDU 524 Culturally Responsive Curriculum and InstructionEDU 524 Culturally Responsive Curriculum and InstructionWWEDU 524 Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Instruction
6-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments6-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW6-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW4-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
5-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments5-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW5-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
Assignment TwoAssignment TwoWWAssignment Two
Assignment-2: Student Engagement StrategiesAssignment-2: Student Engagement StrategiesWWAssignment-2: Student Engagement Strategies
3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW3-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
4-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments4-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW4-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
Assignment OneAssignment OneWWAssignment One
3-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments3-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW3-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW2-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
2-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments2-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW2-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent PsychologyWW1-SEC 201 Early Adolescent & Adolescent Psychology
1-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments1-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning EnvironmentsWW1-ELM 250 Creating & Managing Engaging Learning Environments
EDU 522 Curriculum Design TheoriesEDU 522 Curriculum Design TheoriesWWEDU 522 Curriculum Design Theories
EDU 470EDU 470WWEDU 470
EED 470 Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and LanEED 470 Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and LanWWEED 470 Curriculum, Methods and Assessment: Literacy and Lan
Meeting 1Meeting 1WWMeeting 1
SEC 345SEC 345WWSEC 345
EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyEDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWWEDU 225 Instructional Technology
Comprehension Strategy InstructionComprehension Strategy InstructionWWComprehension Strategy Instruction
EDU 230 Cultural DiversityEDU 230 Cultural DiversityWWEDU 230 Cultural Diversity
EDU 225 V-DayEDU 225 V-DayWWEDU 225 V-Day
Videos 2016Videos 2016WWVideos 2016
Copy of Peda What???Copy of Peda What???WWCopy of Peda What???
REA 510 Survey of Reading Assessments RoadmapREA 510 Survey of Reading Assessments RoadmapWWREA 510 Survey of Reading Assessments Roadmap
Semester Final ProjectSemester Final ProjectWWSemester Final Project
Benchmark: ELM 200Benchmark: ELM 200WWBenchmark: ELM 200
Foundations of EducationFoundations of EducationWWFoundations of Education
Behaviorism Scenarios Assignment:Behaviorism Scenarios Assignment:WWBehaviorism Scenarios Assignment:
9-CH 9: Educational Psychology9-CH 9: Educational PsychologyWW9-CH 9: Educational Psychology
Motivational ArticleMotivational ArticleWWMotivational Article
ELA SaturdayELA SaturdayWWELA Saturday
5-CH 3: Educational Psychology5-CH 3: Educational PsychologyWW5-CH 3: Educational Psychology
Language Development AssignmentLanguage Development AssignmentWWLanguage Development Assignment
7-CH 8: Educational Psychology7-CH 8: Educational PsychologyWW7-CH 8: Educational Psychology
Blue Eye ExperimentBlue Eye ExperimentWWBlue Eye Experiment
***EDU 230 Cultural Diversity***EDU 230 Cultural DiversityWW***EDU 230 Cultural Diversity
6-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 2006-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 200WW6-Ch 4, 5, & 7: ELM 200
?Activity: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity?Activity: EDU 230 Cultural DiversityWW?Activity: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity
1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningWW1.2: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning
1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and LearningWW1.1: Topic 1-Cognitive Processes and Learning
1-Class Introduction: ELM 2001-Class Introduction: ELM 200WW1-Class Introduction: ELM 200
20: EDU 225 Instructional Technology20: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW20: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
32: EDU 210 Foundation of Education32: EDU 210 Foundation of EducationWW32: EDU 210 Foundation of Education
16: EDU 225 Instructional Technology16: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW16: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Dyer's ClassDyer's ClassWWDyer's Class
REA 500REA 500WWREA 500
11: EDU 225 Instructional Technology11: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW11: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
16: EDU 210 Foundations of Educatipn16: EDU 210 Foundations of EducatipnWW16: EDU 210 Foundations of Educatipn
14: EDU 210 Foundations of Education14: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW14: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
14: EDU 225 Instructional Technology14: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW14: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
EDU 586 Developing and Implementing Professional DevelopmentEDU 586 Developing and Implementing Professional DevelopmentWWEDU 586 Developing and Implementing Professional Development
ECH 335ECH 335WWECH 335
12: EDU 210 Foundations of Education12: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW12: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Copy of Copy of WWCopy of
8: EDU 225 Instructional Technology8: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW8: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
21: EDU 225 Instructional Technology21: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW21: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Topic 6-Communication in Differing EnvironmentsTopic 6-Communication in Differing EnvironmentsWWTopic 6-Communication in Differing Environments
23: EDU 225 Instructional Technology23: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW23: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
17: EDU 210 Foundation of Education17: EDU 210 Foundation of EducationWW17: EDU 210 Foundation of Education
ESL 533 4/19/2018ESL 533 4/19/2018WWESL 533 4/19/2018
Effective Pedagogy for Higher EducationEffective Pedagogy for Higher EducationWWEffective Pedagogy for Higher Education
Peda What???Peda What???WWPeda What???
EDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher EducationEDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher EducationWWEDU 548 Curricular and Instructional Methods in Higher Education
ESL 533 4/12/2018ESL 533 4/12/2018WWESL 533 4/12/2018
11: EDU 210 Foundations of Education11: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW11: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
REA 520 Introductory Instructional Methods for Elementary Reading and WritingREA 520 Introductory Instructional Methods for Elementary Reading and WritingWWREA 520 Introductory Instructional Methods for Elementary Reading and Writing
ESL 533 4/5/2018ESL 533 4/5/2018WWESL 533 4/5/2018
REA 500 Foundations in Language and LiteracyREA 500 Foundations in Language and LiteracyWWREA 500 Foundations in Language and Literacy
REA 550 Literate EnvironmentsREA 550 Literate EnvironmentsWWREA 550 Literate Environments
8-CH 11 & 12 ELM 2008-CH 11 & 12 ELM 200WW8-CH 11 & 12 ELM 200
RDG 512 Reading and Writing: ElementaryRDG 512 Reading and Writing: ElementaryWWRDG 512 Reading and Writing: Elementary
Jena AkardJena AkardWWJena Akard
EDU 554 Methods of Instruction and AssessmentEDU 554 Methods of Instruction and AssessmentWWEDU 554 Methods of Instruction and Assessment
1-Student Teaching1-Student TeachingWW1-Student Teaching
15: EDU 210 Foundations of Education15: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW15: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Copy of FREE TEMPLATE - Around The WorldCopy of FREE TEMPLATE - Around The WorldWWCopy of FREE TEMPLATE - Around The World
2-Student Teaching2-Student TeachingWW2-Student Teaching
Esperanza Elementary SchoolEsperanza Elementary SchoolWWEsperanza Elementary School
23: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom23: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWW23: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
Nature vs. Nuture: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomNature vs. Nuture: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWWNature vs. Nuture: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
Nature vs. NutureNature vs. NutureWWNature vs. Nuture
18: EDU 225 Instructional Technolgy18: EDU 225 Instructional TechnolgyWW18: EDU 225 Instructional Technolgy
21st Century Teaching and Learning21st Century Teaching and LearningWW21st Century Teaching and Learning
28: EDU 210 Foundations of Education28: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW28: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Controversial Book Controversial Book WWControversial Book
BINGO Part Two: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyBINGO Part Two: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWWBINGO Part Two: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
7: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom7: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWW7: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
Minority GroupsMinority GroupsWWMinority Groups
26: EDU 210 Foundations of Education26: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW26: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
17: EDU 225 Instructional Technology17: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW17: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Copy of I LOVE - Free Prezi TemplateCopy of I LOVE - Free Prezi TemplateWWCopy of I LOVE - Free Prezi Template
Copy of What Will 2015 BringCopy of What Will 2015 BringWWCopy of What Will 2015 Bring
21 & 22: EDU 210 Foundations of Education21 & 22: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW21 & 22: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
RDG 522 Developmental Learning and AssessmentsRDG 522 Developmental Learning and AssessmentsWWRDG 522 Developmental Learning and Assessments
Benchmark: Part TwoBenchmark: Part TwoWWBenchmark: Part Two
?Assignment 4: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom?Assignment 4: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWW?Assignment 4: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
10: EDU 225 Instructional Technology10: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW10: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
13: EDU 210 Foundations of Education13: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW13: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
9: EDU 225 Instructional Technology9: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW9: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
RDG 585 Children & Young Adult LiteratureRDG 585 Children & Young Adult LiteratureWWRDG 585 Children & Young Adult Literature
7: EDU 225 Instructional Technology7: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW7: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
9: EDU 210 Foundations of Education9: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW9: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
8: EDU 210 Foundation of Education8: EDU 210 Foundation of EducationWW8: EDU 210 Foundation of Education
5: EDU 210 Foundations of Education5: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW5: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Copy of Workflow - Free Prezi TemplateCopy of Workflow - Free Prezi TemplateWWCopy of Workflow - Free Prezi Template
EDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction CapstoneEDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction CapstoneWWEDU 588-Curriculum and Instruction Capstone
1-Privilege Activity 1-Privilege Activity WW1-Privilege Activity
Multicultural Book AssignmentMulticultural Book AssignmentWWMulticultural Book Assignment
Centers: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyCenters: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWWCenters: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Copy of Free CV / Resume Prezi TemplateCopy of Free CV / Resume Prezi TemplateWWCopy of Free CV / Resume Prezi Template
5: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom5: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWW5: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
6: EDU 225 Instructional Technology6: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW6: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Copy of Atom - Free Prezi TemplateCopy of Atom - Free Prezi TemplateWWCopy of Atom - Free Prezi Template
Cultural CompetentCultural CompetentWWCultural Competent
4: EDU 225 Instructional Technology4: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW4: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for EducatorsWW2.1: Topic 2-EDU 330 Social Justice for Educators
2: EDU 225 Instructional Technology2: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW2: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
***EDU 230 Cultural Diversity ***EDU 230 Cultural Diversity WW***EDU 230 Cultural Diversity
6: EDU 210 Foundations of Education6: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW6: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
1: EDU 210 Foundations of Education1: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW1: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
4: EDU 210 Foundations of Education4: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW4: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
3: EDU 210 Foundations of Education3: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW3: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
1: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom1: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the ClassroomWW1: EDU 230 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom
3: EDU 225 Instructional Technology 3: EDU 225 Instructional Technology WW3: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
35: EDU 210 Foundations of Education Semester Project35: EDU 210 Foundations of Education Semester ProjectWW35: EDU 210 Foundations of Education Semester Project
RDG 581/586 PracticumRDG 581/586 PracticumWWRDG 581/586 Practicum
31: EDU 210 Foundations of Education31: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW31: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
19: EDU 225 Instructional Technology19: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW19: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
30: EDU 210 Foundations of Education30: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW30: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
RDG 511 Corrective Reading AssessmentRDG 511 Corrective Reading AssessmentWWRDG 511 Corrective Reading Assessment
RDG 511 Corrective Reading Assessment RDG 511 Corrective Reading Assessment WWRDG 511 Corrective Reading Assessment
29: EDU 210 Foundations of Education29: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW29: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
BINGO: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyBINGO: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWWBINGO: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
27: EDU 210 Foundations of Education27: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW27: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Governance: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationGovernance: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWWGovernance: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
Corrective Reading AssessmentCorrective Reading AssessmentWWCorrective Reading Assessment
15: EDU 225 Instructional Technology15: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW15: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
Teacher AccountabilityTeacher AccountabilityWWTeacher Accountability
23, 24, & 25 Midterm : EDU 210 Foundations of Education23, 24, & 25 Midterm : EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW23, 24, & 25 Midterm : EDU 210 Foundations of Education
22: EDU 225 Instructional Technology22: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW22: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
College of EducationCollege of EducationWWCollege of Education
12: EDU 225 Instructional Technology12: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW12: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
EDU 225 Instructional Technology BenchmarkEDU 225 Instructional Technology BenchmarkWWEDU 225 Instructional Technology Benchmark
18, 19, & 20: EDU 210 Foundations of Education18, 19, & 20: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW18, 19, & 20: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
33 & 34: EDU 210 Foundations of Education33 & 34: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW33 & 34: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
5: EDU 225 Instructional Technology5: EDU 225 Instructional TechnologyWW5: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
7: EDU 210 Foundations of Education7: EDU 210 Foundations of EducationWW7: EDU 210 Foundations of Education
EDU 210 Foundations of EducationEDU 210 Foundations of EducationWWEDU 210 Foundations of Education
1: EDU 225 Instructional Technology 1: EDU 225 Instructional Technology WW1: EDU 225 Instructional Technology
2: EDU 210 Foundations of Education 2: EDU 210 Foundations of Education WW2: EDU 210 Foundations of Education