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"taking care of business""taking care of business"WW"taking care of business"
"playing it safe""playing it safe"WW"playing it safe"
"be prepared""be prepared"WW"be prepared"
"settling accounts""settling accounts"WW"settling accounts"
"starting to get a handle...""starting to get a handle..."WW"starting to get a handle..."
"the mother of...""the mother of..."WW"the mother of..."
"God's kingdom is like...""God's kingdom is like..."WW"God's kingdom is like..."
"what has your attention?""what has your attention?"WW"what has your attention?"
"true wealth""true wealth"WW"true wealth"
"a banquet""a banquet"WW"a banquet"
"the kingdom of heaven...""the kingdom of heaven..."WW"the kingdom of heaven..."
"time's up""time's up"WW"time's up"
Philippians; a look backPhilippians; a look backWWPhilippians; a look back
"you were the only ones...""you were the only ones..."WW"you were the only ones..."
"in the face of failure, I...""in the face of failure, I..."WW"in the face of failure, I..."
"bumblin, stumblin, fumblin""bumblin, stumblin, fumblin"WW"bumblin, stumblin, fumblin"
"eye on the prize""eye on the prize"WW"eye on the prize"
"taking out the trash""taking out the trash"WW"taking out the trash"
when in doubt, lift heavywhen in doubt, lift heavyWWwhen in doubt, lift heavy
"the best you""the best you"WW"the best you"
"not only to believe""not only to believe"WW"not only to believe"
Jesus proclaimedJesus proclaimedWWJesus proclaimed
"making Jesus Christ attractive to all""making Jesus Christ attractive to all"WW"making Jesus Christ attractive to all"
a world big enougha world big enoughWWa world big enough
"you-follow me""you-follow me"WW"you-follow me"
do you love me?do you love me?WWdo you love me?
sometimes that's mesometimes that's meWWsometimes that's me
"peace be unto you""peace be unto you"WW"peace be unto you"
"neatly folded""neatly folded"WW"neatly folded"
"mic drop""mic drop"WW"mic drop"
"behold your King""behold your King"WW"behold your King"
a priestly prayera priestly prayerWWa priestly prayer
Micheal E. Puckett resumeMicheal E. Puckett resumeWWMicheal E. Puckett resume
"turbulence ahead""turbulence ahead"WW"turbulence ahead"
I choose youI choose youWWI choose you
good intentionsgood intentionsWWgood intentions
"brick by brick""brick by brick"WW"brick by brick"
"mr. clean""mr. clean"WW"mr. clean"
"luminous flux""luminous flux"WW"luminous flux"
what's love got to do with itwhat's love got to do with itWWwhat's love got to do with it
"out of control""out of control"WW"out of control"
"stinky good""stinky good"WW"stinky good"
I'm why...I'm why...WWI'm why...
... louder than words... louder than wordsWW... louder than words
hired gunhired gunWWhired gun
"break on through""break on through"WW"break on through"
...but now I see...but now I seeWW...but now I see
a road less takena road less takenWWa road less taken
the corridors of historythe corridors of historyWWthe corridors of history
thick as a brickthick as a brickWWthick as a brick
from the beginningfrom the beginningWWfrom the beginning
glass houseglass houseWWglass house
who You are...who You are...WWwho You are...
on the willows...on the willows...WWon the willows...
Natalis v. Januarius circa 200 ADNatalis v. Januarius circa 200 ADWWNatalis v. Januarius circa 200 AD
too bright, too loud...too bright, too loud...WWtoo bright, too loud...
the time is nigh...the time is nigh...WWthe time is nigh...
wanna take a bath?wanna take a bath?WWwanna take a bath?
you can't teach an old dog new tricksyou can't teach an old dog new tricksWWyou can't teach an old dog new tricks
a righteous angera righteous angerWWa righteous anger
the best, now!the best, now!WWthe best, now!
come, follow...come, follow...WWcome, follow...
come and see...come and see...WWcome and see...
the waythe wayWWthe way
just enough not to get fired...just enough not to get fired...WWjust enough not to get fired...
Though I know that the hypnotized never ya?Though I know that the hypnotized never ya?WWThough I know that the hypnotized never ya?
Cause today I swear Im not doing anything..."Cause today I swear Im not doing anything..."WWCause today I swear Im not doing anything..."
why are you so ...why are you so ...WWwhy are you so ...
una chispa del fuegouna chispa del fuegoWWuna chispa del fuego
the zombie apocalypsethe zombie apocalypseWWthe zombie apocalypse
Royal Rule of LoveRoyal Rule of LoveWWRoyal Rule of Love
loves such an old-fashioned wordloves such an old-fashioned wordWWloves such an old-fashioned word
These are the days it never rains but it poursThese are the days it never rains but it poursWWThese are the days it never rains but it pours
action - reaction; the third lawaction - reaction; the third lawWWaction - reaction; the third law
help is on the is on the way.....WWhelp is on the way.....
got any cheese to go with that whine?got any cheese to go with that whine?WWgot any cheese to go with that whine?
sometimes you gotta sometimes you gotta WWsometimes you gotta
the spot light is on...the spot light is on...WWthe spot light is on...
storage warstorage warWWstorage war
if but not....if but not....WWif but not....
all the world's indeed a stage......all the world's indeed a stage......WWall the world's indeed a stage......
the hard stuff.........the hard stuff.........WWthe hard stuff.........
do unto unto others.....WWdo unto others.....
living the Kingdom lifeliving the Kingdom lifeWWliving the Kingdom life
two secondstwo secondsWWtwo seconds
a man fell into a hole.....a man fell into a hole.....WWa man fell into a hole.....
recompense is our way to freedomrecompense is our way to freedomWWrecompense is our way to freedom
it's criticalit's criticalWWit's critical
letter of intent...letter of intent...WWletter of intent...
mercy in trials mercy in trials WWmercy in trials
better is one day.......better is one day.......WWbetter is one day.......
o the happiness of......o the happiness of......WWo the happiness of......
let the redeemedlet the redeemedWWlet the redeemed
the Redeemer the Redeemer WWthe Redeemer
tis the season......tis the season......WWtis the season......
"right actions...........""right actions..........."WW"right actions..........."
"right thinking......""right thinking......"WW"right thinking......"
better yet, run...better yet, run...WWbetter yet, run...
a life's worka life's workWWa life's work
new hotnessnew hotnessWWnew hotness
old and bustedold and bustedWWold and busted
power plantpower plantWWpower plant
Abundantly Free!Abundantly Free!WWAbundantly Free!
when the mist clearswhen the mist clearsWWwhen the mist clears
love is is not.....WWlove is not.....
but do not love........but do not love........WWbut do not love........
if I speak.............if I speak.............WWif I speak.............
110 %110 %WW110 %
Slip Slidin' AwaySlip Slidin' AwayWWSlip Slidin' Away
Ordinary WorldOrdinary WorldWWOrdinary World
Ordinary Ordinary WWOrdinary
yes, Yes, YES! IIyes, Yes, YES! IIWWyes, Yes, YES! II
yes, yes, yes!yes, yes, yes!WWyes, yes, yes!
the very life............the very life............WWthe very life............
yo quiero...............yo quiero...............WWyo quiero...............
a wonderful harmony IIa wonderful harmony IIWWa wonderful harmony II
a wonderful harmonya wonderful harmonyWWa wonderful harmony
up and at'emup and at'emWWup and at'em
well adjusted..........well adjusted..........WWwell adjusted..........
everyone, everywhereeveryone, everywhereWWeveryone, everywhere
be still....WWbe still....
running hard and fastrunning hard and fastWWrunning hard and fast
choose joychoose joyWWchoose joy
so very very good......WWso very good......
12 Days of Christmas VI12 Days of Christmas VIWW12 Days of Christmas VI
12 Days if Christmas V12 Days if Christmas VWW12 Days if Christmas V
12 Days of Christmas IV12 Days of Christmas IVWW12 Days of Christmas IV
12 Days of Christmas III12 Days of Christmas IIIWW12 Days of Christmas III
12 Days of Christmas II12 Days of Christmas IIWW12 Days of Christmas II
12 Days of Christmas12 Days of ChristmasWW12 Days of Christmas
first things first.........first things first.........WWfirst things first.........
"a new day""a new day"WW"a new day"