"How dare America now change its rules midstream? If America wants to make new rules curtailing benefits of Legal immigrants, they should only to immigrants who arrive after those rules are already in place." (Mukherjee 274).
Appeals to Emotion
"In 33 years of marriage, we have lived in every part of North America." (Mukherjee 273).
"America spoke to me -- I embraced the demotion from expatriate aristocrat to immigrant nobody." (Mukherjee 274).
"Nearly 20 years ago, when I was living in my husband's ancestral homeland of Canada, I was always well-employed but never allowed to feel part of the local Quebec or larger Canadian society." (Mukherjee 275).
"I felt then the same sense of betrayal that Mira feels now." (Mukherjee 275).
"That sense of betrayal had its desired effect and drove me, and thousands like me, from the country." (Mukherjee 275).
Two Ways to Belong in America
Appeals to Emotion
"I will never for get the pain of that sudden turning, and the casual racist outburst the green paper elcited." (Mukherjee 275).
Essay by Bharati Mukherjee
Presentation by Jessica Guo
"Mira and I differ, however, the ways in which we hope to interact with the country that we have chosen to live in. She us happier to live in America as expatriate Indian than as an immigrant American." (Mukherjee 275).
"America spoke to me -- I embraced the demotion from expatriate aristocrat to immigrant nobody." (Mukherjee 274).
"How dare America now change its rules midstream?" (Mukherjee 273).
TONE: contrast of attitude throughout the whole essay...
"I will never forget the pain of that sudden turning, and the casual racist out burst the green paper elicited." (Murherjee 275)
"How dare America now change its rules in midstream?" (Murherjee 274)
Bharati Mukherjee and her sister Mira came to the United States during the 1600s in hopes of pursuing their dreams and education. During their stay the two grew distant due to their disagreement in whether or not they should maintain or forsake their heritage and this lead Mukherjee to realize there are two ways to become a part of America.
The purpose is to show how much more immigrants need to sacrifice compared to how much they receive by doing it.