Aaron Copland - A Lincoln Portrait
NPR Interview
What Did He Do? Why?
Quick Bio
- Composed music to match the life and events of Lincoln
- "Camptown Races" and "Springfield Mountain" - to demonstrate his rural upbringing
- "Camptown Races" not used during narration due to belief it would undermine the seriousness of the speeches
- Born in New York in 1900
- Piano and basic theory in piano
- Studied in France in early 20s
- First large success 1935 in El Salon Mexico
(same year as Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess")
- Composed music that involved folk music
- Also composed music for movies ("Of Mice and Men", "Our Town", "The Heiress")
- Composed ballet music (Rodeo, Appalachian Spring)
- End of life, focused more on conducting
- Died in 1990
Why "A Lincoln Portrait"?
Score: http://archives.nyphil.org/index.php/artifact/fc888ba4-4bcb-4ba6-8242-2ba7a1494472/fullview#page/1/mode/2up
- Pearl Harbor bombed 10 days prior
- André Kostelanetz commissioned Copland with Jerome Kerns and and Virgil Thomson to honor America through famous American figures
- Original choice Walt Whitman, but changed due to Mark Twain already being choosen
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