Werewolf Wednesday
Do Now
World's Greatest Robot
Reading: I will demonstrate understanding of inferring in short passages.
(7th)- I will review sentence structure by using revision strategies.
(8th)- I will demonstrate understanding of multiple meaning words in context.
Quick Write
Warm Up
Describe your best/favorite costume idea for Halloween.
-What does it look like?
-Does it have a cape?
-Is it someone/something everyone should know?
Thinking Thursday
Exit Ticket
Do Now
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
We are going to read a story called "The Missing Box" together. After we read, we will answer a few inference questions.
Reading: I will use context clues to make inferences about a fiction story
7th grade- I will practice revising sentences in a passage.
8th grade- Students will determine the correct meaning of a vocabulary word.
World's Greatest Robot
7th- Revising practice
Quick Write
Warm up
Read the following prompts and use Dead Giveaways to help you figure out the correct answer.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
We will read the story called "zoo" and practice making inferences about the underlined portion of the text.
Work quietly and independently.
I can interpret the questions for you, but I cannot give any answers.
Exit Ticket
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
Tantalizing Tuesday
Reading: I will demonstrate understanding of inferring in short passages.
(7th)- I will review sentence structure by using revision strategies.
(8th)- I will demonstrate understanding of multiple meaning words in context.
Warm Up
"If you could go back in time, What would you do?"
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
Would you change anything? If yes, would you change something in your life or an event in history?
How do you
Look at the following photos and explain what you can INFER about them. Write these inferences in your journal.
Think back to prior knowledge
What did you already know?
What can you guess might have happened?
What do you already know about dogs?
What do you already know?
What can you guess might have happened?
What can you guess what might have happened?
Use task cards to practice revising/context clues.
What evidence can you find that supports your guess?
What evidence can you find that supports that guess?
*CFA= Country Fire Authority
Text Evidence
Look around for clues in the text.
Record question # and answer on a separate sheet of paper
Develop ideas by combining schema + evidence.
-Make judgements
-Form opinions
-Draw conclusions
Inference Activity - Pt. 2
1. Color and cut out the stop light and circles. Glue the stoplight in your journal.
2. Glue only the TOP of each circle onto the stoplight.
3. Add notes next to your stop light.
Funky Friday
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a huge difference."
Magical Monday
Do Now
World's Greatest Robot
Do Now
Reading: I will read a short story and correctly answer STAAR-like questions.
Writing: I will practice revising and editing short paragraphs.
Reading: I will learn what it means to use inferencing in a text.
7th- I will understand how to determine the correct answer when revising.
8th- I will practice STARR test strategies for multiple meaning words.
Reading A-Z
Warm Up
Quick Write
Warm Up
Short class period today-
use it to practice your reading skills!
What is an
What are 3 things on your "bucket list"?
"reading between the lines"
An educated guess
Reading facts to reach a logical conclusion
Quick Write
- The author wants me to think...
- I'm guessing...because...
- Do I need to change my thinking?
"I saw a man sitting on the side of the road. His shirt was torn and he was very skinny. He looked like he hadn't showered in a while. A few people stopped to give him money for food."
"What is the text trying to tell you without writing it all out?"
Inference Activity - Pt. 1
1. Open up your journals to the "Reading" side.
2. Cut out the magnifying glass and glue down the HANDLE.
3. Write down the definition of "inference" inside.
4. Tape the circle on one side to make a flap.
What makes someone a "good friend"?
What are they like? How do they treat you?
Exit Ticket
Have a great weekend!
Exit Ticket
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.