Luke Henson
Period 5
Unit 3
Romanticism & Transcendentalism
Theory of Short Story
- One sitting
- 1 theme or affect
- Unity: everything develops the theme
- Seems like complete story
- "Dull", "Dark", "Desolate"
- Usher knows life will end in terror
- Buries Madeline alive
- Madeline clawing her way out
- Fissure in the house same as Family Tree
- House dying along with everyone in family
- When Madeline and Roderick die, the house crumbles
- House has its own atmosphere
- Events in book happening in the house
- Names on the trees
- Made deal with Devil to gain wealth
- Wife
- Hides everthing valuable from Tom
- Goes and hunts down the Devil
- Land speculation
- Tom
- Lends money to other to makes money from interest
People Don't change
- Don't learn from their mistakes
- Medborne: Business man
- Speculator
- tie whales to icebergs
- Gasciogne: Politician
- Same speech for 200 years
- Killigrew: "Sinful pleasures"
- Starts hitting on widow
- Sings 99 bottles song
- Widow: Self obssessed
- Speaks of her beauty
- Dr. Heidegger: Doctor
- many failed experiments
- knowledge exists beyond logic and reason
- Intuition
- Nature is knowing God and yourself
- self reliance and awareness
- Non-conformity
Self Reliance
- Self confidence
- Don't be a person society wants
- Don't conform
- Be yourself
- We all have gifts
- Connected to God
- Nature is good
- God is in nature
- We are just a tiny object in Nature
- Beauty is in nature
- True happiness is found
- Nature also shows the mood of you
- Youth is found
- Lived on Walden lake for 14 months
- Proved:
- You don't need money or amterials to be happy
- Reduce life to basics
- only worked for 6 weeks out of each year
- only planted 1/3 of acre 2nd year
Civil Disobedience
- Mannerly
- Orederly
- Community/Gov't
- how to disobey unjust gov't
- only break the unjust laws
- in a nice way
- See the Devil in the woods
The Raven
- Poetry Techniques
- Iambic Pentametor Couplets
- Varied rhythm scheme, line length
- Alliteration
- A B C B B B
Fall of the House of Usher
Edgar Allan Poe
- "Fall of the House of Usher"
- "The Raven"
- Gothic-Horror & Supernatural
Washington Irving
Danish Underground
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Devil and Tom Walker
- Supernatural
- "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"
- Anti-Science
- No perfect beings
- Raised Puritan
Henry David Thoreau
- Walden
- Civil Disobedince
- Teacher, inventor
- Wonderous
- Fiesty
- Lived what Emerson preached