When CO2 is removed from the blood
The Medulla oblongata does these functions by controlling breathing patterns
The CO2 is a biproduct of the body cells and it enters the blood stream
This forms H2CO3 which the buffer system can make into HCO3 The kidneys can do the same and the kidneys can store H+ and either put it back in the bloodstream or expell it through urine
(Carbonic acid)
H+ + HCO3
CO2 + H20
(Hydrogen ion + Bicarbonate)
(Carbondioxide + water)
Acidosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls below 7.35
Signs and symptoms that may be seen in acidosis include headaches, confusion, feeling tired, tremors, sleepiness, flapping tremor, and dysfunction of the cerebrum of the brain which may progress to coma if there is no intervention.
onfusion (can progress to stupor or coma)
Hand tremor.
Muscle twitching.
Nausea, vomiting.
Numbness or tingling in the face, hands, or feet.
Prolonged muscle spasms (tetany)
Metabolic Acidosis
Alkalosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls above 7.45
Metabolic acidosis may result from either increased production of metabolic acids, such as lactic acid, or impaired ability to excrete acid via the kidneys.
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis results from an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood (hypercapnia)