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Ricerche popolari
a science dealing with prehistoric life through the study of fossils.
Correct spelling
To retreat; to draw back
to prevent
gloomy; sluggish
v. To draw forth; to call forth.
Syn: evoke; extract
Ant: cover; suppress
v. To show off
Self-congiedence; showy manner
Syn: boast; exhibit
The teacher elicited the student to come present his project first.
lying; false
v. To lower oneself before an inferior.
Syn: stoop; condescend
As soon as he got his new car he wanted to flaunt it around town.
She deigned having anything to do with him after he left her.
Adj. Confined to a particular country or area.
n. a word or proununciation that distinguishes someone as of a particular group.
Syn: native; indigenous
Ant: alien; foreign
Syn: none
Ant: none
n. Science dealing with prehistoric life through the study of fossils
Hunting and habitat loss have caused this endemic bird to become endangered.
syn: none
Ant: none
n. Correct spelling
The paleontologist was excited to reveal the new species he found from millions of years ago.
In the small town "city folks" was the shibboletch that made clear who did not live there.
Syn: none
Ant: none
The student one the spelling bee by having the most orthography.
v. to retreat
n. a sudden outburst; a fit.
Syn: none
Ant: none
a word or pronunciation that distinguishes someone as of a particular group.
Syn: outburst; commotion
Ant: none
The army relized they were out numbered so they recoiled back to base camp.
imppressive but meaningless language
The workers were upset about cut salaries they all went into a paroxysm and started a strike.
n. Impressive but meaningless language.
syn: none
Ant: none
The teacher was speaking in such a bombast way none of his students understood the lesson.
v. To increase the range of; to expand.
By: Kayla Fogle
Caitlin Daugherty
to draw forth
Confined to a particulat area
Syn: enlarge
Ant: diminsh
The population has aggrandized in the past 5 years from 50,000 to 100,00.
V. To prevent; to get around.
Syn: circumvent
Ant: none
Adj. Gloomy; sluggish
He tried to obvitate his way out of going to school by pretending to be sick.
Syn: Sullen; morose
Ant: genial
Adj. Lying; false; deceitful.
n. Self-confidence: a showy manner
Kim had such a rough night doing homework, the next day she was a saturnine person at school.
Syn: duplicitous
Ant: truthful
Syn: charisma; spirit
The model had panache as she walked down the cat walk, her showy manner got her 2nd place in the show.
she was a very mendacious person, her friends couldnt tell if she was telling the truth or not.
a sudden outburst
to expand
to show off
to lower onself before an inferior