Ron Weasley (Magic Helper)
Hermione Granger (Magical Helper)
- The hero (Harry Potter) realizes that he has a different life awaiting him
- It is also the moment when the hero finds something that will change his or her life forever.
The Belly of the Whale
- Harry, Ron, and Hermonie stumbled across the three headed dog, and they realized that he was guarding something
- This is when they realized that they would have to change into the world of adventure
The crossing of the First Threshold
- Harry stepped on board the Hogwarts Express
- Finally accepted the fact that he is going to enter the wizarding world
- This is where he meets Ron Weasley, and Hermoine Granger
Harry Potter : A Hero's Journey
Refusal of the Call
- Harry refuses the call to action by saying that there is no way possible for him to be a wizard.
- Harry also projects fear of the Dursleys if he chooses to leave
Supernatural Aid
- Hagrid teaches Harry about the basics of magic in Diagon Alley
- This is also when Harry learns the truth about his parents
The call to Adventure
- This is when he and the Dursley's go live in the wood shed
- Hagrid comes bursting down the door and giving Harry his acceptance letter to Hogwarts
- The sorcerer's stone is destroyed
- Harry truly believes he fits in somewhere
- He has friends and he now knows the truth of his parents death
- Harry is recognized as a hero throughout the wizard community
- Harry finally accepts himself as a wizard.
- Escaping was dangerous, for Harry had to confront Voldemort
- However, the ultimate boon helped Harry defeat him, for his intention of the boon were to be used for good.
Refusal of the Return
- Hermoine and Ron helped Harry get through multiple trails
- They were a key part in achieving his total goal of getting to the stone
The crossing of the Return threshold
- Dumbledore was talking to Harry in the hospital, and gave him some words of wisdom
- This is the crossing of the return threshold because Harry leaves Hogwarts with new found wisdom of his parents
- In this case Harry didn't have a choice of returning home
- His only family at this point were the Dursleys, so there was no where else to go
- The Semester Ended, so Hogwarts was not a choice
- This is the closing point of the journey
- All events prior lead to this final closing
The Ultimate Boon
- The journey is to find who is trying to steal the stone
- Why
- Trying to get to the stone first
- For a short period of time during winter break Harry had some time to himself by opening presents
- He did spend the rest of his time researching Nicholas Flammel
Atonement with the father
- Harry come across Voldemort while he is feasting of unicorn blood in the Forbidden Forest
- Voldemort has the complete power in Harry's Life
The meeting with the Goddess
- Harry is out late trying to find more about the stone
- To avoid being caught, Harry stumbles into a room and comes across a mirror
- It shows him his greatest desire, his parents
- This is when the hero goes through different tasks and trials
- Main "body" throughout the whole story