- projections date back to the 1400's
- johannes de fontana came up with the idea of projection
- 1589 giovanni baptiste dela porta
- 1645 athansius kicher
- 1659 christiaan huygens
- 1660 thomas raussen wakgenstein
It contains:
- a lamp
- reflector
- condensing lens tube
- body
- base
- smokestack
- in 1866, ernst plank in germany
- In 1875, the toy magic lantern in germany
- in 1910, baush & lamb in america
- created by adolf linnebach in germany
- no reflector or lens
- Its one of the simplest projectors to make
- known as the father of modern scene design and scenography
- created lanterna magika and the polyekran
digital video projectors
Two Types of Digital projectors
Liquid crystal display
Digital light processing
digital media content
creation and playback
Pros and Cons
- Stage is usually brightly lit, which causes fading.
- Hiding front projectors.
- Rear projection screens are more expensive.
- Many stages are too shallow for rear projection.
- Colour can wash out actors or make them blend in.
- Front projection can be used on any surface that reflects light.
- This allows for more creativity.
- Set changes are faster.
- Great for dramatic effect.
Three Categories of Theatrical Projection
- Projected scenery- backdrops
- Integrated projection - Projection that interacts with the action onstage.
- documentary Projection - Projection used to inform the audience of the aspects of the play.
Projectors can cost anywhere from $1500 - $55 000
- Ussa - united scenic artists of America
- Part of Iatse
- was founded in 1897
- Projection design was added to the membership categories in 2007.
Projected Scenery
Advancing technologies
projections in our
modern era
- automated fixture projection
There are three technical aspects of projection in theatre
Designer fee
- Projection methods and surfaces
- Projectors
- digital media content
running cost
designer support staff
technical staff
image production cost
digital projector
installation expenses
projection equipment
projection period equipment and staff
The projectors used during the Sochi winter olympics cost $14 424 each.
projection methods and surfaces
front projection
digital media content creation
rear projection
rear projection
Front Projection
- projector is positionED behind the projection surface and actors
- projection screen is denser
- more light loss and absorption
- Projector is positioned in front of the projection surface and actors
- brighter and uses less wattage
- wider viewing angle
Liquid crystal display
- more lumens
- longer throw distance
- "rainbow effect"
- noise
digital light processing
- constant cleaning
- more pixilation
- larger and heavier
- less contrast
- colour decay
- brighter
- less noise
- richer colour
- less power & heat
- no "rainbow effect"
- smooth, crystal clear image
- excellent colour rendering
- ultra-fast, smooth, jitter-free images
- less pixilation
- smaller and lighter
- zero maintenance