Reasons for Resettlement in French Guiana
Differences from resettlement in the U.S.
- Difficulty living in refugee camps
- Difficulty for Hmong adjusting to urban life in France and the U.S.
- "I am my own boss." Potential for self-sufficiancy
- Largely isolated
- Opportunity for education in France and U.S.
- Lack of things to do in French Guiana, and inter-generational conflict.
- Similarity to Laos: potentail for self-sustaining lifestyle and ability to farm
- Committee of National Mutual Aid providing help for resettlement
Acculturation and Transition to French Guiana
- Emphasis on keeping traditions intact
- Farming remains as important in French Guiana as it was in Laos
Lifestyle in French Guiana
- Slight tension with Surinamese in French Guiana
- Villages with 90-100% Hmong population
- Farming is the backbone of income for Hmong residents
- While some Hmong may pursue education or jobs other than farming, most either split school time with farming, or have a small plot of land to help with income
- Although Hmong make up 1.5% of the population in French Guiana, they provide 50-60% of the produce sold there
Hmong in French Guiana