- Deductive Reasoning: General nursing research question on rounding => form specific conclusions as to how it affects patients
- Inpatients from an Acute Care Unit at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center (Westwood, CA)
- 250 recent patients of the unit within the last 6 months
- Case study method => collected extensive data in several ways and based on this data a report was generated
Identification of concepts to be explored.
- Looking at the 4 subsystems (physiological, self-concept, role function, & interdependence) and constituting adaptive modes that provide mechanisms for coping with environmental stimuli and changes.
- Through each subsystem, nurses identify stimuli that negatively affects patients and helps manage the stimuli to allow for successful patient adaptation during their hospital stay, therefore increasing patient satisfaction.
Why Did we Choose this Framework?
- We chose this framework because of how it looks at how the human system copes with environmental changes: Through finding ways to effectively adapt to negative stimuli.
- If patients are able to adapt and cope while staying in a hospital environment through the help of nurses assisting and meeting their needs more often and efficiently (the use of our rounding system and implementation of the 6 P’s), common concerns during hospitalization would decrease, therefore making a patient’s hospital stay a better experience which could ultimately increase patient satisfaction.
- We also chose this framework because of the effectiveness of the framework itself, the organization of the components, and our familiarity with the model.
Data Analysis
- We did not use a specific tool for data analysis... results are based on patient and nurse's opinions
- The data we gathered is presented in tables for others to read and provide feedback
- The data presented is feedback and opinions from the patients and nurses
- In our study there were no statistical tests utilized
- Hospital Care Quality Information from the Consumer Perspective (HCAHPS)
- “is a core set of questions that can be combined with a broader, customized set of hospital-specific items.”
- HCAHPS is a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring the perspective of patients on hospital care.
Contributions to Nursing Practice
- Relatively few hospitals employ this practice.
- Excessive call light use often disrupts nurse workflow, thus reducing the time available to provide needed medical care to patients and delaying response times to those truly needing nurse assistance.
- These delays can create safety risks (e.g., increased risk of a patient falling) and reduce patient satisfaction. Over time, excessive use can lead to nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction as well.
- Regular rounding offers an attractive alternative to the distraction and disruption caused by unpredictable call light use.
Patient Satisfaction
with Nurse Rounding
Data Collection
- The study we conducted was a qualitative study
- Information collected in narrative form.
- The data we collected was from patient interviews and informal survey provided by a survey we used from HCAHPS.
- The study evaluates peoples opinions which were captured through a survey and presented in tables for others to read and provide feedback.
Yep. The Roy Adaptation Model.
Activity Time!!
Reoot Moyal
Guillermo Vasquez
Amelia Sili
Joseph Cordova
Literature Review Entails...
- The rounding program has helped to reduce patient falls, pressure ulcers, and call light use, and contributed to significant improvements in patient satisfaction with nursing.
- Fewer falls and pressure ulcers: Patient falls have declined by more than 50 percent since program implementation.
- Less call light use: A study of the use of call lights on four units over approximately 5 months decreased by nearly one-third, from 4,273 before implementation to 2,936 afterwards.
- Higher patient satisfaction with nursing: Compared with other hospitals of the same size, patient satisfaction with nursing improved from the 23rd percentile in the first quarter of 2010 to the 67th percentile during the comparable period a year later. Satisfaction with response time to call lights improved from the 33rd percentile to the 67th percentile over the same time period.
Contributions to Nursing Practice
- Rounding allows nursing staff to address non-urgent requests proactively and respond to patient needs before they become urgent.
- Improve safety and address needs that otherwise would prompt use of call lights.
- Tracks rounding duties that have already been performed.
- The rounding program has helped to reduce patient falls, pressure ulcers, and call light use, and contributed to significant improvements in patient satisfaction with nursing.
Conceptual Model...
recognize this, anyone?
- Goal is to promote client adaptation through regulating stimuli affecting the patient’s adaptations and behaviors.
- Health is viewed as a process of being integration of the person and the environment.
6 P's of Hourly Rounding
Type of Study we Propose...
- Qualitative Study... because we want to know what patients are saying about our care, how they feel about it, and what their experience is like.
Why this topic?
- We are always looking for ways to improve our practice.
- Patient satisfaction directly related to safety and recovery.
- Nursing Process
- Evidence Based Practice, extensive research performed on this topic
- Hospitals must maintain HCAHPS so that WE can get paid... and hopefully make more $$$