Awards and compliments
- Noble Peace Prize
- Jawaharlal prize
- Decotorate of Law prize
Early Life
As you can see Nelson
Mandella was a brave man who could fight for what he wanted. This was my presentation on Nelson Mandela. hoped you enjoyed!
adult life
- Nelson was born in South Africa .
- Nelson was born on July 18 ,1918.
- Nelsons dad pased away and Nelson was adopted.
- Nelson Mandela went to college at university of South Africa.
- Nelson had 6 sisters & 3 brothers.
- Nelson Mandela maried Graca Marchelle.
- Nelson Mandela had 6 children.
- In Nelsons adult years he fought for african american rights.
- Nelson Mandela was a very intelligent and powerful man.
Nelsons famous years
Nelson Mandela changed the world by breaking the system of segregating the nation according to race.