Apple's CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Spplier Code of Conduct 2005
- Posted Supplier Reports on Website in 2007
- Collected Audits of it suppliers
Issues with CSR in the Past
What is CSR?
- Businesses around the whole world use this concept to take initiative to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on the environment and impact on social welfare.
- 147 facilities failed to properly store, move or handle chemicals
- 85 sites failed to labe hazardous material
- 100 facilities weren't recycling or disposing of hazardous waste.
- Apple statement:
- 'we do not tolerate environmental violations of any kind'
- This statement is false!
About Apple
Apple's Criticisms
- Trying to avoid bad publicity
- Lack of transparency
- keeping information on its products and services secret.
- established in Jan 3, 1977
- Design, Manufacturers and Markets:
- Mobile communication
- media devices
- Example:
- iPad, iMac, iPod, Apple TV, professional software applications
- Fad faults and failures
- input more money into advertising than practicing them.
- companies can use $5 million on feeding African children rather than spending $10million advertising it.
- vague claims without evidence such as:
- 'empowering workers'
- 'a better world together'
- 'helping local communities'
are called whitewashing and greenwashing.
Is Apple CSR Working?
Recommendations and Justifications
- Forbes questions Apple corporation's social responsibility.
- 'What is Apple's Social Responsibility?'
- Identifies that Apples CSR does not grab attention.
Environmentally Responsible
CSR Used in Apple's Operations
- Legal Responsibilities
- anti-harassment and abuse
- wages, benefits and contracts
- grievance mechanisms
- Ethical Responsibilities
- Are they doing the right thing?
- Consumer Location Responsibilities
- Does it contribute to the broader communities?
- believe that true innovation must consider everything.
- mission: leave the world better than it was found.
- Case Study:
Apple is building a solar farm in China to offset energy use.
- Consider recycled water.
- designs their products with cleaner, safer material
- Employees are united to discuss CSR
- Prevents Human Rights issue by:
- Sourcing responsibly
- Respect the environment by:
- protecting waterways
- Case Study:
installed screens and barriers in a facility in Suzhou.
Apple's Corporate Social Responsibility